The Slaughterhouse Society discussion

For the Curious Minds > The Art Gallery

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message 1: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod

Welcome to The Art Gallery! Dive into the captivating world of art, where every brushstroke and chiseled line tells a story. Discuss and dissect iconic masterpieces, and celebrate the artistry of talented artisans.  

This lobby is for all talks related to painting, sculpture, architecture and the musings of artisans and their lives.


message 2: by Dreamcatcher [Hiatus], wax statue (last edited Oct 29, 2024 06:56AM) (new)

Dreamcatcher [Hiatus] | 8440 comments Mod

Anything that's not related to the topic here will be deleted no matter what, please keep that in mind.

࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒evie ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒ | 1996 comments does music count (gen question)

message 4: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
unfortunately, this topic is reserved only for a few of the fine arts in which music is not involved but do anticipate a seperate topic for music in the future (future not very soon)

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments Would diamond art and crocheted be allowed???

message 6: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
yes, it would

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments Okay imma post something then

message 9: by Yusra يسریٰ , oh great skewer wielder (new)

Yusra يسریٰ  | 3486 comments Mod
blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "unfortunately, this topic is reserved only for a few of the fine arts in which music is not involved but do anticipate a seperate topic for music in the future (future not very soon)"

why not soon? I think its a great ideaaa

message 10: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod

The Swing  painted by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.

It's perhaps one of the most recognisable paintings ever but behind its scenery and colours lies a very different meaning.Charles Collé, a courtier asked painter Gabriel Doyen to compose a painting of him with his mistress. Doyen, too shocked and disgusted by this request, passed on the appeal to Fragonard. Fragonard, known to be a man interested in silly pranks took this opportunity and made what's considered to be one of the best paintings of the Rococo era.

In the painting we see a woman swinging blissfully in a garden. On her left, lying on the ground is her lover — Collé — and on her right, pulling her swing is who is assumed to be her husband. Her lover's eyes seem to be drifting to the place between her legs (it is to be noted that wearing knickers was an uncommon practice among women during the time). Her husband, pulling the swing, symbolises him trying to get his wife "back" to him. We can see that in the garden, there are multiple statues of cupid, the god of desire and erotic love adding yet another layer to the elusive painting. Along with this, the woman on the painting holds a playful expression on her face as she throws off her shoe, this represents sensuality and the light heartedness of the relationship she holds with the courtier.


message 11: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
maybe I'll write an analysis piece on Rococo art later but this is all for now

message 12: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (last edited Oct 29, 2024 09:01AM) (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
Storm The Gremlin Child wrote: "

What I have pictures of so far"

oh those are gorgeous storm, i love the full florals and pumpkins

message 13: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
I love Fragonard's artwork so much. It's all so whimsy, playful, and sensual. Its really easy to differentiate his work by the colour palette and the way shadows and light is potrayed.

niyya ꣑ৎ  (hiatus) (niyyasdelusion) | 10755 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "

The Swing

 painted by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.

It's perhaps one of the most recognisable paintings ever but behind its scenery and colours lies a very different m..."

that's such a beautiful piecee

message 15: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
ty ml, feel free to talk anyone's head off about art here

࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒evie ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒ | 1996 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "unfortunately, this topic is reserved only for a few of the fine arts in which music is not involved but do anticipate a seperate topic for music in the future (future not very soon)"

darn 😔

࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒evie ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒ | 1996 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "

The Swing

 painted by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.

It's perhaps one of the most recognisable paintings ever but behind its scenery and colours lies a very different m..."

isnt this the one thats like abt cheating 💀

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "Storm The Gremlin Child wrote: "

What I have pictures of so far"
oh those are gorgeous storm, i love the full florals and pumpkins"

Thank you <333

࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒evie ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒ | 1996 comments ok does bracelet making count

message 20: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
if an artistic activity involves a lot of labour and designing work out into it, it counts as a fine art so yes but also keep in mind that this topic's top priority is to over analyse art (mainly classic and contemporary paintings).

niyya ꣑ৎ  (hiatus) (niyyasdelusion) | 10755 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "ty ml, feel free to talk anyone's head off about art here"

pls i miss art sm, i used to draw and paint 24/7 but ever since last year, I just kinda fell out of it

message 22: by Dreamcatcher [Hiatus], wax statue (new)

Dreamcatcher [Hiatus] | 8440 comments Mod
How do people colour so wonderfully I am forever a greyscaler

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments Table is a mess but new project

IMG 20241110 130617

message 24: by Dreamcatcher [Hiatus], wax statue (new)

Dreamcatcher [Hiatus] | 8440 comments Mod
What's this one on?

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments There are two other parts but its like an anime scene

message 26: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
ooo looks pretty

message 27: by blossom ⚛︎ , invisible (new)

blossom ⚛︎  (bluestones) | 1519 comments Mod
do show it to us once you're done with it!

Storm The Gremlin Child ~hiatus~ | 1662 comments blossom ⚛︎ wrote: "do show it to us once you're done with it!"

I will <33

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