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Book Stuff > Calibre Library

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message 1: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 48 comments Mod
Links to your library go here!

message 2: by Jeff (new)

Jeff I'll share ... as soon as someone tells me how to :)

message 3: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 48 comments Mod
@Yeahiknow3 seems to have all the answers on that ... care to illuminate us on how that's done?

message 4: by Simeon (last edited Jan 18, 2011 08:58AM) (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3)

I just cleaned out about 3000 books.

So, this is how to share it online...

Preliminary Step 1) It is not funny to rename Bill O'reilly's book and advertise it as something else. If you do this, you are a sick bastard.

Step 1) Open port 8080

If you know how to do this, just do it and go on to Step 2. Also, if you can't be bothered to do it, try going through the rest of the steps and seeing if it works anyway (who knows, your router's firewall might be off or whatever).

In case you haven't used port forwarding before, whether because you don't play computer games or you're 80 years old or whatever, here's how and why you do it.

Basically, a request arrives at your IP address on port 8080, which is someone trying to see your Calibre Library. Normally, your router says "piss off" to such requests and tries to act all tough and shit. Your job is to edit the router's settings and tell it to loosen up, so that any request on your IP at this port is redirected through your LAN to your computer.

You do this using your browser and typing your Gateway IP into the address bar: or

Once there, you'll see username and password fields.

If you need help getting past this step, Google your specific router's model number. You can find the default username and password for your hardware, as well as more directions regarding port forwarding. The most common username/password combinations are: admin, [blank]; admin, password; and admin, motorola.

Once you're in, find "Port Forwarding." They usually hide it under "advanced settings," or whatever. Once you find it, indicate your PC's LAN IP (usually something like or, etc), and select that both UDP and TCP need to be forwarded on port 8080. There are two fields usually, to open a sequence of ports, and you can just put 8080 in both of them.

Step 2) Open Calibre
Step 3) Go to Preferences
Step 4) Click Sharing over the net
Step 5) Leave server port defaulted (8080!)
Step 6) Click "Start Server"
Step 7) Check the box "Run server automatically on startup" - this means application startup.
Step 8) Well-clicked. You are done.

Don't forget to hit Apply up top, btw, restart Calibre, and invite everyone to steal your books, located at [your IP address]:8080

You can figure out your own IP by typing "What is my IP?" into Google.

message 5: by TJ (last edited Jan 23, 2011 11:37AM) (new)

TJ (marisey) | 6 comments Mod
My server is up. It basically everything yeahiknow3 has but his computer is never on. My server is up 24/7.

Also I have next month's book, The Sirens of Titan up in mobi and epub format. Almost all of my books will be in mobi though.

*edit* The formatting on the mobi is off. Tried converting from epub but there's a lot of weird formatting and no chapter breaks. Looking for a fix.

*edit* If anyone knows anything about xpath that would be very helpful in converting these properly.

message 6: by Simeon (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3) Haha, we meet again, Thomas.

message 7: by TJ (last edited Jan 24, 2011 07:48PM) (new)

TJ (marisey) | 6 comments Mod
The server seems to be down constantly. Unfortunately I won't have much time this week to figure out what's wrong. I'll try to update when I've fixed it.

Also. what are you? My goodreads arch nemesis? I have sworn to protect the internet from terribad forum trolls in the name of the lulz.

message 8: by Simeon (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3) Your server was up just fine previously. Don't forget that the IP changes whenever you restart your router. Noob.

message 9: by TJ (new)

TJ (marisey) | 6 comments Mod
My IP hasn't changed. Can you access it?

message 10: by Simeon (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3) No. So either your ip has changed, your port has closed, or the server in calibre is turned off. One of these is true.

message 11: by TJ (new)

TJ (marisey) | 6 comments Mod
Ah, I forgot to save the settings when I checked run server on start up. It's up now.

message 12: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 48 comments Mod
Any of you guys know where I can get some digital versions of anything by Roger Zelazny?

I can't find a lick of it, either legit or otherwise.

Also, it's frustrating when I actually want to BUY something, but can't.

Le sigh.

message 13: by Simeon (last edited Jan 25, 2011 11:40AM) (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3) Which ones do you want?

More importantly, what format? Mobi, epub, pdf, etc.

message 14: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 48 comments Mod
I prefer mobi but I'll take what I can get.

message 15: by Simeon (new)

Simeon Stoychev (yeahiknow3) I put some of his books in my library a few hours ago, and I'll leave them up until you get them. Let me know if you want any others.

message 16: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 48 comments Mod
Thanks :-)

I'll have a looky-loo when I get home tonight.

message 17: by Rey (last edited Jul 18, 2013 06:41PM) (new)

Rey (reyg) | 1 comments Can somone help me with port forwarding calibre server? I have configured windows 8 to allow calbre to port forward and i set it up on router but not having any luck. It doesn't work outside my wifi network. Any guidance would be great!

This is what I get from
"Error: I could not see your service on on port (80)
Reason: Connection timed out"

I get this also from
"Closed Port 80 is closed on your IP"

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