Marcus: [Address on the Television] My fellow Washingtonians, my name is Dr. Marcus Grange. And I come before you today with a warning. As you reel from the desecration of yet another symbol of your great democracy, know that this is just a balancing of the scales. The ignorance and petty political games of your elected representatives have caused untold damage to science. They're the ones who have brought this retribution down on your heads, and none bear more responsibility than Senator Jason Aldrich. Senator, you like to talk about drawing a line in the sand when it comes to government waste. What about the waste of years of a man's life, hm? Breakthroughs that will never be made because you valued the almighty dollar above the pursuit of knowledge. I'm here to tell you that this is just the beginning. The people of this city will continue to pay for what you've done, and when I'm through, if you're not already dead, the survivors will run you out of the ruins on a rail. Just think: if you hadn't canceled Thunderhead, you'd be able to do what I can do. Control the weather itself. I've realized a dream that men have had since the dawn of time. The desecration of yet another symbol of your great democracy. Petty, political games have caused untold damage to science. I am Thor, I am the God of Storms, and I will have my revenge! The almighty dollar above the pursuit of knowledge. But this is... the beginning.