Around the World in 80 Books discussion


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message 1: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Post any books set in Jamaica here.

message 2: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 05, 2021 08:35PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Books set in Jamaica:

The Long Song by Andrea Levy The Long Song by Andrea Levy
The Book of Night Women by Marlon James The Book of Night Women by Marlon James
The Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson The Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson
Small Island by Andrea Levy Small Island by Andrea Levy
The Other Side of Paradise by Staceyann Chin The Other Side of Paradise: A Memoir by Staceyann Chin
From Harvey River A Memoir of My Mother and Her Island by Lorna Goodison From Harvey River: A Memoir of My Mother and Her Island by Lorna Goodison
Greenwichtown A Novel by Joyce Palmer Greenwichtown: A Novel by Joyce Palmer
No Woman No Cry My Life with Bob Marley by Rita Marley No Woman No Cry: My Life with Bob Marley by Rita Marley
The True History of Paradise by Margaret Cezair-Thompson The True History of Paradise by Margaret Cezair-Thompson
Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton
Fruit of the Lemon by Andrea Levy Fruit of the Lemon by Andrea Levy
Pirates! by Celia Rees Pirates! by Celia Rees
Pao by Kerry Young Pao by Kerry Young
A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes
Doctor No (James Bond, #6) by Ian Fleming Doctor No by Ian Fleming
The Dead Yard A Story of Modern Jamaica by Ian Thomson The Dead Yard: A Story of Modern Jamaica by Ian Thomson
John Crow's Devil by Marlon James John Crow's Devil by Marlon James
The Rastafarians by Leonard E. Barrett Sr. The Rastafarians by Leonard E. Barrett
Abeng by Michelle Cliff Abeng by Michelle Cliff
The Hills Of Hebron by Sylvia Wynter The Hills of Hebron by Sylvia Wynter
Satellite City by Alecia McKenzie Satellite City by Alecia McKenzie
Summer Lightning and Other Stories by Olive Senior Summer Lightning and Other Stories by Olive Senior
The Fullness of Everything by Patricia Powell The Fullness of Everything by Patricia Powell
Arrival of the Snake-Woman by Olive Senior Arrival of the Snake-Woman and Other Stories by Olive Senior
The Store of a Million Items by Michelle Cliff The Store of a Million Items: Stories by Michelle Cliff
Pink Icing And Other Stories by Pamela Mordecai Pink Icing and Other Stories by Pamela Mordecai
No Telephone to Heaven by Michelle Cliff No Telephone to Heaven by Michelle Cliff
Stories from Yard by Alecia McKenzie Stories from Yard by Alecia McKenzie
The Heart Does Not Bend by Makeda Silvera The Heart Does Not Bend by Makeda Silvera
Myal by Erna Brodber Myal by Erna Brodber
Bodies of Water by Michelle Cliff Bodies of Water by Michelle Cliff
Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home by Erna Brodber Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home by Erna Brodber
Never Far From Nowhere by Andrea Levy Never Far From Nowhere by Andrea Levy
The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson
Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
The Pagoda by Patricia Powell The Pagoda by Patricia Powell
Her Head a Village by Makeda Silvera Her Head: A Village by Makeda Silvera
A Small Gathering of Bones by Patricia Powell A Small Gathering of Bones by Patricia Powell
The Roads are Down by Venessa Spence The Roads are Down by Vanessa Spence
Me Dying Trial by Patricia Powell Me Dying Trial by Patricia Powell

message 6: by Steve (new)

Steve Cohen (bystevecohen) | 15 comments I've been writing and reading about Jamaica for 30 years. Two of my favorite books ever written about the country are by the same author, Russell Banks.

