Yip Man 4 (2019) Poster


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A good film with some exaggeration not completely for audience of today
Raffinato19 August 2020
Like all 3 films before this one the plots are based on real historic events, and in order for ALL audience to get the "message" and create a contrast of the two sides so they can root for the good guys, filmakers always exaggerates, e.g. twice the hate, twice the shame, twice the fall, or else it's just a boring documentary. It's the type of risk the investors nowadays might not want to take if the "message" isn't clear. So here we are with the film as it is.

The portrayed Americans are unrealistically dumb, and their dialogue seem like it came out of a high school play. There's a bunch of scenes which all they do is provoke a fight and be as bad as they can be. For the audience these parts are extremely uncomfortable to watch, and awkward. But after these scenes everything's back to normal for a while.

The fight scenes are superb, just great. The Chinese actors all did a wonderful job of acting, even though I think they should speak Mandarin to each other instead of one guy Mandarin and the other guy Cantonese.

Haters and patriots are not going to like it because it's a film made mainly for Chinese audience, but we're here to see some fights so don't get sucked into all that political propaganda.
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Racism was wayyy overplayed
svtcobra33126 July 2020
The good, watchable parts of the movie centered on Donnie Yen and the challenges of parenting. The martial arts scenes were entertaining and effective, as was the presence of Bruce Lee and his school. Banda Margraf balanced all the heavy characters like a breath of fresh air, her character was like able, watchable, and gave Ip Man insight. The story was mostly set in San Francisco, so as a yank it was disconcerting to see the many little things that the movie didn't get right. The big things, like the closest Marine base is 300 miles away, are forgiveable (they're telling a story and need a villain). But the little things, like federal officers would be bearded and wearing black leather jackets, like Kung fu movie villains, took away from the movie. And just to get this straight, A Marine can not walk into an ICE building and demand a prisoner be handed over since the ICE agent is more afraid of losing his pension than of getting beaten. This film is tainted by claiming that overt violent hatred of Chinese, to the extent that our military targeted them, existed. This at a time when China is trying to make the US look bad so they can illegally grab the South China Sea.
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Run out of ideas
xiaohei-801121 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable weak story, everything set up with a purpose to fight.fight pattern is combine part 1 to 3.As Donnie admit his age is catching up, can't have any more fight scene so whole production team in a rush to get this movie done badly.Reycle story which use other races insulting to get the public anger as to provide demogogy at the end of movie.Will be better if change the movie message from racist hatred to inherit the spirit of kung-fu as this is final already.But have to admit Donnie portray Yip man so well and become a classic in everyone hearts.
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By far the worst of the IP Man movies
teropaananen16 April 2020
I consider the IP Man movies the best kung-fu movies, period. Especially the first two. My expectations were high. They were not met.

This movie is just recycling the formula of the prior movies, but does it much worse. The fight scenes also didn't really match the intensity and choreography of any of the earlier films. The stuff in between the fight scenes was poorly written with poor acting. Donnie Yen is so much better than this. Thankfully this should be the end of this movie franchise.

Now do a film about Bruce Lee at IP Man's school.
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If The Third Time's the Charm, Then the Fourth Is...?
MackMonMay8726 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Director Wilson Yip has teamed with worldwide martial arts movie legend Donnie Yen yet again to finish up the series about the first teacher of none other than Bruce Lee in a conclusion choreographed by Yuen Woo-Ping, who's also given us some of the greatest fight scenes ever put to film. Ip Man 4 is about acclaimed Wing Chun Kung-Fu master Ip Man travelling to the United States after being invited to visit by his number one student who has opened up schools on the West Coast and is thriving as an up-and-coming martial arts phenomenon. While abroad, Ip Man gets the idea to enroll his troubled son in a high-level American private school, but faces challenges adjusting from skeptical local martial arts masters in San Francisco's Chinatown, bigots, and even the military.

The Wing Chun style is all about cutting down on excess movement and getting straight to the point, so let me do the same: the fight scenes in Ip Man 4 are fantastic, some of the series' finest, with many intricate applications of Wing Chun on display. Donnie Yen's Ip Man uses the style in fresh and complex ways to counter techniques he hasn't encountered before in other matches in the franchise. The film also scales back the content of the fight scenes a little bit from 3, where Ip Man was shown to take on entire gangs and crowded markets full of bad guys, as well as fighting Mike "Punch-Out" Tyson, and brings the fight scenes back to the quick, decisive duels that made the first film stand out. None of Donnie Yen's 57 years of age are present during any of the fight scenes. He looks faster, smoother, and more in-control than many untrained actors more than half his age.

