Dorothy Epp

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Ralph Ellison
“The blues is an impulse to keep the painful details and episodes of a brutal experience alive in one's aching consciousness, to finger its jagged grain, and to transcend it, not by the consolation of philosophy but by squeezing from it a near-tragic, near-comic lyricism. As a form, the blues is an autobiographical chronicle of personal catastrophe expressed lyrically.”
Ralph Ellison, Living with Music: Jazz Writings

Andrea Gibson
“and I wonder if Beethoven held his breath
the first time his fingers touched the keys
the same way a soldier holds his breath
the first time his finger clicks the trigger.
We all have different reasons for forgetting to breathe.”
Andrea Gibson

Pope John Paul II
“We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures, we are the sum of the Father's love for us and our real capacity to become the image of His Son Jesus.”
Pope John Paul II

Pearl S. Buck
“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”
Pearl S. Buck

Andrea Gibson
“I said to the sun, ‘Tell me about the big bang.’ The sun said, ‘it hurts to become.”
Andrea Gibson

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