Moning Maniacs discussion

Extras & Just for fun > Casting for the movie

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message 1: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
It has been confirmed that there will be a movie. Do you know anything about it?

When will it be release? What book would it be about? Who the actors will be?

Anything we get to know about the movie will be publish in this thread.

message 2: by Sandra.D. (new)

Sandra.D. (mookiie_lubb) | 10 comments WOW a movie? that would be so awesome!!!

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments I hadn't heard about a movie, so this makes me happy!

message 4: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Yeah it's at KMM's page. You can check it out. I think FOX is who got the rights. But not much more is said. I can't wait to see who the actors will be.

message 5: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (alannarey) | 15 comments It also says it about the movie on the back flap of dreamfever if you have the hardback.

message 6: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments What?? I never read the covers! How stupid of me to have missed such awesome news!

message 7: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
What does it say exactly?

message 8: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments OK I pulled my copy and on the back inside flap it says "The Fever series has been optioned by Twentieth Century Fox/New Regency Productions." Thats all, but its still great news.

message 9: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I know.

message 10: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to know what the flap said. My bad.

message 11: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I did, lol, with I know I meant it actually is good news,lol. Thanks you so much for checking it out.

message 12: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Oops. Color me the clueless idiot and put me on ignore. LOL
I was wondering however, do we have somewhere already with guesses on casting ideas?

message 13: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 30, 2010 01:50PM) (new)

Here's an article: Darkfever movie

message 14: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 30, 2010 01:55PM) (new)

And the front runner for Jericho Barrons is...Eric Etebari.

message 15: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Wow thanks for the article. And the Eric Etebari link as well. I looked at some of his other photos and I can definitely get behind him playing Barrons. Yum.

message 16: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited Apr 30, 2010 03:15PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
So, so far this is what you have choose:

For Mac:
Kristen Bell

And for BARRONS:
Eric Etebari


*** And I must say that I would love to see them acting. I loved the ones you have mentioned!! They look totally as what I had pictured.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

What do you think of Charlie Bewley as V'lane?

message 18: by Marissa (last edited Apr 30, 2010 03:14PM) (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Not a clue about Eric acting, but he has the smoldering sexy look down pat. lol

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Haven't seen him anything either. His looks are definitely what I picture though. Either him or a younger, slimmer Gerard Butler and since we can't make Gerard younger, Eric will work just fine!

message 20: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Personally, I think there has got to be a better looking V'Lane out there. This guy is just meh. imho

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Marissa wrote: "Personally, I think there has got to be a better looking V'Lane out there. This guy is just meh. imho"

I looked at him and thought he was cute but that's about it.

message 22: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Shannen wrote: "What do you think of Charlie Bewley as V'lane?"

Sorry but not my type of guy, specially for V'Lane, he looks a bit feminine for my taste. And I definitely wouldn't mind a larger back.

message 23: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Exactly, no WOW factor I guess. And lets face it V'Lane deserves to be WOW too.

message 24: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Sammy wrote: "Charlie doesn't work for me either. What about Taylor Kitsch?"

Now he has a lot more potential.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Taylor Kitsch is gorgeous but isn't V'lane blonde? I can't picture Taylor as a blonde.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

I think he is too rugged looking which I love but I picture V'lane a little more "pretty", if that makes sense.

message 27: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Oh no! I like it, I really do. Please no more pretty. I hate guys that with girly features. I like my man rough. And This one looks nice!! So don't choose another one. LOL. And I'm glad you are showing pictures because when you just name them I don't get who you are talking about.

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

I love a rough man too but don't you think V'lane is supposed to be a little pretty?

message 29: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments I don't know about the pretty. Have you seen the image Moning is using for V'lane? He looks a little biker-ish to me.

message 30: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments This one:

I think it's the hint of dark facial hair that makes me think "biker".

message 31: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments Mmmmm Jason Lewis, pretty and rugged. He's a strong lead. I wouldn't mind looking again just to be sure though.

message 32: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Then this has become our new V'Lane,lol. I love this girls. Now once we do the re read I'll have this pictures in my mind,lol. I specially like the the one who's playing Mac.

message 33: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
My fav was picture 2 but I do imagine V'Lane with long hair so I guess it doesn't work.

message 34: by Archer (new)

Archer Vale wrote: "My fav was picture 2 but I do imagine V'Lane with long hair so I guess it doesn't work."

Anybody can have long hair these days and he's just hot I can picture him as V'lane with long hair no problem.. mmm-mmm-mmmm

message 35: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
lol Archer.

message 36: by Archer (new)

Archer Vale wrote: "lol Archer."


message 37: by Marissa (new)

Marissa (millionmph) | 237 comments The top picture is seriously V'Lane worthy.
I agree with you Vale, I will love imagining these faces with my re-reading. They're pretty darn close to what I pictured, only better somehow!

message 38: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I guess this way they get better because they get more real. We did very well choosing our authors for the re-read,lol. Who do you think guys should play Dani's role?

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Jason Lewis: pretty and rugged! He is perfect!

message 40: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited May 01, 2010 03:40PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Ok, so this is only a though, but let me know what you think. I was looking for pictures of young actresses to play Dani's role and couldn't find any. Then I came to Hayden Panettiere and thought she would be perfect for the role. She would have to dye her hair dark because Dani has dark hair I think. But of all the young actresses there are out there I think she would be the best. I would kill myself if the use a Disney actress.
Also her role at heroes let me saw her as even a better choice as we already know she can handle science fiction well.

So, what do you think?


message 41: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited May 01, 2010 03:40PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Also I found a lot of pictures of our Mac and her together.


I just think this could really turn into an amazing movie with them playing those roles.

message 42: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Oh, that's true,lol. But they always use older actors. What did you have in mind Sammy? We haven't decided Dani yet, just throwing ideas,lol.

message 43: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
cool, let me know. I'm definitely looking for other actresses as well.

message 44: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Oh, fiscally I think she would be perfect for the rol, but I'm not sure at the acting though because Dani is a very extrovert person who talks a lot and is always making fun of something, while Dakota Fanning always plays more SERIOUS roles.

message 45: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Nop. I did not hear good things about the movie so I didn't watch it. Is it good?

message 46: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
then I'll watch it.thanks.

message 47: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Shannen wrote: "And the front runner for Jericho Barrons is...Eric Etebari."

hey he's really cute.

message 48: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Sammy wrote: "

What do you guys think?"

I love Taylor Kistch and I think he would clean up very nicely!

message 49: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
lol, don't get me wrong I love him too, just not for V'Lanes role. Maybe he could play Christian's role.

message 50: by Jesslynn (new)

Jesslynn | 146 comments Yeah...he could definately play Christian since he has a younger vibe.

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