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“God gives us the ugliness so we don’t take the beautiful things in life for granted.”
― Ugly Love
― Ugly Love
“I can turn to that day as though it were a page in a book. It’s written so deeply upon my mind I can almost taste the ink.”
― Burial Rites
― Burial Rites
“What was it Harry used to say? Intuition is only the sum of many small but specific things the brain hasn't managed to put a name to yet.”
― Police
― Police
“You could have heard a rat tinkle it was so quiet.”
― Paws For Murder
― Paws For Murder
“The important thing in life is not where you came from,but where you are going.”
― Believe Like a Child
― Believe Like a Child
— 111 members
— last activity Dec 31, 2015 04:49PM
Thank you so much for your prayers and comforting words! They keep me going every day! Lori This group will start out as a PUBLIC GROUP but will cl ...more
Thank you so much for your prayers and comforting words! They keep me going every day! Lori This group will start out as a PUBLIC GROUP but will cl ...more
Cozy Mysteries
— 22079 members
— last activity 39 minutes ago
For those who love a good cozy mystery while curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee/tea/cocoa and maybe a dog/cat next to them. Please be kind ...more
For those who love a good cozy mystery while curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee/tea/cocoa and maybe a dog/cat next to them. Please be kind ...more
The Edgar Awards Panel
— 266 members
— last activity Mar 16, 2020 06:02AM
Join us on Monday, April 23, for a discussion with some of the finest mystery and crime writers on the scene today. This group is in celebration of th ...more
Join us on Monday, April 23, for a discussion with some of the finest mystery and crime writers on the scene today. This group is in celebration of th ...more
Ronna’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Ronna’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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