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Energy system of Hungary
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Key recommendations
In line with the REPowerEU, the net zero target and Fit for 55 package, adopt increased ambitions on energy efficiency, renewables and low-carbon technologies and strengthen the 2030 greenhouse gas and sectoral emissions targets. Update the National Energy and Climate Plan and the policies and measures required.
Place energy efficiency at the centre of energy policy making by creating a dedicated body for the implementation of efficiency policies. Design a programme to reduce energy poverty with a focus on energy efficiency and social policy measures, reducing the scope of regulated end-user prices.
To strengthen security of supply, prioritise investments in energy efficiency and domestic low-carbon energy sources by removing all barriers to the roll-out of renewable electricity and its system integration through increased energy storage and demand response. Further reduce demand for and consistently diversify supply sources of crude oil and natural gas.
Review the regulatory framework to increase energy market competition, ensure a level playing field for market participants, strengthen the position of consumers, and open markets for new investors and services.