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IV. Book Videos/Trailers > Post/View a Book Video/Trailer

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message 1: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
Post or view a book video/trailer here!

(I also have a blog were you can post/view them as well:


message 2: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
Here is mine as an example:

message 3: by Trish (last edited Nov 22, 2009 03:45PM) (new)

Trish Silver (whenirememberlove) | 8 comments Hi all,

My book is When I Remember Love. I am very proud to say that it won the October contest on

You can see it at or at my web site where you can also listen to more of the original music written for the book.

Trish Silver

message 4: by Vincent, Group Founder (last edited Nov 26, 2009 01:19PM) (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
Congrats on the win, Trish!

And thanks for the wonderful feature about me your site!


message 5: by Trish (new)

Trish Silver (whenirememberlove) | 8 comments Hi Vincent-

Thank you and you're very welcomed. My awesome Webmaster and publicist, Janis, did all the work.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!


message 6: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
Google gave me some free credit for their adwords program, so I've decided to advertise the video blog for us.

If you haven't posted yet, please do so before the credits run out!


message 7: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
More authors have uploaded their videos!

Come check them out:

message 8: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
I still have advertising credits left with Google on the video blog site.

Post your book video before it runs out!


message 10: by Dana (new)

Dana Davis (danadavis) | 5 comments Desert Magick: Superstitions, 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist

message 11: by Dana (new)

Dana Davis (danadavis) | 5 comments Deadly Fate: Book One of the Teadai Prophecies

message 12: by Dana (new)

Dana Davis (danadavis) | 5 comments The Mask of Tamirella, 2008 Eric Hoffer Finalist Award, 2008 Indie Excellence Finalist Award, 2007 Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention

Coming in 2010 as an eBook from SynergEbooks Publishing!

message 13: by Jen (new)

Jen Knox | 11 comments I don't know if this link will work, but I'd love feedback. I watched some of your trailers, and I think I have a lot to learn...

message 14: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 142 comments I have two book trailers listed here:

Chronicles of the Undead

Inside Realms

You can also check them out, plus another video for Chronicles on my YouTube profile:

message 15: by Gary (new)

Gary Ballard (gary_ballard) | 54 comments Under the Amoral Bridge book trailer. This was done using "The Movies" video game engine - a technique called machinima.

message 16: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (fiona64) There is a (very basic) trailer for In The Eye of The Beholder A Novel of The Phantom of the Opera on my profile page. I used iMovie, but I haven't fooled with it much. I hope you will all be kind. :-)

message 17: by Joseph (new)

Joseph D'Lacey (josephdlacey) The MEATWAGON tour of the UK in March '08, launching the novel MEAT...

MEAT has since been translated into French, German, Hungarian, Turkish and Russian. It was optioned for film in September '08 and the script is at second draft stage. The novel has sold over 10,000 copies in Germany where it was published by Random House earlier this year.

Don't read it if you're squeamish!

message 19: by Darcia (new)

Darcia Helle (darciahelle) The trailer for my 4th novel - Beyond Salvation - is now on YouTube, as well as my website!


My Website:

message 20: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments The Sin Eater's Prince Video Trailer is on YouTube and my web site:

Link to YouTube:

Keta's Haunt:

message 21: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments Crossroads Trilogy Video Trailer is also on YouTube and on my blog:

YouTube Link:

The Stuff of Myth and Men Blog:

Keta Diablo

message 22: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
Our video blog now has over 2000 hits!

message 23: by Darcia (new)

Darcia Helle (darciahelle) Great site, Vincent! I just submitted my trailer.

message 24: by Amber (last edited Apr 12, 2010 08:53PM) (new)

message 25: by Claudia (new)

Claudia Osmond (claudiaosmond) | 1 comments Hi! My debut kids' fantasy, SMUDGE'S MARK, is due to be released in the U.S. March 2010 and is already available in Canada.

message 26: by Jess (new)

Jess Scott (jesscscott) EyeLeash: A Blog Novel

P.S. Have a great 2010!

message 27: by Skyler (new)

Skyler White (skylerwhite) | 3 comments and Falling, Fly
by Skyler White

a dark fable of desire
between a fallen angel
and a self-medicating neuroscientist
in a steampunk hell



message 28: by A. Colin (new)