These are:

The Book of Jamaica by Russell Banks The Book of Jamaica

Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks Rule of the Bone

My newest book, a humorous novel Travel To the G-Spot by Steve Cohen Travel To The G-Spot, is partly set in Jamaica, as well.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

message 9: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 10: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 11: by Germanio (last edited Jul 21, 2013 11:32AM) (new)

Germanio Puglio | 5 comments Hello. I am writing to promote my e-book “Lost at Glassy Sea”, by Germanio Puglio. It is a historical Romance/Fiction. IT IS CURRENTLY 99 cents! Here is a short description:

What does an old journal, a mermaid, a pirate ship, a murder, and a stolen painting all have in common? They are all in this book! When Alexandra discovers an old journal, her life irreversibly intersects with its writer. This is a fun story. Appropriate for ages 17+. Some mature content. New edition contains “Lost at Glassy Sea: Part II”.

message 15: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 16: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 17: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 18: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Private Sins (Three Rivers #1) by Brenda A. Barrett Private Sins by Brenda A. Barrett (1st book in Three Rivers series)

message 19: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 20: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 21: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 23: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 24: by George (new)

George Hamilton | 16 comments Road to Rebellion by George Hamilton Road to Rebellion, a historical saga set amongst the sweltering, tempestuous plantations of 18th Century Jamaica, is in a giveaway until 30 Sept 2014.

message 26: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 27: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 28: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 32: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 28, 2021 09:46PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments More books set in Jamaica or Written by Jamaican Authors:

