Traditional Regency Romance Aficionados discussion


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message 1: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) | 6 comments Thanks for the invite, Rane. I haven't read that many Signet/Fawcett Regencies - they're hard to find here in Brazil - but I loved the ones I've read. And I'm always ready to find new recs. :)

message 2: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 6 comments Thanks for the invitation, Rane!
You got me by listing Balogh as an author. Now to look thru my bookshelves and see who else we discuss.

message 3: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) | 6 comments Same here, BJ. I was pulled in by Balogh. :)

message 4: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Thanks for the invite Dina! I've read a few regencies. I look forward to discussing books.

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5 comments Thank you for inviting me, Rane. I love the trad regencies.

message 6: by Dyanne (new)

Dyanne  (dyanneg) | 4 comments Thanks for the Invite Rane, I have been a bit remiss lately in keeping up with my GR list/forums ect.,with garden season ( just put in a new veg garden) but looking forward to a new "fresh" forum for romance.

message 7: by FlibBityFLooB (new)

FlibBityFLooB Hello, hello. I haven't read many of these books yet, but I have quite a few on my to-be-read list :)

I was wondering if you guys could help me find a good one from 1977. I need something to read for my lifetime challenge, and I didn't want to read THE THORN BIRDS.

message 8: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) FlibBityFLooB wrote: "Hello, hello. I haven't read many of these books yet, but I have quite a few on my to-be-read list :)

I was wondering if you guys could help me find a good one from 1977. I need something to r..."

Sundays Child

altho, what's wrong w/ THORN BIRDS? LOL.

If u want to do Charlotte Lamb Harlequins, JLMK. she probably published about 12 bks in 1977. Barbara Cartland probably published about 12 bks in 1977 also.

message 9: by Angelc (new)

Angelc | 2 comments Thanks for the invite, Rane!! I love the old regency style :)

message 10: by FlibBityFLooB (new)

FlibBityFLooB Seton -- hehehe. There's probably nothing wrong with the Thorn Birds. I just have borrowed a really bad copy from my mom, and it's falling apart so I don't want to break the binding any more.

I found a copy of Sunday's Child at PBS, so I may just read that one instead :)

message 11: by Karen (new)

Karen (karmolina) | 5 comments Hi everyone! Thanks for the invite, Rane. :-)

message 12: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 6 comments FlibBityFLooB wrote: "Hello, hello. I haven't read many of these books yet, but I have quite a few on my to-be-read list :)

I was wondering if you guys could help me find a good one from 1977. I need something to r..."

I did Ceremony for 1977, but some other options:
The Devil on Horseback by Victoria Holt
The Stone Bull & The Secret of Stone Face by Phyllis Whitney

Seton, you were just a little off on the # of Barbara Cartland books published in 1977 - according to Fantastic Fiction, there were 32!

message 13: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) BJ Rose wrote: "Seton, you were just a little off on the # of Barbara Cartland books published in 1977 - according to Fantastic Fiction, there were 32! "

Heh. I liked DEVIL ON HORSEBACK. I really dont like Gothic but my librarian pushed VH on me since she looked down on my Babs Cartland habit at the time. Jeez, I was only 13. What did she expect? Effin' snob.

message 14: by Julianna (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 7 comments Thanks for the invite, Rane. I have several of these books on my TBR pile, but haven't really read any lately. Maybe this group will give me an excuse to get on the ball and read them already.;-)

message 15: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Hi Rane...thank you for the group invitation. It has been a very, very long time since I've read Regency Romance, but I'm looking forward to starting again. Looks like you have a wonderful group here!

message 16: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 30 comments Hi Rane thank you for inviting me! Hi all, I'm Ana from Portugal and I love traditional regencies. I usually read 2 or 3 a month, mostly oldies, and I blog about them here http://an-evening-at-almacks.blogspot...

Dina I also had trouble finding them till I discovered Bookmooch, it's a book trading site and wonderful to find these type of books.

