Moning Maniacs discussion

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message 1: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited Dec 16, 2010 01:22PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod

Hi everybody. Welcome to the group. This is a space where we will get to know each other.

Let us know:
-your name, age and country
-How you discovered the series
-which was your favorite book
-And why you loved the series so much.

message 2: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (last edited Apr 23, 2010 01:09PM) (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
My name is vale (Valentina), I'm 20 years old, almost 21 and I'm from Uruguay, south america.

I heard about the series for the first time about a year ago by goodreads. All my friends here were reading it and giving extremely high reviews. I remember that I read the summary at the back cover several times before really reading the first book and tho9ugh "I don't think I will enjoy this series.
I'm glad I did read it.

My favorite book so far was the last, Dreamfever. I was getting more and more addicted to the series with each book and with the last one I just got obsessed.

And I love this series so much because it's perfect. It has everything a series should have. Romance, adventure. Fiction and suspense. This series covers it all. I'm a huge fan. I think it is my top fav series of all the ones I have read. Can't wait to see what others think.

message 3: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Just give me time that today I will be adding the rest of the threads,LOL.

message 4: by Megan (new)

Megan LOL, take your time, I'm just bored at work.

message 5: by Beks (new)

Beks 1. Bekah, 27, US
2. @Fakerparis (now @fakerparis1) suggested I read them.
3. Dreamfever, definitely. The ending practically killed me. Seriously. Dead.
4. I dunno. I love kickass heroines. There's nothing worse than a whiny heroine, so I love that Mac could not be farther from that. I love Dani. I extra special love Barrons. He's the perfect mix of badass, sexiness, and ever so slight showings of feelings. LOVE BARRONS. Damn. Getting hawt just thinking about him.

message 6: by Alycia (new)

Alycia Hello Everyone!

Alycia, 29, TX, USA

I have only read Darkfever so far. A good friend recommended KMM to me and bought me Darkfever for Christmas. :)

Thanks for the invite Megan!

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) 1. Danielle. 37. USA, Texas.
2.I haven't read them yet, but I intend to. I am a fan of the Highlander series. My mom loves these books. Megan was kind enough to invite me.
3.I'll get back to you.
4.I love faerie fiction and dark urban fantasy, so I think I'll like these.

message 8: by Beks (new)

Beks Danielle - I'm really betting you'll like these. They're even better than the Highlander ones...

message 9: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) Hi, I am Darcy, I'm 37, and live in Minnesota in the USA

I discovered the series when a friend gave me #3 in the series, but I can't read out of order so I had to get the first 2 first. I have to say I didn't think that I would like this series just by reading the jacket of #3.

I think DreamFever was my favorite. Mac seems to have realized so many things so far. Her come back from being Pryia was great. I can't believe she wasn't more traumatized.

I like the series because of the changes Mac goes through. She is such a girly girl, but she has changed to what she needs to be as the time as gone on, but she still has those qualities at her core.

I have to say that I have just re-read the series, but this time around I listened to them on audio and the narrator did a great job and I think listening to them gives the books a different perspective.

message 10: by GinBee (new)

GinBee (jennymbee) | 1 comments 1. Jen (Jenny). 33. Cumbria, UK.
2. I haven't read the series yet but I heard great things so they are at the top of my TBR.
3. Knowing me - all of them!
4. Am sure I'll like them as they've been recommended to me by several people with taste very similar to mine :)

Thanks for the invite Megan.

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) That's good to hear, Bekah.

message 12: by Sandra.D. (new)

Sandra.D. (mookiie_lubb) | 10 comments 1.Sandra, 27, So. California ,USA
2.I discovered this at Barnes & Noble store.She recommended me the Highlander series...But she did tell me to make sure I read the Fever Series..that its an AWESOME series!!! (n she was right!!)
3.I loved DREAMFEVER.. Loved that Mac n Barrons finally hooked up...but the cliffhanger at the end is just KILLING me!!
4. I really enjoyed the whole series..Im soo obsessed with it!!! LOVE IT!!
I love Mac n Barrons (hes soo sexy) they better end up together!!!

message 13: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Wow, welcome all. This group is growing super fast,LOL. Thank you all for joining.

Danielle you have to read this series it is one of the bests I have read, I know you'll like it. And it is very dark if that's what you like.

message 14: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jacabur1) My name is Jackie, 47, Central Texas, USA
I discovered the Fever series when it first released in 2006 in my Rhapsody Book Club selection and been a rabid fan since reading "Darkfever" and have the entire series and am awaiting with baited breath the arrival late this year of "Shadowfever" .
Favorite book so far is the entire series, cannot pick just one.....
I love the series because KMM has taken a little miss self centered snot and turned her into a seriously righteous human being in Mac, also does not hurt to read about the uber hunk Barrons and the fae Prince V'lane is not hard on the readers imaginative eye either... All in all the series captivates my mind with the drama, humor, wit and wonderfully written characters who have become good friends as written by the talented Karen Marie Moning...

jackie b

message 15: by Archer (new)

Archer 1. Jennifer 38 and Dallas Texas
2. Just picked up the first book one day and it sat on my shelf for awhile..
3. Darkfever - It started my obession
4. I love her endings the cliff hangers they drive me crazy but keep me coming back for more.

message 16: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Archer wrote: "1. Jennifer 38 and Dallas Texas
2. Just picked up the first book one day and it sat on my shelf for awhile..
3. Darkfever - It started my obession
4. I love her endings the cliff hangers they dr..."

