Sabrina’s Reviews > A Thousand Splendid Suns > Status Update

Sabrina is on page 49 of 372
Anytime I hear of a child arranged marriage with someone way older it just sickens me to my core. Jalil is such a coward and a poor excuse of a man 😒
Jan 06, 2024 03:24PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Sabrina’s Previous Updates

Sabrina is on page 331 of 372
This book has torn my heart out and has had me bawling my eyes out that I’ve had to put my book down on and off. I’m so scared to finish it 😭 my heart is with Mariam and Laila and all the women in their position ❤️‍🩹
Jan 09, 2024 07:03PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Sabrina is on page 215 of 372
Rasheed you disgusting pig 😣 I hate him. I just want to poison his food and leave him to rot

“The way I see it, I deserve a medal” Iykyk 😒 the audacity
Jan 08, 2024 09:03PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Sabrina is on page 209 of 372
😭😭 I knew it. I’m incredibly sad right now
Jan 08, 2024 05:57PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Sabrina is on page 149 of 372
Lailas dad 🥺

“She had this laugh. I swear it’s why I married her, Laila, for that laugh. It bulldozed you. You stood no chance against it.”

The effects of war and the detriment it can have on a family ugh my heart is sad for Laila ❤️‍🩹

Also, Laila and tariq 🥹 they’re both so precious
Jan 07, 2024 05:19PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Sabrina is on page 60 of 372
I’m reading at a snails pace sadly bc my attention span is just so bad right now but look at this

“That’s one thing I can’t stand,” he said, scowling, “the sound of a woman crying. I’m sorry. I have no patience for it.”

WHAT. I’m sorry but you have no patience for it?? How do you think she feels being a child who is 15 & in a forced marriage to your perverted 45+ old self 😣
Jan 06, 2024 07:28PM
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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shanayaa that's soo sick omggg

earth to vivie' oh, it gets so much worse..

Sabrina @shanayaa it is I just want to jump in the book and say something 😣

buket it’s only the beginning😭 i was pulling my hair angrily while reading this

Sabrina @vivie how much worse could that get 😩

Sabrina @buket I’m already imagining how probably with what’s to come but I’m already feeling that way now so imagine with what’s next 😭

message 7: by Rowan (new) - added it

Rowan I hate this so much and I want to read the book 😭

Sabrina @rowan the idea repulses me especially the age gap and his attitude 🥴 my heart is with Mariam

April (Semi-hiatus work is busy) I read his name as jail at first glance

tanveer ⋆。✧ it also makes me feel ill. also it's ironic that jalil's name means greatness and honor, yet he possesses none of those qualities 🔫

Sabrina @april the spelling is close enough and that’s where he belongs by being a fucked up father 😐

Sabrina @tanveer what really? I had no idea 🫢 Wow. He literally possesses NONE

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