Stephanie Plum, the brassy babe in the powder blue Buick is back and she's having a bad hair day -- for the whole month of January. She's been given the unpopular task of finding Mo Bedemier, Trenton's most beloved citizen, arrested for carrying concealed, gone no-show for his court appearance.
And to make matters worse, she's got Lula, a former hooker turned file clerk -- now a wannabe bounty hunter -- at her side, sticking like glue. Lula's big and blonde and black and itching to get the chance to lock up a crook in the trunk of her car.
Morelli, the New Jersey vice cop with the slow-burning smile that undermines a girl's strongest resolve is being polite. So what does this mean? Has he found a new love? Or is he manipulating Steph, using her in his police investigation, counting on her unmanageable curiosity and competitive Jersey attitude?
Once again, the entire One for the Money crew is in action, including Ranger and Grandma Mazur, searching for Mo, tripping down a trail littered with dead drug dealers, leading Stephanie to suspect Mo has traded his ice-cream scoop for a vigilante gun.
Cursed with a disastrous new hair color and an increasing sense that it's really time to get a new job, Stephanie spirals and tumbles through Three to Get Deadly with all the wisecracks and pace her fans have come to expect.
Janet Evanovich is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series, the Lizzy and Diesel series, twelve romance novels, the Alexandra Barnaby novels and Trouble Maker graphic novel, and How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author, as well as the Fox and O'Hare series with co-author Lee Goldberg.
Book Review 4 of 5 stars to Three to Get Deadly, the third book in the "Stephanie Plum" mystery series written by Janet Evanovich. This was one of the more funny books, as the cast of characters just keeps growing full of hilarity. And if you love ice cream, you need to read this one. Stephanie's kinda like that cousin or old friend who keeps popping back into your life, kinda needs a favor, but is a kick ass person who just sometimes doesn't know how to get things under control. But she keeps trying and eventually gets much closer. Often with your help. Evanovich gets in her stride in this series with this book, as she has a good, repeatable pattern and formula, but always throws a few surprises in. Good mystery in this one... tho it spans the gamut of ice cream and drugs!
About Me For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by. Note: All written content is my original creation and copyrighted to me, but the graphics and images were linked from other sites and belong to them. Many thanks to their original creators.
It was a slow day in the bounty hunting business and the best that Stephanie could do was an FTA. "Uncle Mo" Bedemier, well-loved owner of the local ice cream parlour, was a "failure to appear" on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Stephanie didn't like the idea of having to chase down one of the burg's most respected citizens and the local populace, thinking the charge bogus and ill-advised in any event, certainly weren't tripping over themselves to give Stephanie a lending hand finding her man. But business is business and Stephanie is Stephanie. She leaped into the deep end of the pool and soon found herself up to her neck in murdered drug dealers, vigilantes, bible-thumping snake-charming country preachers and the porn industry. Plenty of room for fun and games in this little story!
But from the first moment a grateful reading audience read Stephanie Plum's exploits in her debut novel One for the Money, the plot never has been the thing. Three to Get Deadly doesn't change a thing about that. Character development, slapstick comedy, earthy blue-collar New York dialogue and sticky wickets that would do The Perils of Pauline proud are what has rocketed this series to the top of the best-selling lists. No doubt about it. Janet Evanovich continues her string of successes and laugh-out-loud hilarity reigns supreme from first page to last.
Did you like Grandma Mazur in the first two books of the series? Then you'll die for Lula, former juiced hooker, newly minted office assistant and bounty hunter in training under Stephanie's dubious tutelage. She's "f"-ing amazing - funny, frolicsome, free-wheeling, full-figured, feisty, fired-up, frantic, in your face and fabulous! She's got a salty mouth and an attitude that any self-respecting trucker would be might proud of! What a piece of work.
Stephanie Plum, an international spy!!! No, no, she is a mob assassin... No? Wait, I got it, a supper scary bounty hunter in crime torn Trenton, New Jersey!!! At least the place and profession are correct, the scary part not so much....