Looking forward to chat with you all. :-)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5 comments Hi Ana. You're the trad regency queen. I look to you for recommendations!

message 18: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 30 comments LOL well I feel like I have much to read yet. I only started collecting them for the past 2 or 3 years and I feel that there is much to discover yet ;-)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5 comments I follow faithfully in your wake. :)

message 20: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 30 comments ;-)

message 21: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) | 6 comments Ana T. wrote: "Dina I also had trouble finding them till I discovered Bookmooch, it's a book trading site and wonderful to find these type of books."

Oooh, I'm on Bookmooch too. How could I have forgotten that? :)

E agora, só porque sinto falta de falar em português neste site... Não vais acreditar, mas sou portuguesa de nascimento. Sim, senhora, nascida e criada em Moçambique, de onde saí ainda criança em 1975 quando a então colônia se tornou independente de Portugal. Como já moro no Brasil há muito tempo, acabei me naturalizando brasileira, mas tenho muitos parentes em Portugal e já estive aí duas vezes. Ah, que saudades da terrinha!

message 22: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 30 comments Eh eh a sério? Mas que engraçado. O mundo é pequeno mesmo! :-)

message 23: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) Ana T. wrote: "Hi Rane thank you for inviting me! Hi all, I'm Ana from Portugal and I love traditional regencies. I usually read 2 or 3 a month, mostly oldies, and I blog about them here http://an-evening-at-alma..."

I love your blog! I dont know of any others who do trads on a regular basis, sadly.

message 24: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 30 comments Thank you! There's another site that I know of with regular reviews:

message 25: by Dina (new)

Dina (missdina) | 6 comments Ana T. wrote: "Eh eh a sério? Mas que engraçado. O mundo é pequeno mesmo! :-)"

Muito pequeno mesmo! :)

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Rane,

Thank you for the group invite. I hope it's not too late to join. :)

message 27: by Jaimey (new)

Jaimey (jaimeygrant) | 16 comments Hi! I just stumbled across this group while checking out Carla Kelly's new release (I love her old stuff). I'm thrilled! I've been reading trad Regencies for over a decade now and just love them. Two of my favorite authors are Patricia Veryan and Marion Chesney. Back when my book buying habit was much worse, I purchased Regencies by the boxful on ebay. :o)

message 28: by Diane (new)

Diane Farr | 7 comments Hi everybody -- Jaimey invited me. Glad to know there are still a few readers out there who remember us fondly!

Diane Farr

message 29: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) Hi Jaimey! I love Chesney, esp the Sisters series. My local bookstore owner used to make fun of my taste because she thought Chesney chatacters were "tacky"

Hi DianeFarr! are u still writing YA bks?

message 30: by Jaimey (last edited May 26, 2010 05:48AM) (new)

Jaimey (jaimeygrant) | 16 comments Diane wrote: "Hi everybody -- Jaimey invited me. Glad to know there are still a few readers out there who remember us fondly!"

Hi Diane! I'm so glad you joined. As soon as I saw this group I thought of you and how cool it would be to have some of these wonderful authors in this group. (For those of you who are unaware, Diane wrote trad Regencies for Signet.)

Seton wrote: "Hi Jaimey! I love Chesney, esp the Sisters series. My local bookstore owner used to make fun of my taste because she thought Chesney chatacters were "tacky""

Hi Seton! I have so many Chesney faves. "Six Sisters" was good but I think the "House for a Season" series was my favorite. My all-time fave is the stand alone The French Affair. Makes me laugh every time I read it.

I'm getting off-topic.

Which reminds me, what are the rules for starting a thread about an author? I noticed they are broken into publisher folders but Chesney wrote for several, primarily for Fawcett and St Martin's. And then there's Loretta Chase, whose older Regencies were published by Avon and Fawcett.

message 31: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) yeah, we need a Walker subforum - chesney & chase both wrote for that imprint, as did Jobev

message 32: by Diane (new)

Diane Farr | 7 comments Seton, I'm working on two manuscripts at once ... one is a YA sequel to my just-released WICKED COOL, and the other is a single-title historical. Neither has been submitted to any publishers yet -- I'm just workin' on 'em.

