I'm sorry I really wanted to love this
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever watched a movie and felt so underwhelmed right from the start? Well, that's exactly how I felt when I watched this one. The beginning was a drag, with Shifu telling Po that he needed to pass on his Dragon Warrior title to someone else. Not exactly the most exciting plot point to kick off a movie, right? And the way it ended just felt rushed.

To make matters worse, the fight scenes were disappointingly short, and Po hardly got to showcase his abilities. I was left wondering why the filmmakers didn't utilize his skills more. And what's up with Tai Lung's sudden decision to go back to the spirit realm? It just felt so unearned, especially since the film barely focused on him. And don't even get me started on Kai and Shen, who didn't even get to speak!

But it's not all bad news. The animation in the movie is simply stunning, and the new city looks gorgeous. And while Po's abilities may not have been used to their full potential, the fight scenes still managed to look decent. I have to admit, I did get invested when Po was betrayed by Zhen. It left me feeling shocked and kept me engaged until the end.

While I didn't miss the Furious Five, who were absent from this movie, it's hard to ignore the fact that certain aspects of the plot just don't make sense. Overall, if you're willing to lower your expectations, you might find the movie okay, but you might end up feeling disappointed so this is a decent movie.
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