Third book in the series and we know the setting well. The only thing changed in the Trenton area is that because of some unavoidable circumstances, it has one less funeral parlor (it burned down, but it is being rebuilt). All else is the same - the Burg is full of traditional family units, there are the business districts, Stark Street with boarded up buildings and crime, blue color working neighborhoods, The Mall, the docs, and the shoes factory... The home of Stephanie, Lula, Ranger (possibly also known as Batman), and Morrely. Doesn't it already feel like home? :-)
For a long running mystery series with an emphasis on chick lit and romance, this is one which has earned, cemented, and endured its reputation and notoriety. This is what makes it so hard to write reviews on its instalments. Everything has already been written, people either love it or hate it, and most anyone has made up their mind as to which way they are inclined. I fall into the group of Loving it!!! And anything I put in writing would seem like fan-girling, so I am going to be very short.
Stefanie is on the hunt for uncle Mo, neighborhood's favorite ice-cream shop owner and potential Saint. A new guy on the force stopped him on the road and found an unregistered weapon on his person. Cousin Vinny bonded him out and he did not show for his cort date. Since it is a simple job, his apprehension is assigned to the newest bountyhunter - Stephanie Plum, a woman of mystery!!... No, OK, not really mysterious. She is new and quite frankly, she sucks at her job.... The real mystery and what keeps readers coming back for more, is how the hell does she stay employed??? And how hasn't she gotten herself killed by now??? And how can a person so incompetent keep bringing perps in? See, and people say these books don't have real mystery in them, HA!
Well, Trenton's population is angry with her for trying to put saintly uncle Mo in jail, as well as a young and cute man who works in a fast food chicken restaurant. So she becomes the target of public scorn and no one wants to assist her. It doesn't help that dead bodies keep popping all around her and a group of vigilantes make her life miserable...
We get to have some more interactions between her and Morrely, which is kind of hot, and she embarks on a regular exercising routine with Ranger, which is a whole a lot of pathetic...!!! Lula is trying to earn her bountyhunter in training stripes and is as absurdly hilarious as always! O, and Grandma has decided she needs to start dating... Yep, if that doesn't make you want to read the book, you really need to chill!!!
This series is one I recommend to anybody who has a sense of humor! There are always things one can find to be offended by, if they are looking for such, but if you do, then you are missing the point. This series is created with laughter and joy in mind, all else is incidental ..
I hope you guys pick up the series to discover, or to remind yourself of why we read such light books - enjoy!!!
In this third book in the 'Stephanie Plum' series, the bounty hunter is looking for a beloved candy store owner. The book can be read as a standalone.
When Trenton, New Jersey native Stephanie Plum lost her department store job, she became a bounty hunter for her cousin Vinnie. Stephanie's responsibility is to pick up bail skips (people who've missed their court dates) but she's notoriously inept at the job, and gets into all kinds of comical scrapes.
Stephanie's current assignment is to bring in popular candy store owner Mo Bedemier (known in the neighborhood as 'Uncle Mo'), who was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.
Weapons aren't a big deal in Trenton - where almost everyone owns a gun - so Stephanie's puzzled when she can't find Mo anywhere. He hasn't even opened his candy shop for two days, which is unprecedented.
While Stephanie's looking for Mo she discovers the bodies of dead drug dealers all over Trenton, and is threatened by vigilantes who want her to leave Mo alone.
Stephanie refuses and her continuing search results in attacks by masked men; cars being wrecked; guns going off....all sorts of mayhem.
As Stephanie goes about her business she's either helped or hindered by her usual associates:
Lula - a big black woman who was once a 'ho' but is now a file clerk/bounty hunter in training; Lula wears kooky clothes, drives a red Firebird, and carries a huge gun. Lula can stop a perp by sitting on them, which is useful at times.
