Moning Maniacs discussion

Highlander : General discussions > How does this series relate to the fever series?

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message 1: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I have read in many different threads that both series are someway connected. Let's try to put all the facts and events that connect both series in here.

message 2: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
well, Drustan and Daegus are mentioned in the Fever series. Christian is a related to The Mackelters(Drustan and Daegus).....umm....I love these guys! =D

message 3: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I read in some of the other thread many interesting theories about this topic. I will search for them and add them here later. We also have the time Barrons went to the MacKeltar brothers for help.

message 4: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) Christian is the son of the MacKeltars, Christopher & Maggie MacKeltar. They are the modern day MacKeltars who reside in Castle MacKeltar from the novels in which Drustan (Kiss of the Highlander), Dageus (The Dark Highlander) & Cian (The Spell of the Highlander) appear. Hopefully they will all make some sort of appearance in Shadowfever, but I've heard those characters are copyrighted by her previous publisher. So I'm unsure as to whether she's able to write about them specifically.

message 5: by Katie (new)

Katie (skateanddonate) | 11 comments Given the 'powers' or capabilities of the Berserkers displayed in book two seems to heavily imply who Dani is related to.

Stacia (the 2010 club) (stacia_r) | 73 comments So who wants to decipher this scene from book 3 of Highlander for me?

She pivoted on the sand. Two utterly beautiful men stood on the beach, dressed in simple white robes. One was as dark as the other was fair, and both were regarding her with disdain.

The blond Adonis gestured to his companion. "How strange, for a moment I almost thought that it heard me. It appears to be looking at us."

"Not possible. It can neither see nor hear us unless we permit it."

"I hate to burst your smug bubble, but I do see you and I am mortal. Are you more of those pernicious fairy-things?" she asked irritably. The hell with them. They were not going to manipulate her. Besides, how much worse could her life get?

"Fairy-things?" The blond one's eyes widened. "It called us a fairy-thing," he informed his companion. "It sees us. Do you think it may be one of those meddling mortals who see both worlds - the ones our Queen and King kidnap at birth?"

The dark one arched a brow. "Then where has it been since then? For it appears fully grown to me."

"I am not an 'it' and I am fully grown and I was not kidnapped at birth and I would appreciate it if you did not speak of me as if I didn't exist."

"Then how did you come to be here?"

"Where is here?" Lisa asked swiftly. She was going to assume control of events from moment one in this strange place.

"Morar. It is where the Tuatha de Dannaan repaired after the compact," the Adonis said.

"Take me to your Queen," Lisa commanded imperiously.

They exchanged glances, then simply vanished.

message 7: by Regina (new)

Regina (reginar) Lisa has been transported to fairy and two fairies see her. The fairies discuss what the heck she is doing there and wonder if she is sidhe seer (like Mac) which typically the Fae kidnap and bring to live in fairy. The fairies are shocked that they communicate with Lisa, Lisa is shocked by their beauty. When Lisa asks where she is, the fairies tell her she is in fairy and explain that since the agreement with humans, this is where the fairies live. Lisa asks to see the queen. The fairies disappear.

message 8: by ☻Nikki☻ (new)

☻Nikki☻ C (nikkic1998) WHOA!! I definitely didn't catch this when I read the book...or if I did I've forgotten.

Could be Spoiler if you haven't read Fever Series

First...think the blond Adonis could be V'lane?? That's of course my first thought. The dark one?? Darroc?? This was before he was kicked out of faery and turned human...Hmmmm.

The kidnapping of those that see both worlds comment was something I had thought about once or twice (of course I was thinking more along the lines of changelings - where they swap a fae baby for a human).

First thought after reading this, maybe Mac & Alina had been kidnapped then rescued and they were sent away & adopted to keep them safe.

I also wondered if that's how Barrons was in faery ages ago, when he killed a princess. Maybe he was raised in faery after he was kidnapped cause he could see both worlds. I still think he is more than just human though. Maybe the queen let him drink the elixir of life while he was there?? That still leaves a lot of stuff unexplained with him.

I really would like to re-read the Highlander books before Shadowfever comes out but I don't have them. I borrowed them from libraries (notice the plural form...nobody had the whole series. I had to get them from 3 different ones..ugh).

Very interesting find Stacia

message 9: by Regina (last edited Dec 18, 2010 11:51AM) (new)

Regina (reginar) It is part of the compact that all humans that can see fairies belong to the queen. It is discussed several times in adam's book. I don't think this is a spoiler but it is world building about the fairy world and it is the first book to mention that the sidhe seers belong to the queen.

message 10: by ☻Nikki☻ (new)

☻Nikki☻ C (nikkic1998) Yep...I definitely need to do a re-read.

message 11: by Regina (last edited Dec 18, 2010 01:09PM) (new)

Regina (reginar) Do you have an ereader app on your computer or handheld? That would be an easy way to access the books and I bet there are quite a few of them offered for used on amazon and other online retailors.

