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Anaïs Nin
“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
Anaïs Nin

Gustave Flaubert
“Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.”
Gustave Flaubert

Maya Angelou
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou

George Orwell
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984

George Orwell
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell

year in books
2,247 books | 3,576 friends

Edgarr ...
5,491 books | 4,999 friends

211 books | 635 friends

229 books | 110 friends

Matt Ga...
280 books | 112 friends

Lisa Jakub
471 books | 351 friends

Carody ...
269 books | 103 friends

Will Watt
39 books | 154 friends

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