The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009) Poster

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Yeeee Haaaaa White Trash Party Time
lamoreauxba15 February 2011
I first scanned by this movie while staying at a hotel. At first while channel flipping I thought it was a bad episode of cops. Only after further viewing did I realize it was much much worse.... and better.

Although the documentary format leaves something to be desired, the subjects fill the time with their crazy lifestyles. No real way to describe the documentary.

One strange phenomenon is that the young kids are much smarter than the adults. The adults have fried their brains on drugs for so many years that some of them can barely talk.

Check it out.

"They took her baby. Prolly cause they found drugs in it."
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Something to behold
mevers2823 February 2011
I caught this late last night on Showtime or IFC, and was mesmerized by the ignorance of the characters and the utter disregard they displayed for common sense. I mean I could not take my eyes off of the train-wreck-of-a-clan. They possess no ability to think things through. They are ultimately grown children who don't understand the consequences of their actions. I was in awe of their shear stupidity, and even more fascinated with the women of this clan. Shocking, disturbing, and infuriating when you realize that the tax-payers are supporting them.

All in all, I think it was good film-making. I definitely learned something, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in "rarely seen cultures" within America. Or to anyone who just wants to feel better about themselves.
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Like an argument for euthanasia....
planktonrules12 February 2011
This documentary is like a train's awful, it's ugly...but you can't stop watching. It really is mesmerizing....and I've never seen anything like it and it's sad that it's apparently true and the people in the film are so happy, proud and open about their completely sick and crazy lives. The movie follows the White family in West Virginia, an extended family that is about as trashy and worthless as any in the world...and a wonderful argument for retroactive euthanasia. I know that's horrible to say that, but watching this inter-generational family on their BEST behavior on camera is like the very, very worst families on "The Jerry Springer Show"---on crack. The White family's prison records, drug use, violence and ignorance is overwhelming to watch--it's just hard to imagine a clan like this being proud of themselves--and I could imagine this film being shown in various countries where they hate Americans so they could 'prove' how evil and decadent we really are!

While the film is awful to watch, it has several qualities that I would consider important to a truly excellent documentary. First, the narration is minimal and lets the subjects themselves just talk...and talk...and talk. Second, the subjects are allowed to do or say whatever they want....and this seeming lack of direction is what makes it so compelling. Sad, sick and provocative...this is one to see.

By the way, my timing for watching this film was amazing. I'd just watched "Idiocracy"--a film that warns us that this sort of family IS our future--especially as the ignorance and irresponsible seem to breed at a VERY high rate. Sad...very, very sad.
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So gross
chyrece-6989116 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This docu was fascinating but those people ...Imagine having a baby and snorting some pills in your hospital room and then being so shocked that you have to leave the hospital without your baby because they are concerned for her well-being. Come back few days later to "see" her and find out CPS took her because of your drug and alcholol abuse. You're SO upset, go to taco bell and then out to the bar drinking that same night. Imagine being proud of telling the story of how you stabbed someone. Imagine shooting your own uncle. Imagine being at your 85 year old mothers birthday party and sitting in the living room smoking weed, drinking and snorting coke with the kids running around. None of them work, Most are involved in illegal activities or working the system. These people are garbage and should not be allowed to procreate so the bloodline dies out.
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A documentary that you would watch with others - while drinking
rosecalifornia30 July 2015
It is a candid and intimate documentation of what can easily be termed a hillbilly family. If many families look deep enough into their ancestry right now, they will see that many have roots back into those very hills, however many families moved on to bigger and better pastures.

The whites have stayed and have made a name for themselves in town and the surrounding areas. You are immediately pulled in to watch what happens next to each family member, and it helps that the movie provides a family tree so you can see who is connected to the next branch. A little upsetting to see such extensive drug use by certain family members at specific time periods.

This movie allows you to laugh and point fingers without feeling much guilt. And on another level it allows you to clearly see how dysfunction and addiction moves from one generation to the next. Kind of makes you think the only way to break that cycle is to completely up and move a person to a whole other area breaking ties.

