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Forgotten Romance (Divorced Men's Club, #6)
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Archive > IBR - Forgotten Romance by Saxon James

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message 1: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 3405 comments Mod

Members Starting the BR: MN Lisa & Kirsten
Book:Forgotten Romance by Saxon James
Forgotten Romance (Divorced Men's Club, #6) by Saxon James

Anyone is free to join in this Buddy Read! Happy Reading!

Kirsten | 323 comments I've just started and this is a pretty sad one so far--and I'm not at all sure how it's going to get resolved. I hate the idea of Davey having to compromise too much (but I bet it will be happily resolved).

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments The blurb on this one reminds me of The Bad Husband's Handbook. i'm going to start it later today.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments So, I started reading this.
OMG. I want to cry. My husband was military so I get the leaving, but he was always gone weeks, not just days and we usually had lots of notice, but I just want to cry for these.

I can see in Davey's head going...I love him. If this is what he wants, then I will give it to him.


Kirsten | 323 comments Okay, I know that this is all going to work out, because it's a romance, and a Saxon James romance besides, but as the primary breadwinner in my family (we both work full-time, but I make almost 2x what Josh does), this book is stressing me out. I don't love my job, but there is no way I can get another one that would pay the same and no way we can move away from our families who need us as they age and...

This book is stressing me out.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments I'm only on Chapter 3 where Luke just showed up.

I get it too. I make more than Jeremy and when Ella was small, we had the opportunity to move and I told him we can't move away from family. Its too important.

There has to be a balance and maybe I'm not one to judge, but two week on, two weeks off is very doable, even with two young kids.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments OMG. daveys mom! I can't believe it.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments chapter 6. OMG. mack has an epiphany. let's see how this goes.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Ch 8: camping....when its not their thing? This has disaster written all over it.

Kirsten | 323 comments MN Lisa wrote: "I'm only on Chapter 3 where Luke just showed up.

I get it too. I make more than Jeremy and when Ella was small, we had the opportunity to move and I told him we can't move away from family. Its t..."

I agree! Josh and I decided to never split, knowing that meant he’d never make as much or go as far in his career as me, but that was how we choose to do things. I know a ton of people who’ve made other equally good choices.

Camping’s not as bad as it could be?

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments At one point we had to discuss my going back to school so i could make more money. He had to take more responsibility for the house and Ella when she was little and got a bunch of slack from some of his friends.

Now he calls me his "Sugar Momma" since I make more than he does.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Kirsten wrote: "Camping’s not as bad as it could be?"

Could have been much worse given the time of year.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Ch 11: Ugh. Sex before unresolved feelings. I see a major hurt coming for both of them.

They need to talk, but aren't.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Tonya is a smart woman. Right to the heart of the matter.

Kirsten | 323 comments Definitely need to talk. They’re keeping both big and little secrets.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Gotta love Orson too. His idea is the best!

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments And i just want to say I don't think Luke is leaving those messages in the book. My gut, but I could be wrong.

Kirsten | 323 comments I’m nearly done and I feel like these guys waited a long time to grow up. Like marriage, jobs, kids, without ever really learning to talk.

Kirsten | 323 comments MN Lisa wrote: "And i just want to say I don't think Luke is leaving those messages in the book. My gut, but I could be wrong."

Same. I think that Davey’s doing that just like Mack is doing Legos and dinner.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments OMG. Fake Dating.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments I'm 50% complete and will finish it today. I forget how much I like this writing style and it always reads fast for me.

Even though my heart is breaking for these two. i know they will figure it out. It makes me want to see how.

Kirsten | 323 comments MN Lisa wrote: "I'm 50% complete and will finish it today. I forget how much I like this writing style and it always reads fast for me.

Even though my heart is breaking for these two. i know they will figure it o..."

Yes, exactly how I feel. Super fast and super satisfying.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments I'm about 75% done. Just working with Davey's mom for the meal he likes.

MN Lisa (lisa713mn) | 551 comments Ok. That was super cute.

I liked that he thought about the offer instead of just taking it. I know the feeling of needing to work.

I'm wondering where Luke's story is....it's gotta be coming right?

Kirsten | 323 comments Yes—I’m thinking it will be a spin-off, because this was the end.

Kirsten | 323 comments I am about 20 pages from the end and am relieved it’s all working out. What a fun read!

message 27: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 3405 comments Mod
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