The Novel Approach

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H.P. Lovecraft
“I like coffee exceedingly...”
H.P. Lovecraft

Even in the most stressed times there is always time for reading.
“Even in the most stressed times there is always time for reading.”
Emilie and Stephanie

“The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary?”
Arab proverb

H.M. Ward
“Bad days call for foods that are bad for your butt.”
H.M. Ward, Damaged

Oscar Wilde
“You can have your secret as long as I have your heart[.]”
Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost

year in books
Kelly K...
3,476 books | 1,421 friends

5,980 books | 237 friends

Mathew ...
446 books | 889 friends

14,921 books | 4,998 friends

Gideon ...
129 books | 318 friends

1,000 books | 472 friends

Ben Lilley
1,435 books | 681 friends

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