It's not just martial arts mastery that Donnie Yen excels at in Ip Man 4. With much of the screentime of the supporting cast from the other films cut down, or not available due to their characters passing away out of the story, Donnie Yen gives the best performance of the movie, with strong commendations also going to Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan who plays does a sharp, energetic job playing Bruce Lee (attention Mike Moh from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and Tarrantino too: this is how you pay tribute to an Asian-American icon and a martial arts legend). The only thing is that Ip Man 4 misses the opportunity to put Bruce and Ip Man together in more of the movie, which feels like a let-down, because on some level, the entire series has been building up to this point to a degree.

The first thing that stood out to me about the trailer for Ip Man was how glaringly over-the-top and historically inaccurate the content of the movie seemed. Every single Ip Man installment has stretched the truth and bent the record on what's historically accurate, but one of the largest flaws of Ip Man 4 is how far they take this content in the series conclusion. If you know anything about the real Ip Man, or even just peruse his Wikipedia page before seeing the movie, the amount that they romanticize the truth starts to get distracting. Ip Man never set foot in the USA, and yet this film features him facing off against an extremely racist Gunnery Sergeant played by another martial arts screen legend: Scott Adkins.

Much of the plot points from Ip Man 2 are repeated: Ip Man moves to a new community where he has to prove himself to a council of Chinese Kung Fu elders that are skeptical of him, the leader of which becomes his close friend after a challenge match, and the villain of the film is a larger, racist, loudmouthed fighter from a foreign country that thinks that Asians, particularly Chinese people, are weak, and uses a strength-based fighting style in contrast to Ip Man's precise, speed-based that makes use of superior angles and leverage. In both films, the bully character either kills or severely hurts Ip Man's rival-turned-friend in a challenge match, and in both films Ip Man avenges his friend's loss by winning a hard-fought battle in front of a crowd of onlookers.

It's satisfying to watch a humble, kind, intelligent guy like Ip Man who just wants to mind his own business beat a loudmouthed, offensive bully to a pulp on one hand, but on the other, we've seen the series do this exact same story and structure before. After a certain point, you had to wonder why Wilson Yip and Donnie Yen didn't just choose to create an original character inspired by Ip Man, but change the name and some of the events so that it doesn't ignore real history so much. I wonder about people watching this very popular film series and getting the completely wrong impression about who Ip Man really was and what happened in his life. If you're going to go the historical-fantasy route, then really embrace it, and have a huge fight scene where Ip Man and Bruce Lee take on a huge gang of Triad thugs in Chinatown, because why not at that point? Either choose to be more realistic or completely embrace fiction, because when you stay in the middle, you get the feeling that the finale could've been more, which is exactly how Ip Man 4 will leave you feeling.
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Donnie Yen, thank you for the finale
demolution-5970121 December 2019
Saw it at the theatres, such an amazing finale.

Donnie, you're an amazing martial artist. Lived up to IP MAN's legacy.
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A rather marvelous way to round up the Ip Man legacy...
paul_haakonsen10 February 2020
The 2019 addition to the "Ip Man" franchise is definitely well-worth taking the time to sit down and watch, especially if you have seen the previous movies that also had Donnie Yen in the role as Master Ip Man.

The continuation of the storyline is good, and I will say that the movie definitely is entertaining, and it has a good amount of mixture of genres, ranging from drama to action - of course, with a heavy focus on the latter, naturally.

I will say that "Ip Man 4: The Finale" has some of the most hard-pounding and brutal of fight scenes in the entire franchise. And those alone make it well-worth taking the time to sit down to watch this movie.

Donnie Yen returns to don the mantle of Ip Man, which he has done quite well in the previous movies. And he does so once more again here in the fourth movie.