I love the HL books and it is weird bc usually romance is not my thing but for me KMM did alot of world building of the fae world in these books. There is so much even in just Cian's book.

I think the idea of what happened to Mac and Alina is interesting. So are you thinking that the queen claimed them and they escaped/were rescued? I always thought the mom played a part in losing the book and then had a falling out with the order so she fled and placed the girls in hiding/adopted them out. Or peraps losing the book was Rowena's fault and thr mom had a falling out then. But I just do not know. It could be

On another thread someone posted that there is a link between Dani and #2 of the HL series. I don't see it can anyone explain it to me? I haven't seen the signs of her being a beserker but I am open to being convinced!

Stacia (the 2010 club) (stacia_r) | 73 comments ☻Nikki☻ wrote: "WHOA!! I definitely didn't catch this when I read the book...or if I did I've forgotten.

Could be Spoiler if you haven't read Fever Series

First...think the blond Adonis could be V'lane?? That's ..."

I was thinking V'lane too.

message 13: by Heather (new)

Heather | 1 comments I know I'm a year late posting to this page, but what about all of unsealy hallow connections between the Highlander series and the Fever series...I wish I would have read these in order! I finished the Fever before I started the Highlanders. I wish I would have done it the other way.

message 14: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments I just started the Fever series and I am having a memory moment. I read the Highlander series several years ago and seem to remember in one of the Highlander books a man chained to the wall in a dungeon. Was that Barrons ?? V'lane ?? I'm driving myself nuts trying to remember what book that scene was in !! Maybe it wasn't even this series. Help....

message 15: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Frost | 5 comments I dont remember anybody being chained to the wall in The HIghlander Series...

message 16: by Shari-amor (new)

Shari-amor I don't either especially not in the later books. The only highlander book I didnt read was Grimms story which I think was the second one si I cant say for that one

message 17: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments Maybe it is a different series. I remember a scene where someone is chained in a dungeon and his name starts with a "j" (Jared??) but he uses a different name also. There is an evil woman that is torturing him. I thought it was a set up for another book but must not be this series. Maybe I am reading too many books !! (Just kidding. No such thing as too many books)

message 18: by Shari-amor (new)

Shari-amor *gasps* Theres no such thing as too many books. lol
Yeah that could be it. I cant imagine anybody torturing JZB hehe

message 19: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments I just hate it when you remember a scene from a book and can't remember what book it's from. Oh well !! I am REALLY enjoying this series. Everyone is so mysterious !!!

message 20: by Shari-amor (new)

Shari-amor And watch it'll come to you in the craziest way. Probably reading another book with a similar scene

message 21: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Frost | 5 comments Wait I do remember someone being chained.... In The Dark Highlander towards the end Daegus gets chained to a pillar in a basement.

message 22: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments I must have checked the Highlander series out from the library because I don't have copies of them. Maybe it was just Daegus chained to a pillar I am thinking of !!

message 23: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Frost | 5 comments That is the only person chained I can think of... Chloe was chained with Daegus in that book as well

message 24: by Shari-amor (new)

Shari-amor I thought of that scene of Daegus and Chloe when you mentioned it Kim but figured that wasn't it since you said someone being tortured by an evil woman.

message 25: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Frost | 5 comments That's all that comes to my mind and it took me a little bit to think of it.

message 26: by Shari-amor (new)

Shari-amor Have you read Grimm's story, the 2nd book!? I've read the others and honestly cant think of anything else, that's the only book I cant account for.

message 27: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Frost | 5 comments I have read Grimm's story and I can't think of anything in his story about being chained up at all.

message 28: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments Thanks for all your help. Maybe I dreamed it. LOL !!

message 29: by Ladyhawk (new)

Ladyhawk | 4 comments Kim Ann wrote: "Maybe it is a different series. I remember a scene where someone is chained in a dungeon and his name starts with a "j" (Jared??) but he uses a different name also. There is an evil woman that is..."

Perhaps you're thinking of Jean Claude from the Anita Blake series? Have you read that? That scene is familiar to me.

message 30: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments No I haven't read that series.

message 31: by Ladyhawk (last edited Jul 29, 2013 09:34PM) (new)

Ladyhawk | 4 comments That's too funny because there is a very similiar scene in The Anita Blake Series. I have not read too far into the Highlander Series so maybe it's still to come.

message 32: by Missy (new)

Missy | 2 comments I think this is from the Dark Hunters series. I can't remember exactly who was chained, but it does seem like his name started with a J (I want to say Jared too) I think it was Striker's wife who was torturing him.

message 33: by Kim Ann (new)

Kim Ann (kimann) | 8 comments I have read the Dark Hunters series so maybe that is where that scene is from. It has been awhile... Thanks Missy !!

message 34: by Missy (new)

Missy | 2 comments The book you are thinking about is One Silent Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It is Striker & Zephyra's story and she does have Jared chained in the dungeon.

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