Children's Books discussion

Specific Books & Authors > Diana Wynne Jones (16 August 1934-26 March 2011)

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message 1: by Emily (last edited Mar 26, 2011 04:52PM) (new)

Emily Very sad this morning to hear the news of the death of Diana Wynne Jones, an author loved by many of us.

What is your favorite DWJ book? Mine is Howl's Moving Castle. So funny and magical.Diana Wynne Jones

message 2: by MashJ (new)

MashJ | 5 comments how sad- maybe we could read one of her books in the upcoming months?

message 3: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Vegan (lisavegan) | 1078 comments Oh wow, Thanks for posting this, Emily. Sad! No more new books. Luckily, for me, I need to read all/most of the existing ones.

message 4: by Emily (new)

Emily Here's an obituary from the Guardian:

I wish she hadn't said that about J.K Rowling obviously having read her. I don't think the similarities are particularly noticeable.

You can read a wonderful autobiographical account of her childhood and her encounters with Arthur Ransome and Beatrix Potter on her website:

message 5: by Wilhelmina (new)

Wilhelmina Jenkins | 229 comments This is a very touching remembrance of Diana Wynne Jones by Neil Gaiman:

message 6: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Vegan (lisavegan) | 1078 comments Wilhelmina wrote: "This is a very touching remembrance of Diana Wynne Jones by Neil Gaiman:"

Very lovely. Thanks, Mina.

message 7: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 192 comments Thank you so much for posting Mina what a wonderful remembrance!

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