Ranger - a hot Cuban bounty hunter who taught Stephanie the trade (or at least tried to). Ranger is as tough as they come, and seems able to walk through locked doors. Ranger's trying to get Stephanie into shape, but she'd rather eat donuts than exercise.
Joe Morelli - a sexy Italian cop who's Stephanie's on-off boyfriend, and knows exactly when to show up for pizza and beer. Joe has an undercover operation going on, and wants Stephanie to stay away.
Also on hand are Stephanie's family:
Grandma Mazur - who likes guns, funerals, and men; her boyfriend in this story has bad dentures and a glass eye.
Stephanie's Mom - who 'takes a nip' when she's anxious; Stephanie's shenanigans inspire a lot of nips.
Stephanie's Dad - who watches TV, eats, and sighs at Stephanie's (and Grandma's) antics.
There are a lot of laughs in this cozy mystery, including Stephanie's inadvertent orange hair; Lula's bounty hunter outfit (a leather duster and cowboy hat); a corpse protruding from Lula's Firebird; and more. In my favorite comic scene, Stephanie is threatened by thugs in her apartment, and every middle-aged or elderly person on her floor comes to the rescue with a pistol, machine gun, meat cleaver, or metal walker.
Stephanie bumbles her way to locating Uncle Mo and discovering who killed the drug dealers, and I was surprised by the book's denouement - which is darker than I expected. Nevertheless, this is an enjoyable light mystery, recommended to fans of the genre.
This book demonstrates an explosive and brilliantly comical story.
Stephanie Plum. Bounty hunter.
I checked my pocketbook to make sure I had the essentials…beeper, tissues, hair spray, flashlight, cuffs, lipstick, gun with bullets, recharged cell phone, recharged stun gun, hairbrush, gum, pepper spray nail file. Was I a kick-ass bounty hunter, or what?
That about sums her up. She’s hilarious. She’s brave and bold. She’s a woman on the edge. I don’t know who should be more frightened, Joe Morelli or the criminals she’s searching for.
As the books continue, the inevitable character progression always fascinates me. I expect nothing less of the characters in the Stephanie Plum series.
Grandma Mazur holds a special place in my heart. I always picture my momma as Mazur and me as Stephanie. My sister has the personality of Lula, but we won’t tell her that!
In Three to get Deadly, Mazur steps on the edge and takes some interesting chances. Why not find a man of her own?
“How was church?” I asked.
“Boring,” she said. “A big waste of time. We got a bunch of duds in that congregation. Nobody hot to trot. I’m gonna try the bingo hall tonight. I hear they got some live lookers coming to bingo.”
And that’s just the beginning. I love Grandma Mazur and look forward to reading more of her!
Lula. My momma always says she wants to be Mazur or Lula. The character is totally rockin’ awesome! In this book, her character plays a more integrated role, and with the books to come, she will not disappoint you. Wise ass, daring and sexy, Lula will force a smile upon your face even if you’re fighting it.
“I want a triple-decker burger,” Lula yelled at the box. “I want bacon and cheese and special sauce. I want a large fries, and I want lots of them little ketchup packets. And I want a large chocolate milkshake.”
Dickie. Ex-husband sleazebag. He shows up a little in this book, and the verbal sparring matches between Stephanie and Dickie are priceless.
“Bitch,” Dickie said.
His eyes narrowed. “Slut.”
“Fat cow.”
“Listen,” I said. “I don’t have to take this. I got a divorce.”
This book took some interesting and gruesome turns.
Stephanie, as always, forces her chin up and remains strong. With people shooting at her, torturing her and leaving her as a suspect in a homicide, she perseveres with grace.
I blink back the threat of tears, swiped at my nose and narrowed my eyes. “Listen to me, you two bags of monkey shit, “I yelled. “I am not in a good mood. My car keeps stalling. The day before yesterday I threw up on Joe Morelli. I was called a fat cow by my ex-husband. And if that isn’t enough…my hair is ORANGE! ORANGE, FOR CHrISSAKE! And now you have the gall to force yourself into my home and threaten my hamster. Well, you have gone too far. You have crossed the line.”
