A mesmerizing ride
19 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a powerful, exotic tale of the interaction between supernatural worlds and our 3-D reality, everything hinging upon the power of love to overcome forces of destruction/selfishness that constantly work to tear it all apart.

The special effects/CGI are amazing to behold, so otherworldly and over-the-top. The fight sequences are spectacular and with Jet Li as the lead, we would expect nothing less. They are on par and surpass even some of the wildest fight scenes in Kung Fu Hustle. And the demon puppies morphing into wisps of smoke and emerging from within bamboo shoots as will-o-the wisp beauties is a new one by me - disconcerting, yet wow! The tale itself can be very confusing but keeping in mind that this is based upon a Chinese fable, then one knows the truth always lies hidden within its representation. And for further confusing fun, put the English track on while also reading the English subtitles. Not intentionally funny, probably, but a gas all the same.
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