A very real family shown with warts and all, it also includes tender moments and fun times.
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An incredible case study on dysfunctional families
solomonmethod1 February 2011
I work in a therapeutic residential environment. I specialise in taking care of children who come from families like this. Everyday is a battle to try and undo the behaviours that they learned from the people they grew up around.

Drugs and gang culture is the norm. They act impulsively as soon as there's a gut feeling. There is very little planning for the future if any at all ever. No consequence training. No boundary setting. The word "no" is a signal to begin arguing or to throw a tantrum. They tend to be self serving and inconsiderate. I deal with laziness, they're always expecting to be served by others. They put up a fuss when it's their turn to help out in even the smallest way. Also, families like this typically distrust professional institutions run by educated people.

They wonder why their lives are the way they are and they can't figure it out. "It must be the Devil in us" one of them says. Change can only happen when people are willing to look at their own selves critically. Life is all about the choices that we make.

These guys have a looooong way to go.
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Entetaining for all the wrong reasons
cworld14-989-9917078 January 2012
Do you want to see a documentary about a dysfunctional hillbilly family tree? This might be right up your alley. Generation after generation of low-life self righteous law breaking misfits trying to convince everyone they come in contact with that every facet of their life is someone else's fault. We are treated to the day by day existence of lazy, do-nothing, alcoholic druggies as they abuse themselves and everyone they come in contact with. Not a member of this family is in the least bit likable, and no one is spared as they seem to literally look for trouble day and night. Unlike a good movie, there is no satisfaction at watching the deserving parties get his or her just rewards, They just keep coming at you like a plague, generation after generation of the scum of the earth teaching each new brood how to get by without ever working for anything and living off of others. Just reminds us all of the human element that we could all do without and would certainly not miss. Wow, how unfortunate for the rest of us that people like this really exist. I am a Christian and always will be but this family is convincing evident for the theory of evolution.
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Brought to you by Budweiser and Marlboro...
ElijahCSkuggs9 November 2010
...and marijuana.

With the Dancing Outlaw 1 and 2, White Lightnin', and an episode of Roseanne, our beloved Jesco has been the main White focus; but not anymore. Jesco is still on-hand, guffawing, tapping and being just a good ole boy, but we now get a glimpse of the bigger picture. The whole dang White family tree.

In The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, you're introduced to a whole bunch of Whites. And in the beginning you may be slightly confused with who's who and what's what. But eventually, you get the swing of things as the film turns and basically places it's attention on the female side of the Whites; The trio of the Biggest (Mamie), the Meanest (Sue Bob) and the Baddest (Kirk), and I can't forget Mousie, or the gentle Bertie Mae.

Of course going into this film you're expecting the craziness and entertainment that the family is known for delivering, and that's all well and good. But really, it wouldn't have been enough for this doc to succeed. What had me nodding in approval after the film had concluded was the layer of emotion the movie delivered. Jesco has spoken in the past about the misfortunes of the White family, but it's not until now do you really grasp it. Unless you've gone through similar things yourself.

The White Family is undoubtedly questionable and intimidating with their life-styles. At the same time they live a very predictable life-style that unfortunately seems to repeat itself. Lots of sadness, violence and drug abuse revolve around this family, and they mask a lot of their sadness by rolling with the flow, and living up to their legendary name. And it kinda makes me think this streak that they're going on, may come to a sad and depressing halt. Then again, they're quite obviously tough, crafty and without a doubt survivors. I just hope they can learn to embrace their rebel ways, while slowing down on the drugs. One White made it out, and it seems Kirk is on the way.
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A good documentary about garbage and junkies.
deloudelouvain14 January 2020
You couldn't be more white thrash than The Whites if you tried. Watching "normal white thrash" is already entertaining, let's just say we like to watch people beneath us, but watching The Whites is just of another level, that family is the lowest of the low. You wonder how in a country like the United States, that have the most prisoners per capita, that those scumbags are still in liberty. You don't even need evidence, they're just that stupid that they tell everything criminal they did openly, in a documentary about their pathetic junkie life. If The Whites would have been "The Browns" they would already have been shot by the police, or all rot in jail. Anyway, the documentary is well shot, the subjects are just what people like to watch now, in this reality-tv-age, a bunch of losers that just make our own lives look better.
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Wonderful Depiction of a Dysfunctional Clan
BobbyG13 August 2011
You really can't imagine anyone doing a much better job depicting this scourge on society. I've watched this three times and showed it to friends. No one seems to be able to turn away from the Whites.