As always, a double thumbs up for this book! There is moderate violence and a few sex moments scattered periodically throughout the book. I would not recommend this book to children or immature young adults. I will most definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great night of laughter!
Three to Get Deadly (Stephanie Plum #3) by Janet Evanovich
Synopsis /
Stephanie Plum, the brassy babe in the powder blue Buick is back and she's having a bad hair day -- for the whole month of January. She's been given the unpopular task of finding Mo Bedemier, Trenton's most beloved citizen, arrested for carrying concealed, gone no-show for his court appearance.
And to make matters worse, she's got Lula, a former hooker turned file clerk -- now a wannabe bounty hunter -- at her side, sticking like glue. Lula's big and blonde and black and itching to get the chance to lock up a crook in the trunk of her car.
Morelli, the New Jersey vice cop with the slow-burning smile that undermines a girl's strongest resolve is being polite. So, what does this mean? Has he found a new love? Or is he manipulating Steph, using her in his police investigation, counting on her unmanageable curiosity and competitive Jersey attitude?
Once again, the entire One for the Money crew is in action, including Ranger and Grandma Mazur, searching for Mo, tripping down a trail littered with dead drug dealers, leading Stephanie to suspect Mo has traded his ice-cream scoop for a vigilante gun.
Cursed with a disastrous new hair colour and an increasing sense that it's really time to get a new job, Stephanie spirals and tumbles through Three to Get Deadly with all the wisecracks and pace her fans have come to expect.
My Thoughts /
Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich is the third book in the Stephanie Plum series. And, continuing on with my previous praise for my local library….this third book is available in largeprint (#allhailandpraise)!!
Let me begin by telling you that this latest instalment……if I’m COMPLETELY honest, is really only a 3 to 3.5 star read. However, this series, as a whole, is such a joy to read and there is so much I like about it that I’m giving it a 4-star rating.
Book 3 has my favourite bounty hunter in the making, Stephanie Plum, back in action surrounded by all the eccentric and quirky characters from the previous books. Evanovich certainly knows how to bring her characters to life. Stephanie:- she eats junk food, oozes sarcasm, loves her hamster, Rex and is a Jersey girl through and through.
And I, Stephanie Plum, 125 pounds, five feet, seven inches, brown-haired, blue-eyed bounty hunter at large, have just been assigned the task of hauling Uncle Mo’s revered ass off to jail.
Ranger:- fellow bounty hunter; a man of mystery; a man of few words; he who has an aura of intensity surrounding him.
Ranger has been my mentor when I’d started in the business and was one very bad bounty hunter. In this case, bad meaning ultracool. He’d been one of those army guys who went around disguised as the night, eating tree bark and beetles, scaring the bejeezus out of emerging third world insurgents.
But in this instalment we get a glimpse of a (dare I say), lighter side to this man of mystery, when he ends up at Steph’s parents’ house for dinner. He is always there to lend a hand whenever Steph needs one.
Ranger declined the butterscotch pudding, not wanting to disrupt the consistency of his blood sugar level. I had two puddings and coffee, choosing to keep my pancreas at peak performance. Use it or lose it is my philosophy.
This story has Stephanie Plum assigned the case of “Failure to Appear” for Moses Bedemier, otherwise known as “Uncle Mo” to practically EVERYONE in Trenton, New Jersey. Uncle Mo owns and operates the town’s local convenience store and, as Steph quickly finds out, Uncle Mo seems to be the entire town of Trenton’s favourite senior citizen. It did seem a little strange to Steph that Uncle Mo jumped bail on a minor charge of carrying a concealed weapon but, she’s been assigned the FTA task so will do her utmost to track down the nicest guy in the neighbourhood so he can reappear in court.
