Pogo Dragon

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Elizabeth Edmondson
“I expect she’s going to be tall, which isn’t necessarily a blessing for a woman, not with so many short men in the world.”
Elizabeth Edmondson, A Man of Some Repute

T.E. Kinsey
“wondered if the Croquet Association might be persuaded to add ‘mischievous large dogs’ to its list of approved equipment.”
T E Kinsey, Death Around the Bend

T.E. Kinsey
“She was utterly devoted to the world’s most preposterous dog.”
T E Kinsey, A Picture of Murder

L.M. Montgomery
“Young men are all very well in their place, but it doesn’t do to drag them into everything, does it?”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

64419 Laurie R. King Virtual Book Club — 1398 members — last activity Oct 10, 2024 03:17PM
The official book club for readers of mystery author Laurie R. King
1219146 The book you like most — 42094 members — last activity 13 minutes ago
This group (ranked in the TOP 100 most popular groups on Goodreads) is dedicated to the story "The Spark in Her Circuits", which can be found for FREE ...more
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