I am rating "Ip Man 4: The Finale" a well deserving seven out of ten stars, because the storyline was good, the character development was good, and the acting was good. But most importantly, the fighting was good.
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Good fighting scenes, Finale good.
nicholastann21 December 2019
I like how the setting is displayed and there's a lot of action scenes between Donnie yen and Scott Adkins. This bring a lot of excitement to us, hope to make more of movies like this in the future.
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Disappointingly average
muamba_eats_toast15 September 2020
The IP man trilogy is one of if not my favourite film series of all time and this is just nowhere near the previous standard. The storyline and script are pretty horrific. The action scenes are still at times good and the small good moments and mere presence of Donnie Yen made me glad it still existed just about as it was better than nothing. Despite this it just felt like another generic martial arts film done on the cheap with little story a blemish on the rest of the series and unless you're a massive fan already I would probably avoid.
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A great way to end a legend's story
ansonbehind22 December 2019
IP MAN has already won the hearts of everyone since the first movie came out. The phrase "i want to beat 10 people!" has been in the heads of all viewers. The stories were well connected with the 3rd installment, indicating the life after his wife was gone due to cancer. The characters in the movie all played a very significant role in portraying the unfairness of the Americans towards immigrants, with every punch, every hate speech brings out the the worse side of a world full of racism. In the sequel, IP MAN took quite some blows while comfronting Americans that were bullying the Chinese there, which lead to a series of events that eventually lead to the final fight with the American marines. In the 4th sequel, the director also did a very good job in displaying an old IP MAN in the making, gasping for air every time he is knocked down, swinging away the pain from the injuries he has taken. It truly tells us that IP MAN is aging along with all the sequels, and this would be his final stand. Overall, the movie was very touching and thrilling at the same time, so I am giving it a 8/10. Well done!
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It's not just the fighting scenes
chinwengseng21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The success of Ip Man is not just because of the martial arts but it's also supported by a story line that covers the relationship between Ip Man and friends and his family, since its first installment. Likewise in this final episode, the story begins with the broken relationship between father and son, which probably creates the few most memorizing moments of the movie. A good one that ends the story well.
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More about racism than anything
iceman888699 February 2020
The fight scenes were good as usual and I love the depiction of Ip Man as being calm, honorable and good. It was nice to see Bruce Lee in a few scenes, very few. You can feel that the end of Ip Man is coming in how the story moves along. I did enjoy this movie to a point because it gave a conclusion to Ip Man's story, but half of the movie seemed to be focused on white people being racist toward every other race which most movies and tv shows in this age of political correctness like to focus on now.

There is a big difference in the story telling from the first Ip Man to this final installment. The first had a great story that did not try to stereotype anyone or any race. This one is focused on race period. If you want to see the conclusion to a once great franchise, I recommend this as a rental, but otherwise, I cannot recommend it.
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Inaccurate history of Bruce
mtgc13324 December 2019
Yip Man was a real Kung Fu master. But the movies of Yip Man are wholly fictional.

Bruce Lee was a student of Yip. But Bruce, instead of practicing Wing Chun, developed a new martial arts: Jeet Kune Do.

Most of the favourite students of Bruce are Non Chinese. In fact, the Kung Fu masters in USA were usually challenged by Chinese not Westerners.
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thomasmitilis199514 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
PROS:Donnie Yen delivers once again a stunning performance as Ip Man. The choreography is stellar, especially the fighting of Bruce Lee in the alley and the confrontation between Ip Man and the other teacher. The cinematography is impressive and the camera movements in the final fighting between Yen and Adkins are captivating and you feel every punch they give each other. It's clear that Adkins has a lot of fun as the over the top villain. CONS:The biggest problem of the movie is the way that racism is presented. Sure, there was plenty of discrimination in the 60s but the purpose here seems to be not the illustration of racism but the advocacy of chinese nationalism. The villains are pretty dull and very cartoonish. Moreover, there's no point for the marines to prove which fighting is inferior (kung fu or karate). The sublot with the cheerleeder leads nowhere and the relationship between Ip Man and his son is underdeveloped. Also, the discipline in the US military is nonexistent (the chinese soldier constanly disobeys Adkin's character).
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What an Ending to the Donnie Yen Saga
gabriellkramer11 January 2020
Worth the writing and story-telling of this saga, I honestly think two more films could have worked. The fight scenes were incredible and of course loved the story.

I thought the racism was over the top, initially, but talking with my mother in law who watched it with me and lived through darker days in the US, she said she witnessed exactly that against the Asian community. I feel like this was spot on for those times. Sad but true.

Ip Man's character is a marvel to watch. I truly love what Donnie Yen and Wilson Yip have created here. Master story tellers and martial artists.

I was truly in awe with the fight scenes. And Bruce Lee was incredible!!! They nailed it man. I guess no more Ip Man, but every year I watch them over and over. Now thankfully I have one more to add.

