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Lauren Young

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by Per Jacobsen (Goodreads Author)
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6 hours, 34 min ago

Stephanie Garber
“The air tasted like wonder. Like candied butterfly wings caught in sugared spiderwebs, and drunken peaches coated in luck.”
Stephanie Garber, Legendary

Mark  Lawrence
“Thorn carried in each limb every hour of her training, every day and year bound into the muscle of her arms, written along the length of her legs, beaten into the hardness of stomach and thigh. She knew five dozen ways to kill, she knew them with a lover's intimacy, and in the execution perhaps lust also played its role—for what is lust but a hunger? And hunger must be fed.”
Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

Amber Argyle
“With wings like clear ice, the purple-black fairy flew down and pressed her tiny lips to Ilyenna’s. Suddenly, the cold embraced her like an old friend. She felt as if winter’s secrets were hidden somewhere deep inside her, waiting to be discovered.”
Amber Argyle, Winter Queen

Rob Dircks
“Human parenting requires one to be insane, and it would be illogical to publish Guidelines to Human Insanity.”
Rob Dircks, The Wrong Unit

Mark  Lawrence
“They expect her to run. They know she will run. And she does. But at them.”
Mark Lawrence, Red Sister

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