He [Vinnie] was a bail bondsman, which meant he loaned people money to post the bond set by the court. The bond’s purpose was to make it economically unpleasant for the suspect to skip town. Once the bond was posted the incarcerated suspect was set free, enabling him to sleep in his own bed while awaiting trial.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's something more going on here than a simple FTA on a concealed weapon charge. And, as usual, our girl Steph has an uncanny knack for walking right into the middle of things. Pretty soon the case escalates – there are attacks by strange unknown anti-drug vigilantes – and the body count of murdered local drug dealers is on the rise!! Despite all the hostility she’s copping from the public by tracking Trenton’s No. #1 good guy citizen; Steph is taking bullets from another angle. What is the connection between Uncle Mo and the bad guys? And more importantly, why do a bunch of masked thugs – keep trying to knock her off! All she wants is for people to stop shooting at her and threatening violence against her hamster!
I wasn’t a bad person. I only cheated a little on my taxes, and I paid most of my bills. I didn’t cuss at old people (at least not to their faces). I didn’t do drugs. So why was I having such rotten luck?
This was such an easy read. You aren’t busily trying to work out the mystery, the whodunnits. You are here in the present for the pure joyful entertainment; for the laugh out loud humour as you thank the stars that gun-toting Grandma Mazur isn’t in your family tree; or that Lula (the 230lb ex-hooker now bounty hunter trainee) isn’t your sidekick. Although maybe some of you wish she were. This author has a fabulous dry wit and impeccable comedic timing and her characterisations are authentic.
If you have made it to here in my review – kudos to you. I know the one burning question left for you to ask is – ‘What happened to Rex???????’ Chill. Be cool. All is well. He’ll be back in book 4…..I think.
Obviously I had to return home on Saturday as well. This time I was sans kids as Dad took round two to the next destination for Sunday so it was up to Stephanie Plum to keep me awake. Luckily this was available for download since I had underestimated the length of these in audio format.
This third trip to the ‘Burg finds Stephanie involved in a missing persons case. Everyone’s favorite business owner, Uncle Moe, has gone FTA and is nowhere to be found. No one is interested in helping Stephanie lock up their favorite candy man. I feel the same about my neighborhood candy salesman . . .
Who doesn’t love puppies and sweets?
Three To Get Deadly also featured a record-high body count, and the return of everyone’s favorite former ho . . . .
At what point do the wheels start falling off this thing? I’m giving this one 4 Stars again and there’s a good chance I’ll be downloading #4 if it’s available before this weekend’s (thankfully shorter) road trip.
This is a humor/cozy mystery/chick-lit, and this is the 3rd book in the Stephanie Plum series. I have listen to this whole series on audiobooks, and the narrator of the audiobooks does a great job on this book. All the books in this series will make you laugh so much, and I will say the way to read these books is by audiobooks. All the characters are so fun and developed. I love this series so much. Stephanie Plum always gets into big messes, and she will make you laugh so much.
EXCERPT: I cautiously got out of the truck and looked for possible assailants. Finding none, I crossed the lot and swung through the door into the lobby.
Mr Wexler was in the lobby, waiting for the senior citizens minibus to pick him up. 'You hear about Mo Bedemier?' Mr Wexler asked. 'Isn't he a pip? I tell you, the man's got a lot of jewels. It's about time somebody did something about the drug problem.'
'He's suspected of killing a whole bunch of men!'
'Yep. He's on a roll, all right.'
The elevator doors opened, and I got in, but I didn't feel like going to my apartment. I felt like striking out at someone.
I got out of the elevator and confronted Mr Wexler. 'Killing is wrong.'
'We kill chickens,' Mr Wexler said. 'We kill cows. We kill trees. So big deal, we kill some drug dealers.'
It was hard to argue with that kind of logic because I like cows and chickens and trees much better than drug dealers.