Thanks for the welcome!

Diane Farr

message 33: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) Diane wrote: "Seton, I'm working on two manuscripts at once ... one is a YA sequel to my just-released WICKED COOL, and the other is a single-title historical. Neither has been submitted to any publishers yet --..."

That's great! I know you still have a lot of fans who would love another regency from ya.

message 34: by Diane (new)

Diane Farr | 7 comments Thank you, Rane!! My current release is not a Regency, but if readers enjoy my "voice" I hope they will give it a try anyway. I have an excerpt posted here, if anyone is interested:

But I do miss writing Regencies and hope to do so again.


message 35: by Cathiecaffey (new)

Cathiecaffey (caffey) | 1 comments Hi all! I just joined here having started reading some Joan Smith, among a few others, I'm not sure which pub they were with (maybe Signet) and love them and so looking forward to reading more of them! I have maybe one or so from Cerridwen (they have some re-releases and new of the traditional regencies under the line called Cotillion. Then too discovered Belgrave which re-releases. So I'm looking forward to getting into these reads! I read lots of historical romances but haven't tried much of the traditional until now.

message 36: by Beeface (new)

Beeface | 16 comments Hello All,

I've been a Traditional Regency reader since the early 1990s. It been tough to find the old Traditions but I pick them up when I see them.

I could kick myself when I passed Diane Farr's The Nobody when I saw the last one at B. Dalton's. How long ago was that? :S

I finally found myself a copy at an Used Bookstore. No one'll be able to pry it out of my hands. I absolutely LOVED IT!

Another *favorite* read of mine is Kate Moore's Sweet Bargain and I recommend it to all Traditional Regency book lovers.

seton wrote: "Hi Jaimey! I love Chesney, esp the Sisters series. My local bookstore owner used to make fun of my taste because she thought Chesney chatacters were "tacky"

Hi DianeFarr! are u still writing YA bks?"

message 37: by Beeface (last edited Aug 19, 2010 07:59AM) (new)

Beeface | 16 comments I forgot to mention... I also found Diane's Fair Game and Falling for Chloe. I'm saving them for when I need a =really= good book to read.

I wish Traditional Regencies would come back.

seton wrote: "Diane wrote: "Seton, I'm working on two manuscripts at once ... one is a YA sequel to my just-released WICKED COOL, and the other is a single-title historical. Neither has been submitted to any pub..."

message 38: by Olivia (new)

Olivia (oliviacharles) | 8 comments Hi Everyone!!
I love love love the traditional Regency novels. I've been pretty lucky in finding some of these in print from my local used books store. Also, some older novels are avialable as an ebook from Barnes and Noble or Fictionwise.

message 39: by Jaimey (new)

Jaimey (jaimeygrant) | 16 comments Hi and welcome to all the new members! :o)

Beeface wrote: "I wish Traditional Regencies would come back."

There are still some authors out there who write in the traditional style. And like Cathiecaffey mentioned, a few of the smaller publishers have sweet Regency imprints. One author I recommend whose novels remind me very much of the older traditional Regencies is Donna Hatch. I've read her first book, The Stranger She Married and I really enjoyed it.

message 40: by Beeface (new)

Beeface | 16 comments Thanks for recommending Donna Hatch. I have heard of her. I'll have to borrow my hubby's Kindle download me a copy.

Thanks, Jaimey. :)


Jaimey wrote: "Hi and welcome to all the new members! :o)

Beeface wrote: "I wish Traditional Regencies would come back."

