Reads & Reviews

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Richard P. Feynman
“The first person you should be careful not to fool is yourself. Because you are the easiest person to fool".”
Richard Feynman

Ryan Winfield
“I don’t see books. I see doors into other worlds. Windows into minds. The life of man spinning beyond time.”
Ryan Winfield, The Park Service

Maggie Stiefvater
“fact of the matter was that they were all too close to the situation. They’d been too close to the situation for months. They were so close to the situation that it was difficult to tell whether or not they were the situation.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven King

Brynne Asher
“Five o’clock does not say stamina. Five o’clock screams early-bird special.”
Brynne Asher, Gifts

Jason Evert
“observations. Therefore, the entire archbishop’s residence, from the bedroom to the dining room, was bugged with listening devices. The communists were rather clumsy about it, pretending to show up as random technicians who needed to work on the phone lines or electrical system.”
Jason Evert, Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves

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