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Hernán Rivera Letelier
“كنت أريد أن أكون شيئاً آخر في الحياة.
لست أدري ماذا، ولكن شيئاً آخر.”
Hernán Rivera Letelier, راوية الأفلام

Virginia Woolf
“Up here my eyes are green leaves, unseeing.”
Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Virginia Woolf
“There must be another life, she thought, sinking back into her chair, exasperated. Not in dreams; but here and now, in this room, with living people. She felt as if she were standing on the edge of a precipice with her hair blown back; she was about to grasp something that just evaded her. There must be another life, here and now, she repeated. This is too short, too broken. We know nothing, even about ourselves.”
Virginia Woolf, The Years

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