Thank you Donnie Yen. Thank you Wilson Yip. Hopefully you can continue the story with Bruce Lee.
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Magnificent fight scenes.
houstons-8295216 April 2020
My only objection is the selection of a 40+ yrs old actor to play a 24yrs old Bruce Lee. The aged face of that actor was more than obvious. Aside from that, i really enjoyed the movie. All four of them are excellent movies.
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A must watch
abdullah-5391431 December 2019
Now that's how you make a proper film. The whole movie was super impressive. Never got bored.
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Finaltastic Package
Otuoacheampong9725 December 2019
For almost a decade now, a trademark by this IP Man series has been its scintillating stunt coordination. Indeed, the energy flow between heroes and villians is a bedrock for capturing cognitive positive reviews over the years; for the foregoing statement, much can be said about this series. IP Man's character portrayed by Donnie Yen provides a natural flow of energy that takes viewers mind backwards to the reality of time concerning the real legend. Bringing on board the performance of Scott Adkins in this films wows the audience with his experience in these genres; together, the duo made directing appreciative and arguably faultless-the impact of experience. Its Production Design is also a good testimony of how the series had fared over the years. A Great setting vividly combining reality and fiction for a demanding crowd.
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Great story
lionel_191221 December 2019
Unfortunately the last one. But the ending is also what makes it great
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IP Man sticks to its strengths but doesn't do anymore
MovieWarfare7 March 2020
I have a been a huge fan of the Ip Man series ever since the first movie came out in 2008. I watched all of the films in the series including the spinoff "Master Z: Ip Man legacy". So, of course, I was going to go see this movie as well, especially considering its the last one in the main Ip Man films. Unfortunately, I came out feeling very disappointed in this movie.

Let's start with the positives. The first and probably the reason most people come to watch this film is the fight scenes. They are still very well choreographed and this iteration features a variety of different type of martial arts including western Karate. Seeing how they choreographed different fighting styles. The fighting is also fast-paced and stylistic. The second has to be Donnie Yen's marvellous performance as the titular character Ip Man. He continues to embody the character perfectly and give a convincing dialogue as a man with many wisdom. Likewise, I also have to praise Wu Yue as Wan Zong-Hua (chairman of the Chinese Benevolent Association) for providing a contrasting character to Ip Man belief but still give that aura of wisdom. Danny Chan returns as Bruce Lee from Ip Man 3 and he is still great and resembles him. The score from Kenji Kawai returns and is also still really good at elevating every scene albeit it is still kinda similar to that of all the previous entries.

Now let's get to all the negatives from this film. Firstly, while I did praise the fights and its choreography; it's not very memorable. Each film tends to have one or multiple fights that stick in your mind: The first film had the fight against 10 Japanese karate fighters, the second with the fish market fight and the table fight and the fight against the boxer, the third film with the fight against Mike Tyson and the final fight. However, the fights in this film don't come close to the memorable fights of previous films. The closest it gets is maybe the Ip man vs Wan Zong-Hua or the Ip Man vs Scott Adkins (can't even remember his character's name...). Even those fights feel short and underwhelming at points. Secondly, why is every character in this film also borderline cartooney? There have been some over the top characters in previous entries but it was usually just one for comic relief but in this film, it feels like apart from the three characters I listed above; everyone else is over the top. This blend of serious performances from some actors with the over the top from others is very jarring. For example, Scott Adkins plays this over the top racist general but he is so blatantly racist and acts like a stereotypical general that it makes you wonder how he was even employed. Thirdly, the story is atrocious and lacks any nuance or depth. The story is simply Ip Man goes to America to get his son a school there and some weird racist stuff happens with Bruce Lee doing just kind of being there. The message in this film is, of course, exploring racism and they do kind of try to make it subtle with Bruce Lee who trains western people despite criticism from the Chinese people. HOWEVER, they waste Bruce Lee in this film by not even remotely having him involved in the main plot! He could have been used to show that it was possible for acknowledgement between Chinese and western people but they don't even utilise this. Instead, we got over the top racist people trying to get rid of all Chinese people and prove Kung fu sucks so Ip Man has to stop him and convince some people otherwise. Due to them not utilising Bruce Lee more, the message of this film ends up feeling like western people are racist and bad even though this contrast Bruce Lee and even Ip Man point within this film. It doesn't feel like a necessary story to tell for Ip Man with only a couple of things adding to his character like cancer and filming his training I guess? Also, this racist thing has already been done in Ip Man 2 so it is weird they are doing it again even if it explored slightly better. It just feels like similar ground and too much of a retread. Additionally, they decide to up the melodrama with all these family drama that really feels like they were trying to force some kind of character development.

