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Roy T. Bennett
“Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Yasmine Millett
“Knowing oneself is the hardest thing of all – knowing, that is, and accepting.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

Munroe Bergdorf
“You can't run away from yourself. The destination will always be you. I only stopped running away when I made myself into the home I no longer wanted to run away from. I wish I'd come to that realisation sooner.”
Munroe Bergdorf, Transitional: In One Way or Another, We All Transition

Rick Riordan
“The best thing I can say to you is that we are not only one thing forever. We’re allowed to change at any point in our lives. We don’t have to be stuck with a label someone else assigns us. Gods, we don’t even have to stick to a label we give ourselves. So, you can be bi or pan or a lesbian or queer, and tomorrow you may have a better sense of who you are, or tomorrow you can be a big ole queer mess and figure it out fifty years from now.”
Rick Riordan, The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure

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