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2412 Gary Starta Author — 319 members — last activity Jul 31, 2014 09:39AM
Gary Starta Author's Group Anything goes as long as it is sci fi, fantasy or mystery or ultimately a combo of all three... ...more
24672 طنزنوشته هاي اجتماعي و سياسي — 107 members — last activity Apr 28, 2012 11:34AM
طنز مخاطبان زيادي را گرد هم مي آورد و بهترين ابزار براي نقد هر سازمان و تشكلي و به چالش كشيدن افراد درون حكومت و نهادهاي اجتماعي در جهت انتقاد و به قص ...more
25x33 Tv FaNaTiCs!!! — 11 members — last activity Dec 21, 2008 08:54PM
talk about ummmmmm.........TV!!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!!!
10431 *Best Friends 4 Ever* — 207 members — last activity May 28, 2010 08:56AM
This Group is For Girls AND Guys Having Friendship Problems And Don't Know How 2 Fix Them. Just Write It Here And Maybe Someone Can Give You Sum Advic ...more
9629 Souless Roleplay — 85 members — last activity Apr 15, 2012 10:52AM
This is a group where you can create a vampire or a human character, and roleplay. Once you join, make a character in either the "Vampire", "Other", ...more
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1,169 books | 1,415 friends

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Judith ...
829 books | 2,391 friends

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