ABOUT THIS BOOK: Stephanie Plum's fast becoming the most unpopular woman in New Jersey. Even her own mother can't love her for taking on the job of tracking down Uncle Mo, everybody's favourite candy store owner. Cursed with a disastrous new hair colour and an increasing sense that it's time to get a new job, the world's favourite bounty hunter sets off on her latest adventure, with a little 'help' for her new sidekick, hooker turned file clerk Lula, who's just itching to get a felon in the back of her racy red firebird ...
MY THOUGHTS: Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich was just the antidote I needed to another book I was reading that was a particularly depressing read.
It's slapstick comedy, silly and funny and fun. Snort coffee out through your nose silly.
Yes, it's a series, but this and the occasional other I have read all work as stand alone, as there's plenty of background information embedded in the story.
An enjoyable 'filler' read.
THE AUTHOR: Janet Evanovich is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series, the Lizzy and Diesel series, twelve romance novels, the Alexandra Barnaby novels and Trouble Maker graphic novel, and How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author, as well as the Fox and O'Hare series with co-author Lee Goldberg.
DISCLOSURE: This was another inhabitant in a box of random books I bought at a garage sale.
Three to Get Deadly is written by Janet Evanovich, and published by Penguin. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my profile page or the about page on
Book three was my favorite thus far. I rated this book four stars, because I just couldn't put it down. I really enjoy Janet Evanovich's writing style because something is ALWAYS happening in her novels. Ugh, sorry to be a "negative-Nancy", but am I the only the that doesn't laugh-out-loud at these books? Lula gets on my nerves (even though she's a sweetheart,) and Stephanie has the "oops! hehe" sense of humor that just always seems to be getting her in trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love reading these books and enjoy the men characters especially, but I think one of the other members of said it best when she claimed she needed a break between each of these books because they are such and easy, quick read. For me, they aren't books that I think about much after I am finished with them, just ones that I enjoy during the reading process :)
This was another light and fun instalment of the Stephanie Plum series.
This time Stephanie has been tasked with brining in Mo "Uncle Mo" Bedemier. An easy job on the surface given the guy is fast approaching retirement age. Unfortunately for Stephanie the whole neighbourhood loves local sweet shop owner Uncle Mo and are more interested in scolding her for harassing the poor guy than they are in helping her find him. Elsewhere in the Burbs crime is at a low as the local criminal element seem to be disappearing.
The story was quite entertaining and had a good mix of humor and action. Stephanie always gets herself into the most crazy of situations! We got more of the Stephanie and Joe "romance" which I liked. We also got to see plenty more of both Ranger and Lula. Lula was almost as hilarious as Granny Mazur.
All in all a fun read.
Rating: 3.5 stars.
Audio Note: I seem to have warmed to C. J. Critt and think she did a good job with this one.
It’s a world I am unfamiliar with—the world of Chic Lit (or, if you are over 18, I refer to as Clit Lit). Even though Janet Evanovich’s books take up at least three shelves at the local Barnes & Noble, I have never noticed. Probably because they are in the Mystery section which I pass through on my way to the Science Fiction wall. I don’t look to either side for fear of turning into a pillar of salt. But—(there is always a but) I am in a strange land under strange circumstances these days and Stephanie Plum has entered my life. It’s a good thing. At the moment I am taking care of my mom who is battling Parkinson’s, dementia and a bunch of other good stuff. When I first came into her house (after an absence of something like 20 years) I saw piles of books all over the place. I knew everything would be alright. Until I checked out the titles. They were all—and I mean all—mysteries. I never read murder mysteries unless written by Carl Hiaasen. The inevitable day came when I found myself without a new book to read. With so many Evanovich books laying around I though what the hell—how bad can they be? Well campers, as millions of readers will attest: they are clever, fun and addictive. You don’t read the Stephanie Plum series for the plot necessarily, although some are clever. It’s the daffy characters and ‘I Love Lucy’ situations. I am going to read them all (he says) and will add them to my bookshelf here only for my Boy Scout merit badge. No reviews. After you have read the first one, you know what you are going to get with the rest. So far, I am enjoying the hell out of them. I gotta say Janet—you can pen some hot eroticism when you want. The Stephanie Plum series is an industry unto itself, but don’t let this put you off from giving them a go. Oh yah, and start at the beginning. It’s important.