Being born into that family is an incredible handicap. Life really isn't fair for some people from the git-go, especially those who are addicted to drugs in the womb.

Also, we all aren't created equal, because although crafty, the Whites are completely dim and dysfunctional in their outlook towards life. The sad thing is that there are many people like the Whites in America; leeches on the rest of us, sucking the lifeblood out of this country.
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Home entertainment
killercharm9 August 2020
It takes all kinds to make a world, lucky for us, because it's never boring that way. The Whites are a fascinating train wreck. They are hillbillies, proud of it and HELL yes. They love their family, love each other even at their worst. Wear their heart on their sleeve, nothing wrong with that.
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I would put it in a collection along side Grey Gardens
doco217 February 2011
A Dickhouse Production, the same folks who brought us Jackass and Wildboyz. That should be a big clue regarding the content of this production.

I caught it somewhere near the beginning or rather it caught me and I couldn't get loose from it. It is that fascinating to be sure. The entire White family is very entertaining and educational. Their lives are an inspiration to educate oneself and rise up from the hellhole of ignorance.

Of course it's very easy to judge these people for their way of life, but I believe there is a deeper message here and that is Freedom, we are free to live as we please in this country. If we want to remain ignorant and lazy we can, if we want to succeed that is also attainable.

I know people like this, some of us have relatives like these people. However, they are not representative of the entire Appalachian population. Every town and county in the USA has a family just like the Whites.

If you do have a chance to see this movie, I would suggest leaving your high horse in the barn and keeping an open mind, you may be enlightened somewhat. I would put it in a collection along side Grey Gardens.
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Entertaining cringe comedy is hilarious, but too openly mocks it's subjects to be taken seriously
a_chinn12 November 2021
Hilarious documentary that's really a cringe comedy involving a colorful (and criminal) West Virginia family. The White Family is filled with outrageously colorful and literally criminal characters who are endlessly entertaining to watch in a Jerry Springer sort of way. However, the filmmakers are clearly mocking their subjects and hold them in contempt, which makes the film seem less objective and more simply a sneering elitist hit piece on these uneducated criminal hill folk. Still, the White Family is so outrageous, it's a train wreck that's impossible to look away from and compulsively watchable.
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Spoiler Alerts!
huey0918 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I tuned into this in the middle and was captured so I had TiVo record the entire show. It looked a true reality doc. It was sad, funny, but all too real. Having been a photographer and traveled to many states I know that there are Whites in every city. You just need to turn over the right rocks.

I enjoyed the doc but it stuns me how people like that continue to hold on to their kids. If you think we have become an entitlement country just watch the doc. It angers me that my taxes go to support people like the Whites who laugh in our faces. We should have more such docs and they should be shown to senate and congress. In the meantime, taxpayers should watch the documentary and let their voices be known.
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Walk on a different side of the road
StevePulaski31 July 2011
I kept thinking while watching The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, what would my initial reaction to this film be if I saw it a few years ago? I had a totally different outlook on life, and thought, if it's not like me it's clearly not right. When I watched the 2003 drama Party Monster, I reflected on the same thing I'm reflecting on now. Just because one's way of life is different, doesn't make it wrong.

If the White family in this film is happy living the way they are, go ahead. I don't approve of it, but I'm mature enough to respect it. The film focuses on a famous outlaw family living in Boone County, West Virginia where lawlessness, shootouts, drugs, and rowdy-behavior isn't uncommon. It's not like the suburbs or the city, it's worse. Way worse.