I know what you mean Archer, same thing happens to me. While I hate cliff hangers, they make me crazy until I have more.

message 17: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments 1. Sarah, 34, Indiana, USA
2. I found Darkfever in my library, and I fell in love from day one. I immediately bought all the ones that were out and borrowed all the Highlanders. I've shamelessly pressed them on my friends, but no one loves them like I do.
3. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite. I think each one that's taken me deeper into the series has been my favorite, so I'll say Dreamfever.
4. What's not to love? I like stories that pit forces of good against the rise of evil. The hot guys don't hurt, either! Barrons is a big part of why I like the series.

message 18: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Welcome Sarah, and thanks for having answered the tattoo question. For those with really bad memory those kind of gestures are very important,LOL.

message 19: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments I'm obsessed with this series, and I have theories out the wazoo. I'm glad to finally find a place to share!

message 20: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Amazing, then please share, I love it when people start guessing what will happen,LOL.

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 74 comments Vale, I'm still looking around--but is there an appropriate thread for theories with spoilers? I don't want to post in the wrong spot.

message 22: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Feel free to create one. You can put it in the talking about the series folder. Call it Spoilers or something like that, as you wish. No problem

message 23: by Lady Heather (new)

Lady Heather  (_ladyheather_) Hi I'm Heather from Quebec, Canada. I'm 39 years old. My favorite book is Dreamfever. I LOVE BARONS! I just hope he isn't some diabolical character in the end! I discovered the series when a friend of mine recommended it to me. Once I read the first book I was hooked. I can't wait for the next book!

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) Vale wrote: "Wow, welcome all. This group is growing super fast,LOL. Thank you all for joining.

Danielle you have to read this series it is one of the bests I have read, I know you'll like it. And it is very ..."

I like dark!

message 25: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Then you'll love this, specially book 3, I think that one is where dark hits the top. Probably you won't enjoy book one as much as the others because in that one we see a very different Mac, a shallow and care-free Mac. But that's good because once she turns thought you'll really apreciatte it.

Can't wait to see what you think of the series Danielle. I hope you join the club of fans we're in,LOL.

Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews (pnrbookloverreviews) -your name, age and country
-How you discovered the series
-which was your favorite book
-And why you loved the series so much.

Hi all My name is Angela,im 26 and live in Australia
I brought the first book DarkFever about 8 weeks ago at an ex library book shop for 50 cents i no right!! Cheap.I haven't started reading it yet,i put it in my book shelve and forgot about it until today.I was cleaning and came across it again.yay!
Looking forward to chatting books with you all :)
thanks for having me,i hope i enjoy it as much as you all do!!

message 27: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Great Ang, nice to have you here as well,LOL. I'll love to see what you think of this one. It is my top fav so let's see how you do.

message 28: by Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews (last edited Apr 24, 2010 07:11AM) (new)

Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews (pnrbookloverreviews) Thank you val!!
Yeah it is on the list of books i wanna read this week,so i will be here letting every one no what i

message 29: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Then welcome to the group ang,LOL.

message 30: by Zeek (new)

Zeek | 187 comments -your name, age and country
-How you discovered the series
-which was your favorite book
-And why you loved the series so much.

Hi All! I go by Zeek online, I'm 39 and live in the US. I've been reading KMM for some time and of course fell in love with the Mackeltars- natuarally I had to move on with KMM when she entered the Fever world. :)

Favorite book so far is Dreamfever. (I've reread it numerous times already and that's something I don't do often anymore!)

Although it took some time to get to this series- (had it in my tbr for awhile before I got to it!)- once I started, I didn't look up till I was done with every one released thus far. Barrons is so fascinating (and HAWT) and I love Mac, (I think she's a hoot!)... and the world they're in? Riviting.

As a friend remarked, it's not really a series- it's book segments- but I don't care. I'm hooked!

message 31: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Nice to see new people in the group, welcome Zeek.

message 32: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (alannarey) | 15 comments Ok so my name is Courtney and I am 16 and I live in little old Idaho
I was forced to read this book by a friend, ( but was intruged because I love Ireland and am going back this summer )
I really dont have a favorite book I like all of them but I hate Dani. I dont know why and I love love love Barrons
And why I love the series so much is because I really admire Mac she is beautiful and knows how to kick ass (thanks to Barrons) and I love Barrons and wish that he was an acutally person that I could keep in my closet and .... never mind so thats it

OH AND BARRONS IS HOT HOT HOT!!! Yes i love Barrons.

message 33: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Me too Courtney. Barrons is my personal obsession! My top fav hero from all the series I have read. I don{t know why because he is the one who have given the least to his heroine from them all, but still nobody tops Barrons. He{s my perfect hero, love, love him too!

message 34: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
And welcome to the group!


message 35: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (alannarey) | 15 comments Thank you!

message 36: by Pamela / SpazP (new)

Pamela / SpazP Hi Everyone!!