Not as exciting as the first two, but still wonderful! Lots of laughs with a few touches of terror. Poor Rex. Good thing he's a fighter. These books are for pure enjoyment. My 'bubble gum books'.
Adaptation is one of the great advantages to being born and bred in New Jersey. We're simply not bested by bad air or tainted water. We're like that catfish with lungs. Take us out of our environment and we can grow whatever body parts we need to survive. After Jersey the rest of the country's a piece of cake. You want to send someone into a fallout zone? Get him from Jersey. He'll be fine.
I've never been to New Jersey, or anywhere in the Northeast part of the U.S.. And, from the colorful descriptions I am reading in this series.... I don't think I want to change that.
I don't think so. I'll stay in Texas... and that's saying something!
But, it's funny! Very funny.
So, Stephanie is trying to pick up the local beloved candy-shop owner because he failed to appear. He is so beloved that Stephanie becomes public enemy number one by doing this. Her mother is getting phone calls.
Of course, nothing is ever as easy as it should be for Stephanie. She is a walking disaster area. She manages to fumble her way into extremely dangerous situations and has a habit of getting her cars blown-up. Except for the giant blue Buick that belongs to her grandmother. That thing is the only vehicle that can survive Stephanie. It can also survive the Apocalypse. It is made of some strong stuff. They probably make those airplane black boxes out of it. And, eventually, Stephanie always gets stuck back in that car.
This is the year, color, and model she describes... Actually, it's kind of cool...
Even Stephanie's poor little hamster, Rex, gets into danger because of her. He survived a murder attempt in the last book, and in this book someone else tries to off him. Poor little guy! He needs to find a safer place to live!
or, at least get him a little gun. Everyone else in Jersey seems to be packing.
So, this was another fun-filled, silly, cute, madcap story. Of course, I was very disappointed that nothing happened with her love interest yet. We went all the way back to square one. Come on, now! That is just mean! There'd better be some action in the next book!
I really do love these books but this one was dragging and not much action as the other books in the series. I sometimes had to push myself to finish it. it would pick up then die down. I'm still gonna finish up reading the rest of the books. Just for Lula!
This audiobook is good with humor and different voices. Many characters have personality like grandma and Lula. This story felt lengthy because Stephanie couldn't apprehend anyone she set out to do. She didn't seem actively finding different ways to find them either.
In this story, Stephanie was to apprehend Uncle Mo, the guy who run the candy store in the neighborhood. Everyone loves him and couldn't believe he does anything wrong. He was caught carrying an illegal weapon. But he didn't show up to court because he has a lot of secrets.
Stephanie tried to get with Joe Morelli. They have a complicated history together.
Stephanie attempted to apprehend another guy who worked the fast food chains in the mall but it didn't go well. She's new to the bounty Hunter job so I get it. I like the humor in this series so I will listen to other books because the narrator did a fantastic job.
Thank you Simon Audio for the opportunity to listen and review.
I was enjoying this book until I got to the final chapters. While I appreciate that the Stephanie Plum books are meant to be humourous light reading, Evanovich downplays what the Candy Man (Uncle Mo) has actually been doing and even seems to want you to feel sorry for him. I'm probably in a small minority here especially among Stephanie Plum fans but this has really put me off reading any more in this series.
Lula's character development was good and Lula also provided most of the humour in the book. Especially as Grandma Mazur took a back seat this time.
Stephanie is absolutely hopeless, a bounty hunter that forgets her gun...