An Absence of Ruins by Orlando Patterson An Absence of Ruins by Orlando Patterson
Ajeemah and His Son by James Berry Ajeemah and His Son by James Berry
Anancy and Miss Lou by Louise Bennett Anancy and Miss Lou by Louise Bennett
Anancy Spiderman by James Berry Anancy Spiderman by James Berry
And Caret Bay Again New and Selected Poems by Velma Pollard And Caret Bay Again: New and Selected Poems by Velma Pollard
The Annihilation of Fish and Other Stories by Anthony C. Winkler The Annihilation of Fish and Other Stories by Anthony C. Winkler
The Arrival of Brighteye and Other Poems by Jean 'Binta' Breeze The Arrival of Brighteye and Other Poems by Jean 'Binta' Breeze
Auntie Roachy Seh by Louise Bennett-Coverley Auntie Roachy Seh by Louise Bennett
Banana Bottom by Claude McKay Banana Bottom by Claude McKay
Bat Mitzvah Girl Memories of a Jamaican Child by Beverley East Bat Mitzvah Girl: Memories of a Jamaican Child by Beverley East
Bivouac by Kwame Dawes Bivouac by Kwame Dawes
Bob Marley An Intimate Portrait by His Mother by Anthony C. Winkler Bob Marley: An Intimate Portrait by His Mother by Anthony C. Winkler
Bob Marley My Son by Cedella Marley Booker Bob Marley: My Son by Cedella Marley Booker
Bob Marley Lyrical Genius by Kwame Dawes Bob Marley: Lyrical Genius by Kwame Dawes
Bodies of Water by Michelle Cliff Bodies of Water by Michelle Cliff
Calypso Wind by Sandra Dark Calypso Wind by Sandra Dark
Cane Warriors by Alex Wheatle Cane Warriors by Alex Wheatle
Captain Devlin's Captive by Susanne Saville Captain Devlin's Captive by Susanne Saville
The Carib Sands by Terence Kelly The Carib Sands by Terence Kelly
Caribbean Passion by Opal Palmer Adisa Caribbean Passion by Opal Palmer Adisa
A Caribbean Spell (Book 1) by Maureen O. Betita A Caribbean Spell by Maureen O. Betita
Catch a Fire The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White
Celebration Song A Poem by James Berry Celebration Song: A Poem by James Berry
Chain Of Days by James Berry Chain Of Days by James Berry
The Chalice Project by Lisa Allen-Agostini The Chalice Project by Lisa Allen-Agostini
The Children of Sisyphus by Orlando Patterson The Children of Sisyphus by Orlando Patterson
Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race by Edward Wilmot Blyden Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race by Edward Wilmot Blyden
Come Back Old Iron Blue by Elkanah Rhule Come Back Old Iron Blue by Elkanah Rhule
Come Let Us Sing Anyway by Leone Ross Come Let Us Sing Anyway by Leone Ross
The Confounding Island Jamaica and the Postcolonial Predicament by Orlando Patterson The Confounding Island: Jamaica and the Postcolonial Predicament by Orlando Patterson
Considering Woman 1 2 Short Stories by Velma Pollard Considering Women by Velma Pollard
Controlling the Silver by Lorna Goodison Controlling the Silver by Lorna Goodison
Crocodile by Anthony C. Winkler Crocodile by Anthony C. Winkler
Crown Point And Other Poems by Velma Pollard Crown Point: And Other Poems by Velma Pollard
Cry Of The Halidon by Robert Ludlum Cry Of The Halidon by Robert Ludlum
Daddy Sharpe by Fred W. Kennedy Daddy Sharpe by Fred W. Kennedy