There are still some authors out there who write in the traditional style. And like Cathi..."

message 41: by Julianna (last edited Aug 20, 2010 01:00PM) (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 7 comments I'll second the rec on Donna Hatch. I've read both of her full-length novels in the Rogue Hearts series. They were both good, but I absolutely loved the second one, The Guise of a Gentleman. It reminded me of Jane Austen meets pirates, all the gentility of the Regency era mixed with high seas adventure.:-)

message 42: by Janet (new)

Janet (janetnorcal) Thank you for the warm welcome! This is a website I use all the time to find great OOP Regencies. I buy them in used bookstores and online all the time. I just finished The Lady and the Cit by Blair Bancroft (not much of a cit since he was descended from a duke but he certainly was a man of business: I enjoyed it) and I'm just about to start Fleeting Fancy (10 year separation) by Rosemary Edghill.

message 43: by Bill (last edited Sep 19, 2010 10:56AM) (new)

Bill (bill_bee) | 7 comments Hi everyone. Allow me to introduce myself.

Several years ago I started to write a novel about Jane Austen. When I realized that it had a romantic theme, I decided to read some romances to see how they went. The first couple I read were by Georgette Heyer. The first one I read by a living author was by Mary Balogh and it was entitled More Than a Mistress. That book is still in my top ten books by her and I am on a quest to read everything she ever wrote. I have read One Night to Love and everything she wrote after that. And I am slowly collecting her backlist and reading them.

I discovered that romance novels are as interesting and fun to read as the sci-fantasy, mysteries, thrillers and general fiction I have always read. So I began to explore this new genre. My favorite romance authors are Georgette Heyer, Mary Balogh, Susan Wiggs (historical and contemporary romances), Julia Quinn, Madeline Hunter, and Alexis Harrington (historical romances set in the Pacific NW).

I mostly read Regency Romances. But I have read a few historical romances and a few contemporaries.

Jane Austen is my favorite author. I also read books by John Irving, Charles Dickens, Robert Jordan (fantasy), Stephanie Barron (Jane Austen mysteries), and many more too numerous to list.


message 44: by Linda (new)

Linda Boulanger (linda_boulanger) | 1 comments Hey Bill...have you ever read Jaimey Grant? Her style has been described as being very Austenesque. She's here on Goodreads or you can link to her from her author page on TreasureLine Books:

message 45: by Bill (new)

Bill (bill_bee) | 7 comments Linda wrote: "Hey Bill...have you ever read Jaimey Grant? Her style has been described as being very Austenesque. She's here on Goodreads or you can link to her from her author page on TreasureLine Books: http..."
No, I have not read Ms. Grant's books. But I will check her out.

message 46: by Grace (new)

Grace Elliot (httpwwwgoodreadscomgraceelliot) Hello, just to introduce myself.I love reading (and writing) regency romances - I was drawn to this group by the mention of Mary Balogh - she's such an inspirational author. I look forward to reading everyones posts and picking up so good recommends for authors I have yet to read.
Grace x

message 47: by Alicia (new)

Alicia Rasley | 5 comments Hi! I love traditional Regencies. I like untraditional ones too, but I esp. like English settings (particularly village and country house).

I wrote a bunch of Regencies, including a Signet (The Earl's Intrigue), and I've got the rights back and am preparing them for online publication now. I am really intrigued by how much "voice" has changed since I wrote them. The Signet one is kind of ironic and omniscient, and I'm afraid it will be kind of "over the top" for modern readers!

Anyway, my fave Signet writers go way back-- Sheila Walsh, and Joan Wolf. LOVE Joan Wolf. She could always make me cry, and that's unusual in a Regency.

Hi, everyone, glad to meet other readers!

Alicia Rasley

message 48: by seton (new)

seton (lindaseton42) Hi Alicia and welcome! May I ask which company will be publishing ur ebooks? Quickly looking over ur bks, I like the name of one of your heroines :-)

message 49: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Chater (chaterpublishing) | 2 comments Hello everyone. My grandmother, Elizabeth Chater, wrote 22 regency romance novels and I'm trying to share her work with a new generation. Send me a message or request me as a friend. I look forward to the discussion!Elizabeth Chater, Lee Chaytor

message 50: by Judith (new)

Judith Lown (httpwwwjudithlowncom) | 5 comments I have just joined. Today and tomorrow, my traditional Regency, A Sensible Lady is free on Kindle. I am a great admirer of Georgette Heyer, and, although her work is incomparable, I do my best to be true to her tone.

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