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Kristen Nelson

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by Jean Hanff Korelitz (Goodreads Author)
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Dec 11, 2024 09:30AM

See all 4 books that Kristen is reading…
Book cover for How to Stop Time
Forever, Emily Dickinson said, is composed of nows. But how do you inhabit the now you are in? How do you stop the ghosts of all the other nows from getting in? How, in short, do you live?
Dutch Sheets
“Like Abraham you will believe, like Sarah you will conceive, and like Moses you will rise from your isolation and exile. You will live again. God is determined to reverse your tragedy into transformation and crown your tomb with the testimony of a glorious resurrection. From”
Dutch Sheets, The Power of Hope: Let God Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, and Restore Your Dreams

James MacDonald
“Every step with God is a step of faith. Every lesson learned is a lesson of faith. Every victory won is a victory by faith. That’s the prominence of faith in the New Testament.”
James MacDonald, Lord, Change My Attitude: Before It's Too Late

Dutch Sheets
“Winds of adversity may have blown through your life. Your world may be falling apart. But if you will look closely enough, you’ll see the light of God’s faithfulness shining through the debris.”
Dutch Sheets, The Power of Hope: Let God Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, and Restore Your Dreams

Dutch Sheets
“Refuse to become a hopeless victim. God wants to heal your heart, fill you with the power of hope, and cause you to be bold in Him. Hope-killing giants look small when measured against Him. Be”
Dutch Sheets, The Power of Hope: Let God Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, and Restore Your Dreams

Dutch Sheets
“PRAY the Power of Hope Father, I am so grateful for the treasury of tools purposely placed in Your Word for overcoming hope deferred. Your mercy, love, and power are so great that the moment I reposition my heart toward You, You meet me at my point of pain with Your healing presence. Today I choose to draw close to You, and I choose to come into agreement with Your words of life and truth. Come and enthrone Yourself in my heart. No longer will I allow painful circumstances to control my life. I position my heart to heal. SCRIPTURES”
Dutch Sheets, The Power of Hope: Let God Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, and Restore Your Dreams

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