Dancing Lessons by Olive Senior Dancing Lessons by Olive Senior
Dangerous Waters by Jane Jackson Dangerous Waters by Jane Jackson
Dark Drums by Wenzell Brown Dark Drums by Wenzell Brown
Dark Side Of Dawn by Oren Cousins Dark Side Of Dawn by Oren Cousins
The Day I Fell Off My Island by Yvonne Bailey-Smith The Day I Fell Off My Island by Yvonne Bailey-Smith
Death by Request (Caribbean Murder, #11) by Jaden Skye Death by Request by Jaden Skye (11th book in Caribbean Murder series)
Death to Spies (Ian Fleming, #1) by Quinn Fawcett Death to Spies by Quinn Fawcett (1st book in Ian Fleming series)
Dew Angels by Melanie Schwapp Dew Angels by Melanie Schwapp
Die the Long Day by Orlando Patterson Die the Long Day by Orlando Patterson
Discerner of Hearts by Olive Senior Discerner of Hearts by Olive Senior
Disposable People by Ezekel Alan Disposable People by Ezekel Alan
Doctor's Orders (African Writers) by Alecia McKenzie Doctor's Orders by Alecia McKenzie
Dog War by Anthony C. Winkler Dog War by Anthony C. Winkler
Dog-Heart by Diana McCaulay Dog-Heart by Diana McCaulay
Dread Talk The Language of the Rastafari by Velma Pollard Dread Talk: The Language of the Rastafari by Velma Pollard
Drought by Andrew Salkey Drought by Andrew Salkey
Duppy Conqueror New and Selected Poems by Kwame Dawes Duppy Conqueror: New and Selected Poems by Kwame Dawes
The Duppy by Anthony C. Winkler The Duppy by Anthony C. Winkler
Duppy Talk by Gerald Hausman Duppy Talk by Gerald Hausman
Earthquake by Andrew Salkey Earthquake by Andrew Salkey
Edward Wilmot Blyden Pan-Negro Patriot, 1832-1912 by Deidre Shauna Lynch Edward Wilmot Blyden: Pan-Negro Patriot, 1832-1912 by Deidre Shauna Lynch
Electricity Comes to Cocoa Bottom by Marcia Douglas Electricity Comes to Cocoa Bottom by Marcia Douglas
Encyclopedia of Jamaican Heritage by Olive Senior Encyclopedia of Jamaican Heritage by Olive Senior
Eros Muse Poems & Essays by Opal Palmer Adisa Eros Muse: Poems & Essays by Opal Palmer Adisa
Escape to an Autumn Pavement by Andrew Salkey Escape to an Autumn Pavement by Andrew Salkey
Escape to Last Man Peak by Jean D'Costa Escape to Last Man Peak by Jean D'Costa
Essie's Kids and the Rolling Calf Island Style Story by Luke A.M. Brown Essie's Kids and the Rolling Calf: Island Style Story by Luke A.M. Brown
Everything Is Now New and Collected Stories by Michelle Cliff Everything Is Now: New and Collected Stories by Michelle Cliff
Everywhere Faces Everywhere Poems by James Berry Everywhere Faces Everywhere: Poems by James Berry
Falling in Love with Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson Falling in Love with Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson
The Family Mansion by Anthony C. Winkler The Family Mansion by Anthony C. Winkler
Faster than Lightning My Autobiography by Usain Bolt Faster than Lightning: My Autobiography by Usain Bolt
The Festival of Wild Orchid by Ann-Margaret Lim The Festival of Wild Orchid by Ann-Margaret Lim
The Fifth Figure by Jean 'Binta' Breeze The Fifth Figure by Jean 'Binta' Breeze
Fiona by Catherine Gaskin Fiona by Catherine Gaskin
Hamel, the Obeah Man by Cynric R. Williams Hamel, the Obeah Man by Cynric R. Williams

