Moning Maniacs discussion

Extras & Just for fun > Fever World Online Store

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message 1: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments Just FYI:

If anyone is interested in buying products related to KMMs books (tees, bags, mugs, etc.), she has a Zazzle store here:

I couldn't resist when I found it, and I had to get a tote bag with Barrons' tattoo on it and a Barrons Books and Baubles mug. I love them!

message 2: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I was so sure this thread already existed,lol, I don't know why. I visited the store already and loved it! I swear if I would live there at the U.S I would buy a Barrons' T-shirt for sure or at least his PJ, lol. I love Barrons.

There are many cool stuff bat the store.

message 3: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Really? I didn't even look at the prices as I'm not able to buy the stuff. I agree Sammy, it's expensive. But if somebody buys stuff there I want pictures,lol.

message 4: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments If you like beaded bookmarks and haven't heard of Stupid Shiny Designs, I recommend her site. She takes custom orders, so I asked her to design a Jericho Z Barrons bookmark for me. I think her design is gorgeous, so I wanted to share it. She liked it as well and put it up on her site so others can order.

message 5: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Lol, I love it and you're so lucky for having something that makes you think of Barrons every time you set eyes on it. Oh Barrons...(LL),lol

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments Our favorite... well, whatever he is... is quite the popular fella. The lady who makes the bookmarks just posted that she's already sold out! And she just posted her link today. Barrons has quite the following, LOL.

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