The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion


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message 1: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 11182 comments 5.8 - S.O.N. Read a book where the letters S, O, and N (September, October, November) are found consecutively in the title, subtitle, or author’s name. Series titles are EXCLUDED. Examples: James Patterson, Flight Lessons

message 2: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 11182 comments placeholder

message 3: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 11182 comments placeholder

message 4: by Riona (new)

Riona (rionafaith) I was looking through my shelves for authors that fit the bill so I thought I'd just throw these out here in case it helps anyone else:

Bill Bryson, Robert Anton Wilson, Neal Stephenson, David Markson, Ralph Ellison, Harry Harrison, Jeanette Winterson, Alison Bechdel, Shirley Jackson, Shelley Jackson, Robert Louis Stevenson, and lots more but I got bored.

"son" is obviously a really popular surname suffix so tons of options! Please let me know if none of these work for whatever reason.

message 6: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 11182 comments All excellent suggestions. Thanks, Riona and Fran!

Just a note - The letters don't have to be at the end of the name/word. So, titles like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Prisoner) will work, too.

message 8: by Claire (new)

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