Irish Readers discussion

QUARTERLY IRISH READS > Third Policeman - General chit chat

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Anyone started this book yet.

message 2: by Alison (new)

Alison Killilea (alikats) | 6 comments I didn't even realise this was a planned book for this group! I started reading it last week. So far, so good.

message 3: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Novoa (caroline_doherty_de_novoa) | 9 comments Interested to know if anyone ever got round to reading this book and what they thought.

message 4: by Ben (new)

Ben Hundley | 6 comments Yes, I started it. It had an interesting opening with the murder scene, but set it aside for a time. I will have to pick it up again in the near future!


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