Overall, this film is a disappointing entry with its huge waste of story potential. However, the movie retains a lot of what makes IP Man a great martial art movie. The grounded, brutal yet fluid realistic fights are still there and are still great as always. The fluid interplay between contrasting martial arts are still great. Donnie Yen continues giving a wised yet graceful performance as the titular character with an elegant yet ferocious fighting style. Additionally, the last 15-20 minutes of this movie is very thrilling and also a very satisfying conclusion to the legacy of this franchise. In the end, this movie still provides fans with what made them fall in love with this franchise in the first place and sticking to its strengths still makes for a very good time.
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hc-881527 January 2020
As a Chinese, this was nothing but embarrassing. It has no plot, no acting skills, and no moral. It portrayed Americans as brainless prejudiced hatred-filled demons. The essence of the movie is pretty much "hey, Chinese pig you want to fight?" "Sure, lets fight." Please Avoid if you cherish your time and your life.
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Finale, but not as good as expected
ryanmo-3517818 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode of Ip Man, where his wife already dead and he is also facing cancer. To further the study of his son, he had to visit US for a school. However, the racism discrimination was significant at that time. Although I do not know much about the history, but I think this topic is too heavy and it seems all white people are bad guys which I cannot agree. Although the plot is normal the fight scenes are still good, but is strange that a solider can knock down the king fu masters of China so easily? But the introduction of Bruce Lee is exciting and it's great that this episode finally comes to the end~
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Bare with it.
eeriechills14 February 2021
This movie starts of a tad ridiculous with absolutely ridiculous voice over artists but as the movie progresses the story becomes more apparent with some good fight sequences and storyline. I wouldn't say the acting is first class but passable. You get the feeling of going backwards and forwards from classic Hong Kong martial arts movies to American high school movies. They did at least not dub the American scenes.
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Just a Shadow of the First Film
Slarkshark16 July 2023
Most can probably agree that the 'Ip Man' films just got worse as time went on. The action was always great, but the general story lines and acting just went downhill.

As much as I loved Donnie Yen playing Ip Man, I'm glad he's done, at least I certainly hope so. Bruce Lee was basically just a random throw in character and was reduced to a very limited role, when he should have been one of the main characters and plot points. Instead racism is the plot. The acting, especially by anyone who wasn't Chinese was absolutely horrendous, so cringe every time, aside from maybe Scott Adkins.

The first film is phenomenal. Filled with not only great action, but great emotion. The others, especially number 4, just couldn't emulate it, even though they tried.
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An epic ending of the Yip Man saga! Donnie Yen done it again! A must watch action film!
kwenchow20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with Yip Man watching his student "Bruce Lee" fighting at the San Francisco stadium, flashback of he diagnose having cancer, one of Bruce Lee's student invite Yip Man to San Francisco watching him demonstrate Chinese martial art, and an U.S. local Chinese community leader "Wan Zong Hua" refuse to writing a recommendation letter for Yip Man, because Bruce Lee teaching white people martial art scene! As turnout, this chapter is about a marine officer "Barton" despise Chinese Kung Fu, he want to defeat all the Chinese Kung Fu master to prove karate more superior, and Yip Man stood out to defend them! Entire film full of touching and intense martial art scene! Touching scene! Such as, Yip Man's son eventually answer his father call, after he knowing his father had cancer! All the martial art scene actually quite over par and satisfy! Such as, first one, Bruce Lee fighting with a man at the street scene! The nunchaku playing by Bruce Lee surprising good in this scene! He never hit by the nunchaku on the face! Second one, Yip Man fighting with Wan Zong Hua scene! This scene eventually end with the house shaking and the chandelier fell down! Third one, Colin fight with Hartman at the marine training ground scene! The martial art in this scene also quite intense and watchable! Fourth one, Colin challenge all the Chinese Kung Fu master at the Chinatown scene! This scene eventually end with Yip Man take down Colin by his famous "Yip Man punch"! Fifth one, Barton take down several man at the martial art school scene! This scene had things broken and quite impressive kicking and punching! Sixth one, Barton fighting with Wan Zong Hua scene! Barton defeat Wan Zong Hua in this scene! This scene had hand and leg broken and bloody scene! Last one, surely is the most epic one! Barton fight with Yip Man scene! Yip Man wounded on the ground and mock by Barton, Yip Man eventually defeat Barton by broken his leg, hand and neck! At the end, Yip Man back to his house and teaching his son martial art! Yip Man want his son record he hitting the dummy! Yip Man died and Bruce Lee attend his funeral! That's it! Definitely a must watch film for action fans! Surely we will remember the significant quote of this saga forever! "I want fight with ten men"!
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