Maria Jones and 'Michelle Fairbanks ' received several weeks training in kung fu by the only American to master Shao Lin Kung Fu, Donald Finley, who makes an appearance as the bearded man during the bar fight.
Several actors, including Blair Womble, Clayton Smith and Cade Barron were real students at Pflugerville High School which served as the location for Palace High. They were cast before the final high school location had been determined.
Ally's position and number (22) pay respect to Emmitt Smith and his career with the Dallas Cowboys.
The extreme back-lit look of several scenes were inspired by a classic anime technique, but Brittney's vision in the library scene is an homage to the Dollerhyde van scene in 'Michael Mann''s Manhunter (1986).
Ally's house in the film is actually the home of the mother of the director (Mary Roland) who appears in the film as Brittney's mother.