Tracey's Reviews > Three to Get Deadly

Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich
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did not like it

I was enjoying this book until I got to the final chapters. While I appreciate that the Stephanie Plum books are meant to be humourous light reading, Evanovich downplays what the Candy Man (Uncle Mo) has actually been doing and even seems to want you to feel sorry for him. I'm probably in a small minority here especially among Stephanie Plum fans but this has really put me off reading any more in this series.

Lula's character development was good and Lula also provided most of the humour in the book. Especially as Grandma Mazur took a back seat this time.

Stephanie is absolutely hopeless, a bounty hunter that forgets her gun...
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July 12, 2007 – Finished Reading
February 2, 2008 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Laura Dragon I agree about the ambiguity of Uncle Mo. It bothered me as well that he seemed to be a folk hero when actually he was a perv. That said, I really liked Lula's progression to Ranger stalker.

message 2: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim Macdonald I thought I was the only one! I got to the end and was so confused. Definitely my least favorite so far in the series.

Brittany I didn't really feel bad for Uncle Mo, but I didn't think he was awful either. I mean, like it or not porn exists and there is a high demand for it. As long as everyone is of legal age and consenting, then there's nothing illegal or wrong with it (and clearly he wasn't drugging anyone, etc).

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