There are a number of characters in the White family. The most famous is D. Ray White's son Jesco White, a tap dancer who was the subject of the film The Dancing Outlaw. We see Mamie White as well, my favorite character, who is oldest daughter of the deceased outlaw D. Ray White. Mamie introduces some of the deceased members of the White family at the beginning of the film so we're brought up to speed.

So many other characters are introduced as well like Sue Bob White, another daughter of D. Ray White who is trying to cope with her son's possible jail sentence. We also get the cousins/grandchildren of D. Ray White like Kirk White, a woman fighting to be clean and see her newly born child. All I can say is that this family is checkered and free as a bird.

There is almost no discipline in their household. Everyone acts like a grown child, and no one thinks or even cares about the consequences of their actions. Nobody ever stops and thinks "why, or what?" They just do. Country musician Hank Williams III claims in an interview the reason the Whites, and many other people residing in Boone County are so crazy is because they all had something happen in their lives that was enough to scar them and just have a more rowdy look on life.

Hank Williams III plays a big role in the White's life. He is almost like a saint or a God in them. They love his music. They dance to it, sing along to it, and pretty much rock out to it. I, myself, am a big Hank Williams III fan because I love his southern sound, and feel he is one of the few true country musicians around now. He is truly one of the best singers in the genre today.

This is the kind of film that is odd, wacky, witty, dark, raunchy, and sometimes disgraceful, but you can't look away. You have to watch these people take life head on, not caring about the consequences. Truly, they are careless. Even when one of the Whites goes to rehab, you feel she is obligated to go rather than she wants to. She would much rather party-hardy, but instead must do the right thing.

Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine serve as producers of this project. There is a sense of their Jackass style here. Every cut seems like it's missing "Hi, I'm "so-and-so" White and this is how we inhale fumes!" I like the style, and it's good to see there is a different direction stemming from the Jackass boys.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia is one of those documentaries that is not filled with morals. The message is basic; "we do what we want, when we want, accept the consequences, whatever they me, and we embrace the fun we are about to have." I respect it, but still, am sort of disgusted by their way of life. It's interesting and unique, but they keep saying they want their kids to have a better life when they do nothing to put them on the right track.

But them again, I'm a suburban boy. It's not like they care what I think. They're out having fun, and living life. How can we yell at them for that? Starring: The White Family. Directed by: Julien Nitzberg.
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These families are unfortunately the norm
hillbillyloren23 October 2011
I waited a while before seeing this film because I thought it might be exactly what it was. A documentation of the sort of people I grew up around in central Missouri. While many people who have not grown up in such areas may believe that the Whites are not a significant part of the population, unfortunately many rural communities especially Southern rural areas of America produce tons of folks like the Whites.

Even those who break away from this sort of dysfunctional rural white trash lifestyle often merely become Bible thumping, intolerant leaders in the community who still do not know or understand history, art or the value of education.

It is the extremely poor schools, glorification of anti-intellectualism and Fundamentalist Christianity that produce these people generation after generation. It is these types of folks that build the base of small town American Republicans. It is not surprising that statements made by Michele Bachmann could easily sound like things said by any of the Whites. It is no accident that Hank Williams Jr said the ignorant stuff he did about playing golf with Obama and that his son is hanging out with the White family.

You can see similar homes of VERY similar people in central Missouri or my longer version at:

This is why I STRONGLY advocate a lot more funding of rural schools especially in the Midwest and the South. The increased funding should also include a great deal of Federal oversight of the schools and long term counseling to help the next few generations climb out of this ignorant and intolerant lifestyle of destruction.
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The only thing missing is a booger-flicking contest
rodhackenflasch3 April 2020
This is it folks. The bottom of the social dumpster - an extended redneck family of uneducated dysfunctonal sociopaths run by the ugliest, meanest, and dumbest women you'll ever lay eyes on. They're all unemployed substance abusers (cocaine, pills, alcohol, opiates, pot, whatever) living on the taxpayers dollar, drug money, and whatever they can steal. If you enjoy the bizarre news stories saturating today's media, like "Man Eats His Own Feces In Subway Station", or "Crazed Druggie Chews Face Off Hobo", you'll love this. You can almost smell the sweat, bad breath, dirty underwear, & spoiled tuna. Go for it!
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ReginaKWalters3 April 2016
Some of these folks seem chill, some seem a little off, some I wouldn't let myself get caught alone with.

