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message 1: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited May 17, 2010 09:49PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Hey guys, just wanted to share the latest news about the series with you. Have you read Moning's latest blog update?

Here it is, check it out. Too good to be true!

***I got my first look at the initial mockup of the cover for SHADOWFEVER last week, and can’t wait to share it with you! I adore eBooks—you can’t beat the ease of transport—but there’s a part of me that craves the tactile experience, loves to touch the cover, smell the ink and paper, and see books lined up on my shelves. It makes me feel rich, to have all those stories and possibilities staring back at me. I can’t begin to describe the stunning package Delacorte developed for the conclusion of the FEVER series. I expect to have the final version this week and hope to unveil it next weekend. Yes, it deserves an unveiling! It’s stunning!

Speaking of Shadowfever, it’s coming along. And along and along. Yes, it's long....I'm loving it, and hope you guys do, too!***

message 2: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Can' wait to see Shadowfever's cover. I have been waiting go long for it that it doesn't seem real that it will actually come out.

***I expect to have the final version this week and hope to unveil it next weekend*** OMG!!!

And did you noticed this??***Yes, it's long***

I can go to sleep happy now.

message 3: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments OMG I'm so frickin excited for this book! Thank God its going to be me plenty of hope for all the lingering questions and story wrap-ups!

message 4: by Jesse (new)

Jesse (Jessep) | 12 comments So excited and I'm glad that she says the last book will be long. I won't want it to be over! Can't wait to see the cover!

message 5: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I know, the moment I read the word long I was so excited I even call a friend to let her know,lol. We ended up discussing about the series the whole night,lol.

message 6: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) I can't wait to see what the cover looks like. They are all so pretty with the very vivid colors.

message 7: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I know I love them all. Can't wait.

message 8: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) I'm waiting for Shadowfever to be released to I can buy the whole set. Hopefully then the other books will be out with the re-designed covers.

message 9: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I think I'll be buying them in hardcover,lol. I love the covers.

message 10: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I'm waiting to buy them all together as well

message 11: by Silvia (new)

Silvia     (pulgita2001) | 13 comments Vale wrote: "I'm waiting to buy them all together as well"

That is going to be my Xmas gift to myself this year. I borrowed all the previous books from my friend. But once Shadowfever comes out I want to own all of the books for myself. I'm so excited, by far my favorite series along with BDB.

message 12: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I'm posting this here where it should be as well! Guys the cover for shadowfever is out.

Go there to see it and read the summary as well.

message 13: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments I just saw the newsletter! The cover is gorgeous! Summary is vague as ever, but now I'm excited as hell!

message 14: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
OMG I can't even put out more than one coherent thought together. I can't believe it is actually out. It makes it even more real. I'm so excited I can't keep reading the book I was reading right now.

message 15: by Silvia (new)

Silvia     (pulgita2001) | 13 comments I can't wait. I saw the cover. It's awesome!

message 16: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I read at Moning's facebook that once the last book is publish, things with the movie will become much serous! Can't wait!

message 17: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments OMG wonderful news! Which means the ending HAS to be great otherwise why bother continuing? LOL Wishful hoping on my part but my delusions make me happy. :P

message 18: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
this news has got me really very super excited.

message 19: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
This was posted by Karen on the KMM forum today, Shadowfever's release has been pushed back to January 18, 2011:

SHADOWFEVER release date: the good and bad news


So it's been moved again. I was pretty sure it would be.

My typical novel is about 100,000 words, give or take. Every author has a word count they seem to be comfortable writing and that's mine. I don't go by page count, because it's so fickle. Depending on the font, line spacing, white space, etc. a publisher chooses, they can make a long book look short or a short book look long.

100,000 words is usually a 400 page paperback. Depending on typesetting. To give you a better frame of reference, The Dark Highlander was approximately 94,000 words. Kiss of the Highlander was about 102,000. I think Bloodfever was my shortest at about 87,000-90,000. Dreamfever was the longest at about 115,000.

Shadowfever was originally scheduled for release December 28th. When it was moved to December 7th, I was pretty sure it wouldn't end up staying there.

The bad news is that the new and hopefully final release date for Shadowfever is now January 18, 2011. Which is really only 3 weeks later than they'd originally scheduled it for.

The good news is that I'm delivering the equivalent of 2 books for me. No--they're not going to split it into two! It's just that long. I think it's going to end up coming in at around 180,000+ when I'm done, which will be soon. I'll continue to keep you posted but I'm pretty certain that's a set-in-stone release date.

Thanks Alyssa for this news. I had to post them here to keep an order. But thanks!!!

message 20: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
WTF??????????? NOOOOOO!!! Why are they doing this to us!!!???

Ok, I'm better now,lol. I can't believe we will have to wait that long! Damn! I'm furious.

But double size? OMG that so much better that what I was hoping! It is going to be amazing!!!! BIG BIG BIG!. This book will kill me! Yes kill me,lol.

January? Nooo!. But at least we will have a 180,000 words' book.That's so cool!

message 21: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments OMG, Holy Crap! 180,000+ words?!?! Jan 18th?!?!? I don't know if I should be excited or sad...But hey, its new release date is only 9 days from my B-Day! Happy Birthday to me! LOL
Thanks for the update Vale!

message 22: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
It was actually Alyssa who read it first and let us all know about it, so she is to thank,lol. I just moved it from the book 5 thread to this one.

