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“i have always been the woman of my dreams.”
Nayyirah Waheed, salt.

“Just because someone desires you, it does not mean that they value you.

Read it over.


Let those words resonate in your mind.”
Nayyirah Waheed

“where you are. is not who you are. – circumstances”
Nayyirah Waheed, salt.

“when you meet that person. a person. one of your soulmates. let the connection. relationship. be what it is. it may be five mins. five hours. five days. five months. five years. a lifetime. five lifetimes. let it manifest itself the way it is meant to. it has an organic destiny. this way if it stays or if it leaves, you will be softer. from having been loved this authentically. souls come into. return. open. and sweep through your life for a myriad of reasons. let them be who. and what they are meant.”
Nayyirah Waheed

“would you still want to travel to that country if you could not take a camera with you. – a question of appropriation”
Nayyirah Waheed, salt.

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