The Tatta's is a new comedy directed by Jamel Aattache, director of Heavy Love.
In the film, Erik (Leo Alkemade) and his family have to exchange their rich lives for a poorer life after a wrong investment. Here they are confronted by a completely different lifestyle.
Despite their opposite way of life, Erik and his family manage to become friends with their new neighbors after a while. Erik tries to adapt well and hopes not to ruin his new life again.
The scenario where characters suddenly have to exchange their rich lives for a cheaper life due to different reasons, is already a well-known storyline in the film world. The story of this movie is only written by budding writers for whom this movie is only their first writing in the front of a movie.
Unfortunately, this is reflected in the quality of this film. Most of the movie's characters come across as characters from an older era. These then only exist in current situations. As a result, the characters and situations in the film do not match well.
Thanks to the trailer, the film is also quickly on the predictable side and as a viewer you can roughly predict what will happen. For example, most comedy also remains on the predictable side, so that it no longer really comes across as comical. Sometimes it comes across unintentionally strange.
Thanks to the lesser script, the film cast doesn't get much to work with either. With most of them you can see that they are acting and just reading their texts.