Moning Maniacs discussion


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message 1: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited Aug 15, 2010 11:06PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Always remember to invite your goodreads' friends who have read the series because the more we are the better it gets the group for us all.

message 2: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Ok, I
have already asked all my goodreads' friends who have read the series to join, even some who haven't but are planning to do so have join,LOL. Let me know those who help inviting friends.

message 3: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Hey guys, I have just send 15 invitations for my friends who have read the series and haven't joined the group yet so we will be having some new members soon. I hope they get to post more because the more we are the better. See ya!

message 4: by ~Mel :)~ (new)

~Mel :)~ (swheart) I invited one :D

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