“FDR has often been labeled a “Traitor to his Class.” This may have been so for his politics, but not for his closely guarded private life. FDR Unmasked reveals the truth of his inner workings. His early life is presented to provide readers with the greatest possible understanding of the roots of his charismatic yet ever-deceptive personality.”
― FDR Unmasked: 73 Years of Medical Cover-ups That Rewrote History
― FDR Unmasked: 73 Years of Medical Cover-ups That Rewrote History
“The reality is people are impressed with all kinds of things: intelligence, power, money, charm, talent, and so on. But the ones we tend to stay in love with are, in the long run, the ones who do a decent job loving us back.”
― Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Acquiring a Taste for True Intimacy
― Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Acquiring a Taste for True Intimacy
“Why do you have such faith in me, Aurelia?"
"I've told you a million times that I love you, you make me feel safe and cherished, and you care deeply for our people. Why wouldn't I have faith in you?”
― Taming Flame
"I've told you a million times that I love you, you make me feel safe and cherished, and you care deeply for our people. Why wouldn't I have faith in you?”
― Taming Flame
“It is mainly the soluble fiber and magnesium that lowered the author's fasting pre-diabetes blood glucose to 90s and 100s without taking medication”
― Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol
― Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol
“Ante determinados hechos de tu vida, ¿no piensas en el instante en el que nacieron, en el germen del que surgieron? No sé cómo decirlo… Imagina un campo en el momento de la siembra, todo lo que contiene un grano de trigo, las cosechas futuras… Bueno, pues en la vida ocurre exactament igual. El instante en que vi a François por primera vez, en que nos miramos, todo lo que contenía ese instante… ¡Es terrible, es escalofriante, produce vértigo! Nuestro amor, nuestra separación, los tres años que pasó en Dakar, cuando yo estaba casada con otro y todo lo demás, Sylvestre… Luego, la guerra, los niños… Cosas dulces y también amargas… Su muerte, o la mía, y la desesperación del que quede solo.”
― Fire in the Blood
― Fire in the Blood
Cortez’s 2023 Year in Books
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