Around the World in 80 Books discussion

Books Set in Asia > Korea, North and South

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message 1: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 01, 2011 11:10AM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Place any book set in North or South Korea here.

message 3: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 03, 2012 02:13PM) (new)

message 6: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments .

The Wings by Sang Yi The Wings by Sang Yi (South Korea)
Korea Unmasked by Won-bok RHIE Korea Unmasked by Won-bok RHIE (South Korea)

message 10: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Dec 29, 2013 07:54PM) (new)

message 11: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Feb 03, 2014 07:19PM) (new)

message 12: by Doug (new)

Doug Hendrie (doughendrie) | 6 comments AmalgaNations by Doug Hendrie
South Korea: the professional videogamer celebrities of Seoul and their hardcore training regimes feature in my book AmalgaNations.

message 16: by Giacomo (new)

Giacomo | 2 comments Funereal by Giacomo Lee is set in Seoul, South Korea

message 18: by Ashley (new)

Ashley | 4 comments Any recommendations for something set in Busan specifically? I am traveling there and love to get an idea of the culture and location through a novel. Thanks all!

message 19: by Travel (new)

Travel Books and Movies | 8 comments Ashley wrote: "Any recommendations for something set in Busan specifically? I am traveling there and love to get an idea of the culture and location through a novel. Thanks all!"

Ashley, I've asked a Korean colleague from Busan for ideas, but one that I can think of is When a Rooster Crows at Night: A Child's Experience of the Korean War.

In case you weren't already aware, as you look for books, also search for "Pusan"--it's just been fairly recently that Korea has tried to standardize it's English pronunciations and Pusan was changed to Busan. (And Cheju is now Jeju, Kimpo is now Gimpo, etc.)

I'll let you know if I come up with others!

message 20: by Ashley (new)

Ashley | 4 comments Travel wrote: "Ashley wrote: "Any recommendations for something set in Busan specifically? I am traveling there and love to get an idea of the culture and location through a novel. Thanks all!"

Ashley, I've aske..."
Thank you! The name suggestion is greatly appreciated!

message 22: by J.A.V. (new)

J.A.V. Simson (javsimson) This book includes experiences of two women who lived in Korea for two years--a century apart--end of 19th and 20th centuries. It includes a brief history of the Korean peninsula, valuable for Westerners traveling there for the first time.

message 23: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 24: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 26: by Sara (last edited May 17, 2017 04:37PM) (new)

message 27: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 33: by Christine (new)

Christine    | 149 comments Finished Human Acts by Han Kang
Human Acts by Han Kang

message 34: by Anna (new)

Anna (annafrommontana) | 256 comments Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
Most takes place in USA (Oregon) but a significant part is in Korea, especially descriptive of Korean food.

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