Basically, like any family, except they do illegal things and have mountain folk accents so its shocking I guess.

I won't make a case here for drug dealing, violent crimes against creepy uncles, or sex work, only because most here don't come here because they care about this but rather because they want to laugh.

Well from the technical standpoint, its OK. It gets the job done. We all know films like this are made for those sleazy types that like to watch poor people go through hell so they can hate them, so there isn't much more to say.

If you been through sh-t and like to see people who go through sh-t talk about their lives, this film is quite a ride.

If you have never had to do sketchy sh-t to survive because you had no other options, and are proud of it, don't bother, go watch catfish or something as reprehensible.
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Funny, Sad, and Educational
demshar30 October 2012
1. I really enjoyed this movie! I get a kick out of all the White's wild behavior just as much as the next guy. However, sometimes things go a little too far and it is hard to watch. For example, in the scene taking place during Mattie's birthday things get ugly fast. The poor old woman cannot even exist peacefully in her own home without all of her degenerate children traumatizing her. Later in the movie we are shown the after effects of the years of drug abuse. When Kirk's baby is taken from her, when she has to leave her older son, and overall just the negative effects the drugs have had on these people over the years. I think that showing this movie to youth drug recovery groups would be useful as well. This movie doesn't glamorize this lifestyle at all. It shows it for what it is. I highly recommend.
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A train wreck, but I wonder...
webviking613 March 2013
This is a train wreck of a family and a train wreck of a film. You really get the impression that the jerks (there's really no other way to describe them) who made this film gave the White's enough rope to hang themselves and sat back snickering as they proceeded to do exactly that on camera. Yes, the White's are lazy, shiftless, stupid drug addicts, unfortunately, too many people in this country fit that description.

However, the one thought that sticks out in my mind about this film, is that if a similar film was made in the same way about an equally dysfunctional urban black family or reservation dwelling Native American family or any other minority family, the film makers would be pilloried as racist, bigoted jackasses.

I feel sorry for the Whites and their addictions. I feel nothing but disgust for every sick individual involved in making this film. They are more reprehensible in every way than the Whites. The Whites are ignorant or drugged out of their minds. The film makers don't even have that flimsy of an excuse.
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Ghenghy17 October 2011
I must admit, on first viewing I wasn't all that impressed, in fact I had rated this thing a 4, but after watching it a second time, maybe with a few more beers down my neck, I love this flick and I am lauging my AO!

OK, the family was crazy, but the problems with this film is that all the interesting and crazy members of this family are either dead or in jail. The rest are just a bunch of redneck trailer trash pregnant women but they are pretty entertaining. I love the scene where Bertie is released from prison, goes to steal her husband from his girlfriend's house, hijacks him to the drug store where they got prescriptions for pain pills filled while the pharmacist originally had married them. hahahahaa

This is a two hour marathon about a bunch of ignorant hicks from West Virginia. We got grandma, her daughter, and a bunch of grandkids sitting around her house smoking pot, snorting pain pills, and drinking beer they cant afford. But then how the hell do they all afford the drugs and cars cause none of them have jobs. You heard me, none of them, not one.

