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Francesca Lia Block
“In order to have bliss you have to be able to accept all the parts of the other, all the wildness and the darkness. You have to be able to hold on.”
Francesca Lia Block, The Elementals
tags: love

Kevin Hearne
“Yer a good lad, Atticus, mowin’ me lawn and killin’ what Brits come around.”
Kevin Hearne, Hounded

“When did you first feel like a grown woman and not a girl?” We wrote down our answers and shared them, first in pairs, then in larger groups. The group of women was racially and economically diverse, but the answers had a very similar theme. Almost everyone first realized they were becoming a grown woman when some dude did something nasty to them. “I was walking home from ballet and a guy in a car yelled, ‘Lick me!’” “I was babysitting my younger cousins when a guy drove by and yelled, ‘Nice ass.’” There were pretty much zero examples like “I first knew I was a woman when my mother and father took me out to dinner to celebrate my success on the debate team.” It was mostly men yelling shit from cars. Are they a patrol sent out to let girls know they’ve crossed into puberty? If so, it’s working.”
Tina Fey

Kevin Hearne
“That's right, there's free beer in Irish paradise. Everyone's jealous.”
Kevin Hearne, Hammered

Kevin Hearne
“Now go and stake some vamps. Especially the sparkly emo ones.”
Kevin Hearne, Hammered

34355 Ilona Andrews Fans — 944 members — last activity Nov 30, 2024 11:14AM
This group is dedicated to discussion of urban fantasy author team Ilona Andrews. Book series include the Kate Daniels Series, The Edge series, and a ...more
42240 FANGIRLS — 178 members — last activity Feb 17, 2017 03:00AM
OMG! calling all FANGIRLS out there! do you love talking about: Johnny Depp, Alex Pettyfer, Logan Lerman even Leonardo Di Caprio! Join in! :) Here we ...more
48753 Iron Druid Chronicles Fans — 400 members — last activity Nov 04, 2019 04:51PM
Did you just love "Hounded" by Kevin Hearne? Come here to discuss Atticus O'Sullivan, last of the Druids, and his Irish Wolfhound Oberon, lover of sau ...more
52102 More than Just a Rating — 133 members — last activity Nov 27, 2024 01:03PM
Let's Share Ideas about Reviews! This is a fun and encouraging forum for sharing discussions about writing any sort of review, whether just a Simple R ...more
58949 VEB Readers — 32 members — last activity Jul 31, 2023 06:24AM
A Good Reads group exclusive to members of Viva El Birdos.
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