I am Pamela, I am 33 years old and I am in Austin, TX
I was browsing through Barnes & Noble (before I knew of Goodreads!) trying to get new series suggestions, and someone recommended this series based on another series I had read & liked, so I went with it!
I feel as though the books got better and better, so I think Dreamfever is my favorite.
I love the series because of Barrons. End of story :D

message 37: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Welcome Pamela! I'm happy to tell you that you have just become our member number 70!

Can't wait to see what you have to comment on the threads.

message 38: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
I'm gonna force some of my friends to read it. One has just celebrated her birthday and I think this would be the perfect present. It is't possible to not like it and more fans are always welcome.

message 39: by Toni (last edited Apr 30, 2010 09:01AM) (new)

Toni | 49 comments Hi, I joined this group last week but waited to post my introduction post so I could answer the questions after I read the books.

1. Toni, 37, Houston, TX

2. I was actually reading a YA for adults group thread last week and there was a Fever series thread and from there I checked out the books on here saw the good ratings...This was last Thursday. I finished Dreamfever last night!

3. My favorites in order were:
Dreamfever, Bloodfever, Darkfever, Faefever.

4. I loved it because it sucked me in fast from page 1 and this was also my first real PNR/UF Adult type series (besides Sookie Stackhouse books which I like these but they did not really suck me in). The fever series introduced me to a whole new genre that I did not really know existed nor did I think I would enjoy it. But I was wrong and I am thankful I found them and read them!

Oh and I LOVE Barrons!

message 40: by Pamela / SpazP (new)

Pamela / SpazP Woo Hoo! Another Texan :P Welcome to the Fever madness :)

message 41: by Toni (new)

Toni | 49 comments Pamela in ATX wrote: "Woo Hoo! Another Texan :P Welcome to the Fever madness :)"

I see 6 of us from Texas on this Intro thread!

message 42: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) Sammy wrote: "Hey Darcy, where in Mn do you live? My sis is in St.Paul."

I live about 5 minutes from the Mall of America. It seems like no one is from MN on here, but all of a sudden I am seeing more people.

message 43: by Mariya (new)

Mariya (cr6zym0nkeyiz) | 352 comments Mod
mariya 19, live in minnesota.

i was looking for a fae series and was recommended the fever series by a few people and loved it.

oh, god. such a hard question. seriously i dont knoe. its always hard for me to pick a favorite book out of a series that i love so much.

BARRONS! i love him. i loved the story about fae and there some great action in there and i really love the dialogue.

message 44: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Nice of you for introducing Mariya. I wanna see your thoughts of the series at the different threads. lol. I't always great when new people join us. welcome.

message 45: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa (alyssa_hesper) 1. My name is Alyssa and I'm 36 from GA.

2. I discovered the books at my local library while trying to feed my serious book addiction.

3. I honestly can't pick a fav book. The series as a whole is so awesome w/o one the others aren't complete to me. I lean towards Dreamfever though due to the Barrons/Mac hook-up.

4. The series gives me the opportunity to get lost in the great world that KMM creates for awhile. On top of that KMM gives us a great forum on her website where I've had the chance to make great friends and discuss loads of theories! Everyone should check it out.

message 46: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
thanks for the info Alyssa and welcome!

message 47: by Angelique (new)

Angelique Anderson | 7 comments Thanks for inviting me Vale!

My name is Angelique and I stumbled upon this series with the help of a local librarian who has this crazy crush on me. I asked him to help me find a Charlaine Harris novel and in an effort to keep our conversation going he kept pointing me in the direction of new series he thought I might like. And this was one of them. I finished the first four books i three days and now I'm hooked! There's no doubt the Dreamfever was the best so far, and I loved it because we saw more of Barron's emotions. I can't quite explain what it is about this series that I love so much, but I owe that librarian big time!

message 48: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
Welcome Angelique, nice to have you here

message 49: by vale pao, Barrons Maniac (new)

vale pao (valee) | 1037 comments Mod
wow guys! We got to a 101 members! That's so awesome. Thank you all for joining and for your comments.

message 50: by Lula (new)

Lula (Akashaa) | 3 comments Hi everybody, I'm Lucia and I have just started with the series. Loving it so far. Can't wait to read them all, I heard book 4 is the best and that the first isn't as good as the rest, but I'll keep reading anyway because a friend told me this was the best series ever,lol.

I'm 23 years old and just getting started in the paranormal romance and the UF world. VALE recommended this series to me as well as all the others I have of this genre in my TBR pile. We know each other from College.

I'll let you know what I think of the first book once I finish it.

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