I guess I wasn't so impressed with this insane flick cause being from Tennessee and knowing worse families, oh yeah, there's nothing here that I haven't seen before. These guys are a bunch of Pikeys compared to the Jetts, the Stinetts, Blackwells, and the Whiteheads of Marshall County. On second thought I may be a little jealous cause I wont be doing any Oxys, Roxys, Coke, or smoking any pot at my mom's house when I go home for Thanksgiving this years.
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The Family you Love to Hate or Hate to Love
mangotangogirl11 November 2011
Normally I'd give this long, drawn out play by play review but I can't with this doc. I went into this expecting to be totally disgusted w/ this family, which, rightfully I was. At first. Not that I totally fell in love w/ them or anything but here's the thing... The freedom, the will to live and the love of family that we all wish (even if just subconsciously) we had...this is it. The good points in this movie are such that there really isn't anything I can say that won't totally ruin those moments for you. But if you're like me, tired of living the way this Country can sometimes force us to live..tired of being the poor or being the middle class that BB is drowning out...this is totally the movie for you. Now granted, I am not about to go out killing people nor would I care for a massive drug addiction to act as some form of psycho rebellion....I do admire the fact that this family...these "people" lived by their own rules, covered their own asses and well...somewhat accomplished the mild version of anarchy we all wish we could. At the risk of being vague...this is the best I can do. Emotions will run high, you will hate em, love em..then battle with what you should do more by the end. Totally enticing, entertaining, jaw dropping, utter and complete perfection. Limited commentary and mostly interviews and real footage. Best doc I've seen in quite some time. Next to American Movie of course :) *Disclaimer* The level of grammar in this flick could speak for itself, hahaha, just try to see past that whole...cluster f*** of dictionarial faux pas. (no, dictionarial is not a real word, but after this may think it is :)
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It's a Good Documentary About a Bunch of Hypocrites
chroberts-122 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good documentary. It's well made. If you watch carefully, things are juxtaposed to make subtle points.

Here's the should and it probably will make you mad. But, it's supposed to. Having said that I just need to rant a second. Hank Williams III singing about how the Whites "don't need nothing from nobody" while we're watching them talk about being on gov't assistance LIFE LONG and watching one of the girls go to rehab and you know perfectly well the state is paying for that....makes me want to punch something.

Do I have a problem with welfare or rehab? Actually, no. What I have a problem with is people glorifying this crap as "independence" when these people are 100% dependent on both the government and their addictions. They are the epitome of dependent!!

Then we have the semi-famous White saying, at the cemetary, that he doesn't understand why so many things go wrong in his family. Is it the sin? Is it demons? And I'm screaming, literally, at the TV "IT'S A DIRECT RESULT OF YOUR OWN *&^%$ ACTIONS".

Put all this up in front of the confederate flag and watch them raise the next generation to repeat the same stuff over and over all while Hank glorifies them in song and I'm ready to PUKE.
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Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virgina
crystalsadic0331 December 2010
I loved this documentary on the whites. I have lately watched it more than any other movie and have memorized all the little sayings. I loved Kirk's interview and Sue Bob's ''Do y'all got fiestas?'' This movie shows you what life is really like in Appalachia.I would love to see a part 2 or an update on this family. Great work on Julien's behalf.Mamie White the biggest meanest and baddest is hilarious with her explanation of prescription pills ''green beans'' lol. Sue bob the one deemed the sexiest one in the family, that made buckos of money in her boot every nite . Mousie who is Mamie's daughter when they pick her up from prison she says ''here's my honorable discharge papers'' no parole no s**** lol. Or when Mousie explains her ex as a ''B******D and a Cheater'' lol.
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Why was this made?
kimmcelderry31 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So they are horrible people. Why glorify this? I don't understand why this movie was made. Like one man says in the movie about a kid from the same town who was accepted to MIT, "why don't you make a movie about him?" This movie is exactly like watching Jerry Springer. The only reason to watch is because these people are disasters and you can't look away. I believe the White's "fans" are either criminals and addicts who condone and support this type of willfully ignorant lifestyle or like them as a joke, novelty, or ironically. I understand it's a documentary, but there was no substance other than "look how f'd up they are! Isn't that sooo rebel and redneck?!" There was no fulfillment at the end of this film. No realization or coming to terms. I do not believe they will ever better themselves and I do not feel bad or good for them. The most I could muster in terms of empathy was that little boy who truly loves Kirk, that part was sweet, though tragic because he will likely grow to be an addict and criminal like the rest of his family.
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