Guillermo Martinez

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Ram Dass
“We're here to awaken from the illusion of separateness”
Ram Dass, How Can I Help?: Stories and Reflections on Service

Eckhart Tolle
“Man made God in his own image...”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Eckhart Tolle
“Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Eckhart Tolle
“Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment. … The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into this world.”
Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle
“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”
Eckhart Tolle

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