message 34: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 28, 2021 09:47PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments More books set in Jamaica:

The Hellion Bride (Brides, #2) by Catherine Coulter The Hellion Bride by Catherine Coulter (2nd book in Brides series)
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn
Honor Among Spies (Ian Fleming, #3) by Quinn Fawcett Honor Among Spies by Quinn Fawcett (3rd book in Ian Fleming series)
Hot Earth Cold Earth by James Berry Hot Earth Cold Earth by James Berry
Hot Romances of Essie by Luke A.M. Brown Hot Romances of Essie by Luke A.M. Brown
Hot Summer by Judy Powell Hot Summer by Judy Powell
Hound Dog by Oren Cousins Hound Dog by Oren Cousins
How Stella Got Her Groove Back by Terry McMillan How Stella Got Her Groove Back by Terry McMillan
How to Love a Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs How to Love a Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs
Hurricane / Childhood Tracks by James Berry Hurricane / Childhood Tracks by James Berry
Hurricane Summer by Asha Bromfield Hurricane Summer by Asha Bromfield
I Am Becoming My Mother by Lorna Goodison I Am Becoming My Mother by Lorna Goodison
I'm Still Waiting by Colin Channer I'm Still Waiting by Colin Channer
If I'm Not Back By Wednesday Trapped in Jamaica's Blue Mountains by Geoffrey B Haddad If I'm Not Back By Wednesday: Trapped in Jamaica's Blue Mountains
Into the Interior by Michelle Cliff Into the Interior by Michelle Cliff
Irie Jamboree. My life in Jamaica as a jet set slave with the enormous secret of a love affair with Jamaican dancehall artist Sean Paul, the incestous pedophile... by Susanne Persson Irie Jamboree by Susanne Persson
Island of a Thousand Springs (Carribean Island Saga #1) by Sarah Lark Island of a Thousand Springs by Sarah Lark (1st book in Caribbean Island Saga)
Island of the Red Mangroves (Carribean Islands Saga #2) by Sarah Lark Island of the Red Mangroves by Sarah Lark (2nd book in Caribbean Island Saga)
It Begins with Tears by Opal Palmer Adisa It Begins with Tears by Opal Palmer Adisa
The Jacob Ladder by Gerald Hausman The Jacob Ladder by Gerald Hausman
Jamaica by Malcolm Knox Jamaica by Malcolm Knox
Jamaica Blue by Don Bruns Jamaica Blue by Don Bruns
Jamaica Dreaming by Eugenia O'Neal Jamaica Dreaming by Eugenia O'Neal
Jamaica Dreams A memoir (Kindle Single) by Rosemarie Robotham Jamaica Dreams: A Memoir by Rosemarie Robotham
Jamaica Labrish by Louise Bennett Jamaica Labrish by Louise Bennett
Jamaica Me Dead by Bob Morris Jamaica Me Dead by Bob Morris
Jamaican Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith Jamaican Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith
A Jamaican Girl ... Broken Dreams by Toni Cornwall A Jamaican Girl ... Broken Dreams by Toni Cornwall
Jamaican Me Crazy A Christmas Escape by Debbie Digiovanni Jamaican Me Crazy: A Christmas Escape by Debbie Digiovanni
Jamaican Song and Story Annancy Stories, Digging Sings, Ring Tunes, and Dancing Tunes by Walter Jekyll Jamaican Song and Story by Walter Jekyll
The Jamaicans by Victor Stafford Reid The Jamaicans by Victor Stafford Reid
Jane's Career A Story of Jamaica by Herbert G. de Lisser Jane's Career: A Story of Jamaica by Herbert G. de Lisser
Jonah Simpson by Andrew Salkey Jonah Simpson by Andrew Salkey
Karl and Other Stories by Velma Pollard Karl and Other Stories by Velma Pollard
Katani's Jamaican Holiday by Annie Bryant Katani's Jamaican Holiday by Annie Bryant
Kedgeree and Rhubarb Crumble Recipes from a Cosmopolitan Childhood by Jehan S. Rajab Kedgeree and Rhubarb Crumble: Recipes from a Cosmopolitan Childhood
Kingston Buttercup by Ann-Margaret Lim Kingston Buttercup by Ann-Margaret Lim
The Land of Look Behind by Michelle Cliff The Land of Look Behind by Michelle Cliff
The Land of Look Behind by Aaron Blaylock The Land of Look Behind by Aaron Blaylock
Language in Exile Three Hundred Years of Jamaican Creole by Barbara Lalla Language in Exile: Three Hundred Years of Jamaican Creole by Barbara Lalla
Leaving Traces by Velma Pollard Leaving Traces by Velma Pollard
Limbo A Novel about Jamaica by Esther Figueroa Limbo: A Novel about Jamaica by Esther Figueroa
Lionheart Gal Life Stories of Jamaican Women by Sistren Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women by Sistren
Listen, the Wind by Roger Mais Listen, the Wind by Roger Mais
Live and Let Die (James Bond, #2) by Ian Fleming Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming
Long Time No See by Hannah Lowe Long Time No See by Hannah Lowe
Look! A Moko Jumbie by Opal Palmer Adisa Look! A Moko Jumbie by Opal Palmer Adisa
Lost White Tribes Journeys Among the Forgotten by Riccardo Orizio Lost White Tribes: Journeys Among the Forgotten by Riccardo Orizio
Lover's Leap by Horane Smith Lover's Leap by Horane Smith
Lover's Rock A Novel by Colin Channer Lover's Rock: A Novel by Colin Channer
The Lunatic by Anthony C. Winkler The Lunatic by Anthony C. Winkler
Madam Fate by Marcia Douglas Madam Fate by Marcia Douglas
Man from Jamaica's Hills by Elkanah Rhule Man from Jamaica's Hills by Elkanah Rhule
The Man Who Turned Both Cheeks A Novel by Gillian Royes The Man Who Turned Both Cheeks: A Novel by Gillian Royes
The Man With the Golden Gun (James Bond, #13) by Ian Fleming The Man With the Golden Gun by Ian Fleming
The Marvellous Equations of the Dread A Novel in Bass Riddim by Marcia Douglas The Marvellous Equations of the Dread: A Novel in Bass Riddim by Marcia Douglas
The Middle Passage by V.S. Naipaul The Middle Passage by V.S. Naipaul
Midland by Kwame Dawes Midland by Kwame Dawes
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson
A Million Aunties by Alecia McKenzie A Million Aunties by Alecia McKenzie
Mixed Company Three Early Jamaican Plays by Yvonne Brewster Mixed Company: Three Early Jamaican Plays by Yvonne Brewster
The Moon Has its Secrets by Barbara Blake-Hannah The Moon Has its Secrets by Barbara Blake-Hannah
Morgan's Daughter by Herbert G. de Lisser Morgan's Daughter by Herbert G. de Lisser
Murder in Jamaica (Murder in Paradise #3) by Penelope Sotheby Murder in Jamaica by Penelope Sotheby (3rd book in Murder in Paradise series)
My Green Hills of Jamaica And Five Jamaican Short Stories by Claude McKay My Green Hills of Jamaica: And Five Jamaican Short Stories by Claude McKay

message 35: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments More books set in Jamaica:

Myal by Erna Brodber Myal by Erna Brodber
A Nest Full of Stars by James Berry A Nest Full of Stars by James Berry
New Day by V.S. Reid New Day by Victor Stafford Reid
The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson
News for Babylon by James Berry News for Babylon by James Berry
The Noisy Silence by Luke A.M. Brown The Noisy Silence by Luke A.M. Brown
THE NON-SILENCE OF THE LAMB The Whole Story -(So Help Me Pen) Adult Contemporary Version by Luke A.M. Brown The Non-Silence of the Lamb: Contemporary Version by Luke A.M. Brown
North of Night and South of Sun by Christina Giscombe North of Night and South of Sun by Christina Giscombe
Notes from a Writer's Book of Cures and Spells by Marcia Douglas Notes from a Writer's Book of Cures and Spells by Marcia Douglas
Nothing's Mat by Erna Brodber Nothing's Mat by Erna Brodber
Old Story Time and Smile Orange (Longman Caribbean Writers) by Trevor Rhone Old Story Time and Smile Orange by Trevor Rhone
On the Edge of an Island by Jean 'Binta' Breeze On the Edge of an Island by Jean 'Binta' Breeze
Over Our Way by Jean D'Costa Over Our Way by Jean D'Costa
The Pain Tree by Olive Senior The Pain Tree by Olive Senior
The Painted Canoe by Anthony C. Winkler The Painted Canoe by Anthony C. Winkler
The Painter by Will Davenport The Painter by Will Davenport
Patsy by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn Patsy by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn
Pepperpot Best New Stories from the Caribbean by Peekash Press Pepperpot: Best New Stories from the Caribbean by Peekash Press
Pirate's Kiss by Diana Haviland Pirate's Kiss by Diana Haviland
Pirates! by Celia Rees Pirates! by Celia Rees
A Plague of Zombies (Lord John Grey, #3.5) by Diana Gabaldon A Plague of Zombies by Diana Gabaldon (Lord John Grey #3.5)
Pocomania and London Calling by Una Marson Pocomania and London Calling by Una Marson
Popisho by Leone Ross Popisho by Leone Ross
Progeny of Air by Kwame Dawes Progeny of Air by Kwame Dawes
Providential by Colin Channer Providential by Colin Channer
Psyche by Herbert G. de Lisser Psyche by Herbert G. de Lisser
A Quality of Violence by Andrew Salkey A Quality of Violence by Andrew Salkey
The Rainmaker's Mistake by Erna Brodber The Rainmaker's Mistake by Erna Brodber
Reach for a Different Sun by Jennifer O'Connor Reach for a Different Sun by Jennifer O'Connor
Reader, I married him & other queer goings-on by Dorothea Smartt Reader, I Married Him & Other Queer Goings-on by Dorothea Smartt
Remote Man by Elizabeth Honey Remote Man by Elizabeth Honey
Riddym Ravings And Other Poems by Jean Binta Breeze Riddym Ravings And Other Poems by Jean Binta Breeze
Ring the Alarm (Tales from Jamaica, #1) by L.C. Andrews Ring the Alarm by L.C. Andrews (1st book in Tales from Jamaica series)
Riot by Andrew Salkey Riot by Andrew Salkey
River Woman by Donna Hemans River Woman by Donna Hemans
Romance by Joan Riley Romance by Joan Riley
Romancing Essie Island Flavor by Luke A.M. Brown Romancing Essie: Island Flavor by Luke A.M. Brown
Roots as Strong as a Mango Tree by Sandra Hardy Roots as Strong as a Mango Tree by Sandra Hardy
Roots Radical That Jamaican Son of a ... by Errol St. John Stephenson Roots Radical: That Jamaican Son of a ... by Errol St. John Stephenson

message 36: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 28, 2021 09:44PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments More books set in Jamaica:

