2017 Reading Challenge
Participants 3,078,606
Books Pledged 141,596,207
Avg. Books Pledged 45
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Esme has read 215 of 100 books in 2017.
  • The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids by Michael  McClung
  • Tiger Lily by K. Bird Lincoln
  • Twin by Howard Gurney
  • Titan by Ron Chernow
  • Art of War by Petros Triantafyllou
  • The Glass Gargoyle by Marie Andreas
  • Mercenary by Jon Kiln
  • The Silver Mask by Christian Ellingsen
  • Reign of Blood by Alexia Purdy
  • Thunder Hunter by Rachel Medhurst
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Ian (new)

Ian Well done for completing your reading challenge several months early!

message 2: by Esme (new)

Esme Thanks, last year I made it to 80 and impressed myself, this year with so much time off from work i'm probably going to triple last year. spfbo reading is really increasing the number of books i've read.

message 3: by Esme (new)

Esme Thanks, last year I made it to 80 and impressed myself, this year with so much time off from work i'm probably going to triple last year. spfbo reading is really increasing the number of books i've read.

message 4: by Ian (new)

Ian Esmerelda wrote: "Thanks, last year I made it to 80 and impressed myself, this year with so much time off from work i'm probably going to triple last year. spfbo reading is really increasing the number of books i've..."

I'm very impressed (and jealous). I'll be interested to see how many you finally get through once the year ends.

message 5: by K.S. (new)

K.S. Wut. Ugh. I've only done 21. Maybe I should start counting non-fiction business books.

message 6: by Wol (new)

Wol Oh Esme, you put us all to shame. I just hit 35 and am still 1 book behind schedule. D:

message 7: by K.S. (new)


message 8: by louise !! (new)

louise !! congrats!!

message 9: by Esme (new)

Esme Nothing like having almost 6 months off work!

message 10: by Mr. Grr (new)

Mr. Grr Inspiring, keep it up 🤓

message 11: by Charles (new)

Charles ? Why set a goal that you've already achieved?

message 12: by Esme (new)

Esme it keeps going after i reach it. set it in jan

message 13: by David H. (new)

David H. I think people might be thrown off because in my Goodreads updates feed it says "Esmerelda Weatherwax has joined the 2017 Reading Challenge" and "1h" (as in 1 hour ago), but I think the time is only reflecting your latest comment which was "1h" ago.

message 14: by Esme (new)

Esme yeah, i def did this way back in january. whenever you make an edit to a comment or a review it updates as if you've just now reviewed it, kind of annoying, but whatever.

message 15: by Esme (new)

Esme :D Thanks, it's been a fun year for reading, hands down my most productive reading year of my life.

message 16: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace congrats! u did it :-)

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More like Esme's 2017 books

  • Einstein: The Life and Times
  • Gandhi: An Autobiography
  • The Zodiac Legacy: Convergence (Zodiac Legacy, #1)
  • Lincoln
  • With Malice Toward None: A Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Einstein: His Life and Universe
  • iCon: Steve Jobs, the Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
  • Tattered Huntress (Thrill of the Hunt, #1)
  • The Colossus Rises (Seven Wonders, #1)