46 books
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2024-reads (76)
tbr-shortlist (41)
contemporary-romance (819)
paperback-and-hardcover (401)
romance (391)
own-it (356)
library (229)
2017-reads (152)
paranormal-romance (122)
2018-reads (119)
romantic-suspense (114)
historical-romance (113)
2015-reads (112)
2016-reads (102)
2019-reads (101)
2020-reads (101)
2017-reads (152)
paranormal-romance (122)
2018-reads (119)
romantic-suspense (114)
historical-romance (113)
2015-reads (112)
2016-reads (102)
2019-reads (101)
2020-reads (101)
“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.”
― Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
― Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
“You are in a prison with no bars. I worry about you.”
― Lover Awakened
― Lover Awakened
Gretchen’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Gretchen’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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