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IMDb member since January 2017
Jekyll Island (2017)
Don't waste your time
17 January 2017 - 15 out of 22 users found this review helpful.
This movie give the word awful a bad name. The one thing that would make this movie good, is if was never made. The plot was weak and the camera work/ editing bounced around like 2 year old on a sugar high.
I could see a potentially good movie if it was taken in a different direction. Sending text messages tipping off to the planned attack, come on that sounds like something a high schooler would do, not a (Blank - sorry no spoilers) would do. There is too many holes in this movie for me to get past.
At one point in the movie a White House document was shown signed by Hillary Clinton. Either the writers assumed she'd win the election or she's corrupt enough to be a part of the crash. I'll leave that up to you on how you see it.
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