Ok, Stephanie Plum is still stupid. You want to hit her over the head with that gun she never has, but the story in this version still entertains. The main problem with number 3 is that Joe Morelli isn't really in this one as much. He is definitely missed. I enjoy Stephanie's conversations with her hampster. Those are funny and quirky and different from anything else I've read. I also love her relationship with Ranger. Is there something there, or isn't there? But NEVER get rid of Joe. He's the perfect character. I still love her entire family dinners as well.
Some of the situations are far-fetched; however, since she's only been a bail bond person for a short while, I'll let that go. It would be nice for her to learn some more techniques, though. As for she and Lulu together, that's a fun time.
Another awesome book! Grandma Mazur cracks me up, as well as a few other characters. I like how Ranger stays the mysterious character; it's fun trying to guess about him. And Stephanie ~ I guess you could say the Italian in her shines through. And I really like her. She may not be brave, but she's tenacious, and the thoughts in her head make me crack up just the same. And Joe...what I wouldn't do to actually meet him (if he were real, of course). Joyce - she got what she deserved. I just wish someone would actually smack Vinnie. He deserves it. I adore this series, and I plan on finishing it. The story never lags or drags, there's always something going on. Each character is vividly colourful. I couldn't ask for better.
I listen to books at night when I can't sleep. The bad thing about listening to these Stephanie Plum books is that I spend a lot of time laughing and this kinda defeats the goal of getting me back to sleep.
I'm sure these books are just as funny in writing, but the audio versions are really good. The narrator does a great job with all the different character voices. I'm glad I finally started this series.
“I make lots of mistakes. I try hard not to make the same mistake more than three or four times.”
Stephanie Plum novels were my after break-up go-to books in high school. Getting a heart broken at the age of 16? Just invite Steph into your room and it will get mend within hours, smile back on your face! That was the reason I only read the first two: been saving all the following sequels for years to come.
And the reason why I haven't picked them up in the past 7-8 years was because I was afraid the magic is gone. That I enjoyed them so much simply because I didn't know better.
Now I find myself silly and feel ashamed for the lack of faith. Stephanie is as good (or bad?) as ever! Absolutely loved this book, been having the biggest grin on my face from the page 1!
So happy this is pretty much an infinite series and I can enjoy it forever now!
PS I really need Grandma Mazur to be alive and rocking in all the following sequels.
It’s not that I’m disappointed, just… I remember how much I loved the first book, even the second book although it was a bit weaker than the first one, but I wasn’t that impressed with this one. It had some fun/funny sentences and it was an easy read, but I’m afraid that’s it.
Still enjoying the shenanigans of Stephanie Plum and her sidekicks. More Lulu this time and less Grandma Mazur (she is a hoot). Creepy subject matter and high body count.
I'm not one to laugh out loud. I chortle. I chuckle. I read the amusing bits out loud to my husband. But I rarely laugh out loud. I did with this book, more than once. I'm talking tears rolling down my face and me coughing up phlegm from 1974. This is a VERY funny book. It seems that each book in her series gets better and better. Dare I hope it continues?
This is the continuing saga of wacky Stephanie Plum, girl Bounty Hunter. This time she's traded in her 53 Buick, a pale blue land barge for a pretty little girly truck, that sputters, backfires and stalls causing passersby to call it a "Fartmobile". Every good crime solver needs a side-kick and in the last book Stephanie had her equally wacky grandmother, but this time she's paired up with a big-breasted brass ex-ho keen to learn the ins and outs (I'll just pause here while you think about it)of Bounty Huntering. More like Laurel and Hardy, these two unlikly partners stumble into more dead bodies than a near-sighted mortician.
It seemed an easy retrieval. Uncle Mo, the sweet, elderly owner of the candy store beloved by generations of Burg kids, needed to be brought to justice after he skipped bail. Who ya gonna call? Stephanie Plum. It's a riot of dead bodies, close shaves, coitus again interruptus and enough dinners with the family to make Stephanie's eye twitch.
All in all, a delightful read and really good for loosening phlegm.