Satisfy My Soul by Colin Channer Satisfy My Soul by Colin Channer
Selected Poems by Lorna Goodison Selected Poems by Lorna Goodison
Selected Poems Louise Bennett by Louise Bennett Selected Poems: Louise Bennett by Louise Bennett
Seven Years to Sin by Sylvia Day Seven Years to Sin by Sylvia Day
Shame Trees Don't Grow Here But Poincianas Bloom by Velma Pollard Shame Trees Don't Grow Here: But Poincianas Bloom by Velma Pollard
Shattered Icon by Bill Napier Shattered Icon by Bill Napier
She's Gone by Kwame Dawes She's Gone by Kwame Dawes
Shell by Olive Senior Shell by Olive Senior
Shh... It's a Wedding by Sylvia Wynter Shh... It's a Wedding by Sylvia Wynter
Ship Shape by Dorothea Smartt Ship Shape by Dorothea Smartt
Show Me a Mountain by Kerry Young Show Me a Mountain by Kerry Young
Siren Song (Ian Fleming, #2) by Quinn Fawcett Siren Song by Quinn Fawcett
Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson
So Much Things to Say The Oral History of Bob Marley by Roger Steffens So Much Things to Say: The Oral History of Bob Marley
A Soh Wi Do It by Joelle Cohen Wright A Soh Wi Do It by Joelle Cohen Wright
Song for Mumu A Novel by Lindsay Barrett Song for Mumu: A Novel by Lindsay Barrett
Sprat Morrison (Horizons) by Jean D'Costa Sprat Morrison by Jean D'Costa
Spring Cleaning (Virago Poetry) by Jean Binta Breeze Spring Cleaning by Jean Binta Breeze
Stone Haven by Evan Jones Stone Haven by Evan Jones
Storm Warning (The 39 Clues, #9) by Linda Sue Park Storm Warning by Linda Sue Park
A Story I Am in Selected Poems by James Berry A Story I Am in: Selected Poems by James Berry
Such As I Have (Macmillan Caribbean Writers) by Garfield Ellis Such As I Have by Garfield Ellis
The Sugar Barons by Matthew Parker The Sugar Barons by Matthew Parker
Susan Proudleigh by Herbert G. de Lisser Susan Proudleigh by Herbert G. de Lisser
Sweetheart by Alecia McKenzie Sweetheart by Alecia McKenzie
A Tall History of Sugar by Curdella Forbes A Tall History of Sugar by Curdella Forbes
Tamarind and Mango Woman by Opal Palmer Adisa Tamarind and Mango Woman by Opal Palmer Adisa
Tea by the Sea by Donna Hemans Tea by the Sea by Donna Hemans
Tembe by Gillian Lee-Fong-Farris Tembe by Gillian Lee-Fong-Farris
These Ghosts Are Family by Maisy Card These Ghosts Are Family by Maisy Card
A Thief in the Village by James Berry A Thief in the Village by James Berry
Third World Girl by Jean 'Binta' Breeze Third World Girl by Jean 'Binta' Breeze
This Bleeding Heart of Mine by Errol St. John Stephenson This Bleeding Heart of Mine by Errol St. John Stephenson
The Tide Between Us An Epic Irish-Jamaican Story of Passion, Loss and Inescapable Destinies by Olive Collins The Tide Between Us by Olive Collins
Till I'm Laid to Rest by Garfield Ellis Till I'm Laid to Rest by Garfield Ellis
Towards the Stars by Una Marson Towards the Stars by Una Marson
Troubled Heritage (Vane, #2) by Jeanne Wilson Troubled Heritage by Jeanne Wilson (2nd book in Vane series)
Trust the Darkness My Life as a Writer by Anthony C. Winkler Trust the Darkness by Anthony C. Winkler
Turbo Donkeycart Poetry from Jamaica by Michael A.D. Edwards Turbo Donkeycart: Poetry from Jamaica by Michael A.D. Edwards
Turn Thanks Poems by Lorna Goodison Turn Thanks: Poems by Lorna Goodison
