Whitley Birks

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Orlando Winters
“If a couple of gay guys want to throw the gayest, most fabulous wedding of all time, the only way it should offend you is if you weren’t invited.”
Orlando Winters, Stop Being a F***ing Idiot

Walter M. Miller Jr.
“You don’t have a soul, Doctor. You are a soul. You have a body, temporarily.”
Walter M. Miller Jr., A Canticle for Leibowitz

Zoë Marriott
“I truly believe that if you have more friends than books, you have too many friends. Or not enough books. Probably both.”
Zoë Marriott

Adrienne Rich
“There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep and still be counted as warriors.”
Adrienne Rich

Pierce Brown
“I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising

25x33 STL All Things Young Adult Books — 10 members — last activity May 26, 2017 08:26PM
A goodreads group for the meetup group of the same name (https://www.meetup.com/STL-All-Things-Young-Adult/). Find polls for upcoming book club picks, ...more
116072 Harry Potter Group Read — 56 members — last activity Feb 01, 2016 05:52AM

48927 ONTD Book Club — 1165 members — last activity Nov 16, 2017 08:34AM
The official book club for the book-loving fans of the LJ community Oh No They Didn't. Share suggestions for books, talk about books, tell your fellow ...more
62172 BookExpo America — 911 members — last activity Dec 08, 2020 07:16AM
This is a discussion group for those planning on attending BookExpo 2018 May 31st - June 1st, and BookCon June 2nd-3rd. Feel free to share past experi ...more
28367 Steampunk, New Weird, Bizarro, Scifi, Fantasy Book Group — 1941 members — last activity Oct 02, 2022 08:34PM
This Group is for a wide range of readers. Those who are already into Fantasy, Scifi, Steampunk, New Weird and Bizzaro. Or those that are just branchi ...more
More of Whitley Birks’s groups…
year in books
Nemo (T...
3,052 books | 323 friends

1,573 books | 395 friends

4,860 books | 227 friends

1,396 books | 271 friends

1,127 books | 154 friends

1,433 books | 407 friends

Nikki S
8,324 books | 475 friends

Zoey Zane
1,425 books | 240 friends

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