A. Colin Wright (acolinwright) | 23 comments A. Colin Wright

Sardinian Silver, a novel.

message 29: by J. (new)

J. Rubino (jrubino) | 132 comments Here is a link to our trailer for "Lady Vernon and Her Daughter"

The trailer was produced by Artifex Entertainment, a micro production co managed by Nicholas Rubino-Bradway. It drew in a lot of attention to the book and was cited in a Huffington Post article nominating its "5 Best" book trailers.

message 30: by Cecilia (new)

Cecilia | 167 comments I've really enjoyed viewing these trailors...all so artistic! Viewiing them really makes me want to read all these books.

Thanks to you all for putting them on Vince's site.


message 31: by U.L. (new)

U.L. Harper (ulharper) Hey, I'm trying something new. I made a six minute video, which is a scene from my novel The Flesh Statue. Come on down and check it out.

At this same link is 30 second promo video. Check it out.

message 32: by Guido (last edited Feb 05, 2010 08:07AM) (new)

Guido Henkel (guidohenkel) | 51 comments I have one, too. For the launch of my "Jason Dark" series.

message 33: by Dalian (new)

Dalian Artanian | 6 comments Here is the book trailer for Fawcetta: Voices and Echoes of the Coliseum Volume I.

message 34: by Dalian (new)

Dalian Artanian | 6 comments Here is the book trailer for Fawcetta: Voices and Echoes of the Coliseum Volume I.

message 35: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Enuton (gooberella) | 23 comments Book trailer for Angel in a Fur Coat

message 36: by Toni (new)

Toni Leland (tonileland) | 3 comments Book trailer for A Garden of Secrets
A Garden of Secrets by Toni Leland

message 37: by Toni (new)

Toni Leland (tonileland) | 3 comments Book trailer for Deadly Heritage
Deadly Heritage by Toni Leland

message 38: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa (vanessarichardson) | 5 comments Hi All,

Here is the link to my inspirational fiction, Love Found Me.


message 39: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1126 comments Mod
We now have over 3,000 hits on the book video site!

Keep up the great posts!

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

Desperate Lands The War on Terror Through the Eyes of a Special Forces Soldier by Regulo Zapata Jr.

Hello everyone, My name is Regulo Zapata Jr., author of Desperate Lands:The War on Terror Through The Eyes of a Special Forces Soldier.

DESPERATE LANDS is the unprecedented true story of U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers and the missions they have carried out while fighting the war on terror in Horn of Africa and in Afghanistan.

View Trailer/Video Desperate Lands:
Desperate Lands: The War on Terror Through The Eyes of a Special Forces Soldier

Thanks you,

message 41: by Stacy (new)

Stacy Juba | 39 comments Here is the book trailer on You Tube for Twenty-Five Years Ago Today

message 42: by Jaree (new)

Jaree Francis (metracity) | 52 comments Metra City: Destiny's Kiss (Uncensored Trailer)

message 43: by D.E. (new)

D.E. Knobbe (deknobbe) | 5 comments Runaway Storm wilderness Adventure novel touch of Romance

Runaway Storm by D. E. Knobbe

message 45: by R.W. (new)

R.W. Holmen (obie) | 1 comments A Wretched Man, a novel of Paul apostle. Historical fiction.

message 46: by David (new)

David Burton (davidhburton) This is cool! I didn't know there was a thread for this.

The Second Coming

message 47: by Chérie (new)

Chérie Sues (CherieDeSues) | 6 comments

Tales of the Red Moon Clan, by Cherie De Sues has been rated 5/5 by "You Gotta Read" reviews.

message 48: by Urenna (new)

Urenna Sander | 57 comments Hi, Nanette-

I saw your trailer. It's great! Yet I felt so sad.

Best regards,


message 49: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Sturak (jonathansturak) | 4 comments Watch as I read the introduction to my romantic thriller novel "Clouded Rainbow."

message 50: by Joshua (last edited Mar 30, 2010 02:53PM) (new)

Joshua (JoshuaCaleb) | 62 comments This is my second book trailer for my novel "Warped & Wired"
'Magic and Technology, don't mix....until now.'

more info?

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