Two Can Play and Other Plays (Macmillan Caribbean Writers) by Trevor Rhone Two Can Play and Other Plays by Trevor Rhone
Una Marson Selected Poems by Una Marson Una Marson: Selected Poems by Una Marson
The Unbelonging by Joan Riley The Unbelonging by Joan Riley
Until Judgement Comes Stories About Jamaican Men by Opal Palmer Adisa Until Judgement Comes: Stories About Jamaican Men by Opal Palmer Adisa
Vengeance At Port Royal (The West Indies Pirates Series) by Brett Licciardello Vengeance At Port Royal by Brett Licciardello
The Verandah Poems by Jean 'Binta' Breeze The Verandah Poems by Jean 'Binta' Breeze
Voices in Exile Jamaican Texts of the 18th and 19th Centuries by Jean D'Costa Voices in Exile: Jamaican Texts of the 18th and 19th Centuries by Jean D'Costa
Voices Under the Window by John Hearne Voices Under the Window by John Hearne
Waiting in the Twilight by Joan Riley Waiting in the Twilight by Joan Riley
Waiting in Vain by Colin Channer Waiting in Vain by Colin Channer
Wake Rasta and Other Stories by Garfield Ellis Wake Rasta and Other Stories by Garfield Ellis
We Must Learn to Sit Together and Talk About a Little Culture Decolonizing Essays 1967-1984 by Sylvia Wynter We Must Learn to Sit Together and Talk About a Little Culture by Sylvia Wynter
West Indian Stories by Andrew Salkey West Indian Stories by Andrew Salkey
The West Indies in 1837 Being the Journal of a Visit to Antigua, Monsterrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica (1838) by Joseph Sturge The West Indies in 1837: Being the Journal of a Visit to Antigua, Monsterrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica
Freibeuterin der Liebe by Michelle Beattie What a Pirate Desires by Michelle Beattie
Wheel and Come Again An Anthology of Reggae Poetry by Kwame Dawes Wheel and Come Again: An Anthology of Reggae Poetry by Opal Palmer Adisa
When I Dance by James Berry When I Dance by James Berry
When Life Gives You Mangos by Kereen Getten When Life Gives You Mangos by Kereen Getten
When Me Was a Boy by Charles Hyatt When Me Was a Boy by Charles Hyatt
When The Rain Stopped In Natland (Longman Book Project) by Alecia McKenzie When The Rain Stopped In Natland by Alecia McKenzie
Whispering Death by Michael Holding Whispering Death by Michael Holding
Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root Caribbean Fabulist Fiction by Nalo Hopkinson Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction by Nalo Hopkinson
The White Witch of Rosehall by Herbert G. de Lisser The White Witch of Rosehall by Herbert G. de Lisser
Windrush Songs by James Berry Windrush Songs by James Berry
Witches Steeped in Gold (Witches Steeped in Gold, #1) by Ciannon Smart Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart
Woodside, Pear Tree Grove P.O. by Erna Brodber Woodside, Pear Tree Grove P.O. by Erna Brodber
The World Is a High Hill by Erna Brodber The World Is a High Hill by Erna Brodber
Writing Down the Vision Essays & Prophecies by Kei Miller Writing Down the Vision: Essays & Prophecies by Kei Miller
Writing Jamaica People, Places, Struggles by Diana McCaulay Writing Jamaica: People, Places, Struggles by Diana McCaulay
The Young Warriors by Victor Stafford Reid The Young Warriors by Victor Stafford Reid
Your Corner Dark by Desmond Hall Your Corner Dark by Desmond Hall

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