Jody Summers > Quotes > Quote > Ana liked it

Jody    Summers
“When Val opened the door Jeremy almost had to catch his breath. She
was in a quintessential “little black dress”. This particular one left one
shoulder bare and with her hair swept to the opposite side, the geometry
of it gave the sensation of her being much more exposed than she actually
was. Still, it wasn’t even the flattering attire that nearly left Jeremy
breathless. It was the look in her eyes. That sparkle of joy at seeing him
was unmistakable, and truly the only clue Jeremy typically got of her
feelings for him.
It was said that in ancient Egyptian times the peddlers in the market
could determine a customer’s interest in their wares by the eyes. When
the eye beholds something it desires, the pupils dilate. On some level
everyone knows this, but in the case of the peddlers, if the pupils dilated,
the prices went up. And whether Jeremy knew it consciously or not, her
pupils dilated as she beheld him. All he knew for sure was that that look
told him Valerie was very glad to see him.
Then he saw her eyes slip down to his neck”
Jody Summers, The Mayan Legacy

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