But this are HUGE NEWS... Can't wait, seriously I have never been waiting a book as badly as I am waiting this one!! At least we know it's gonna be huge,lol, so we have sth to keep us happy.

message 23: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
so if its the equivalent of 2 books do u think is gonna be like between 600-700 pages?

message 24: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I don't know, I guess, but the more the better. At least KMM makes the waiting worth it.

message 25: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Oops, Thank you Alyssa!

Huge book, Huge news, Huge excitement...Huge Prozac needed for the wait between now & re-read and new book release. LOL

message 26: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
i'd be sooooo happy if it is.

message 27: by Marissa (last edited Jun 14, 2010 02:11PM) (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments If Dreamfever was the longest at 115,000 and it equaled out to about 380 pages HC then I would estimate the 180,000+ to be at least 420-450 pages...does that sound about right? Especially if she is STILL writing it!

message 28: by Paige (new)

Paige (paigewaller) Lady Vale wrote: "It was actually Alyssa who read it first and let us all know about it, so she is to thank,lol. I just moved it from the book 5 thread to this one.

But this are HUGE NEWS... Can't wait, seriously I..."

I agree, I have never anticipated a book more than this one. I just want it NOW!!!!! haha

message 29: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) My anticipation level for this book is through the roof right now...I have to practice patience daily and now I have to wait until January . However, I know that KMM will make it SOOO worth our wait and I am super excited about the length of the book.

This just means I'll have to read even more books to keep my mind off of having to wait, lol.

message 30: by Paige (new)

Paige (paigewaller) Haha Alyssa that is what I am trying to do. But the funny thing mind always goes back to the fever series. Even when I am jogging I will start thinking about my theories for what Barrons really is and so on. My husband says its a crazy obsession but I love it.

message 31: by Jesslynn (last edited Jun 17, 2010 07:11PM) (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Holy shit!!!!!! I can't believe they've knocked it out to January. Do KMM's publishers hate her or us???

message 32: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments what does she mean when it's done? So it's not done? is that why it's being moved back bcs she hasn't finished it yet?

message 33: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I think that's it. But well, at least we'll have a huge book once it's out.

message 34: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments I wouldn't consider 450 pages "huge", but it at least gives me more confidence in the story being finished and perfect.
I have since found out that Diana Gabaldon (who writes the "Outlander" series) takes 3-5 years to release books. OMG...could you guys imagine if we had to wait like 2 more years for this???

message 35: by Paige (new)

Paige (paigewaller) There is just no way I could do that. Waiting one year feels like 10.

message 36: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) Jesslynn wrote: "I wouldn't consider 450 pages "huge", but it at least gives me more confidence in the story being finished and perfect.
I have since found out that Diana Gabaldon (who writes the "Outlander" seri..."

OMFG, I'd go crazy!

message 37: by Chrissy (new)

Chrissy (paintedlady75) | 4 comments I just went "OMG NO" in the breakroom when I read the release date. I scared the others around me lol.

message 38: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) Chrissy wrote: "I just went "OMG NO" in the breakroom when I read the release date. I scared the others around me lol."

January 18 is is just too damn far away, lol

message 39: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Alyssa (Hesperia) wrote: "Chrissy wrote: "I just went "OMG NO" in the breakroom when I read the release date. I scared the others around me lol."

January 18 is is just too damn far away, lol"

it's a freakishly long time for a 450 page book! The books that take 3-5 yrs are historicals that are based on fact and are anywhere from 800 to 1200 pages.

message 40: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
yea. i think it will be longer than 450. b/c the last book released like august, right?? so it has to be longer than 450...i think maybe over 600 or more. dreamfever was like almost 400 so maybe shadowfever will more towards 600-700 pages.

message 41: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I agree Mariya, because she mentioned it would be twice as big as the last one and if the last one was 400, the next has to be at least 700. Can't wait!

message 42: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Dreamfever was 362 pg @ 115,000 words according to KMM, so that's 317 words per page. If it's going to be 180000+ words, it's going to be about 570 pgs.

message 43: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments I don't count a glossary from Mac's journal or freaking recipes as part of the story. It's just not.

message 44: by Shelly (new)

Shelly (mashbay) Jesslynn wrote: "I wouldn't consider 450 pages "huge", but it at least gives me more confidence in the story being finished and perfect.
I have since found out that Diana Gabaldon (who writes the "Outlander" seri..."

Never mind 2 or 3 years, Jean Auel (I think that's how you spell it) is about 10 years between books!

message 45: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Holy Cow! 10 years is way to long for me to stay interested. Are they interesting? LOL

message 46: by Shelly (new)

Shelly (mashbay) Yeah. They are different, but interesting. I read everything though. Well, not too much nonfiction.

message 47: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments are they stand along books or series w/10 yr seperations?
I honestly wouldn't read a series if it was that long of a wait.

message 48: by Shelly (new)

Shelly (mashbay) They are a series and I think the first one was in the early 80's. Last one comes out next year. It's not fantasy or anything in this category. I just mentioned it because it's so long between books.

message 49: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments LOL Still way too long of a wait for my taste. I am not patient when it comes to books I want! :~)

message 50: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments patience is not a virtue i have either.

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