Hooked on Books discussion

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Archive > Book Slayers

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message 1: by Namita , Mistress of the Hunt (last edited Sep 07, 2024 02:01PM) (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 1753 comments Mod

1. There are 50 Monsters + 6 Bonus Monsters to hunt for the next three months. Each monster has the weapons that can kill them listed. Since I’m the Mistress of the Hunt, you’ll find some unorthodox weapons.
2. Read books that will have the weapon(s) listed for the Monster on the Cover or in text or simply read a book with that monster.
3. There is no particular order, you can Hunt as you please.
4. HOB Standard Challenge Rules apply.
5. Bonus Monsters are worth surprise points.
6. Everyone on the Team has to read for the Bonus Monster. Reading for the same task is allowed.
7. Divide and Conquer. Apart from the Bonus, each Monster can only be read by 1 Hunter.
8. Hunters have to read for the Bonus Monster/check-in before moving onto the regular hunting.

Bonus Monster Rules
1. You get 7 days to read for the Bonus Monster and Check in!
2. You have to start the book after the Bonus Monster task has been posted
3. You can't use the same book for the Regular Monster and the Bonus
4. Remember this is Competitve Challenge!
5. Reading for the same task is allowed
6. Have Fun!!!


message 2: by Namita , Mistress of the Hunt (last edited Aug 25, 2024 01:09PM) (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 1753 comments Mod
Team Members:
Cassie Cruel

Team Spreadsheet:

message 3: by Namita , Mistress of the Hunt (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 1753 comments Mod
Each Team will have 3 Passes for the Bonus tasks. If a member can't read, they can use the pass (Zero points for the Member) and/or another member can read a book. 3 times only!! Use your passes wisely!


message 4: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Checking in, I think this is me, Tori, and Risa

message 5: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Hey 👋🏼

message 6: by ❡Risa (last edited Aug 29, 2024 02:06PM) (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments So, I guess it wouldn't hurt to start talking a bit about what we plan to read?
I'd like to read Clockwork Princess next week, so I guess I will find some weapons there 🤔 I imagine swords and angel blades, magic, silver bullets, silver knives, daggers and magic will have good chances to appear, so I'd like to read for one of those. What about you?
And we do need to pick a Team Name xD I've got some ideas, but not sure if any are good:
Booked Killers
The Book Slayers
Effortlessly Booked

message 7: by CassieCruel (last edited Aug 29, 2024 03:08PM) (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Book Slayers sounds good

I’ve just started Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10) by Patricia Briggs and should finish after the first, in hopes for the Bullet prompt of ONI

message 8: by Tori (new)

Tori Wilson (therealogchaosgoblin) | 89 comments Hello :) I also like Book Slayers. I was thinking I'd try Joyless by Nyla K. I would imagine there would at least be knives and most likely bullets that would work

message 9: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Found my word, on page 223, not yet finished, just noting down to remember 😊

message 10: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Nice! I think we got a good start ✨️ I will have to adjust my TBR quite a bit though, I won't get to the books I planned for yet because of the Killer Clown Roundup, but I finished other books instead that I could use for the Hunt ✨️ My next book will be 1984, I hope I find something there too!

message 11: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Hopefully the book I’ve picked for my first clown will fit with something here

message 12: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments what did you pick? I've picked 1984! I'll need to read twice for the same task and it's out of my comfort zone, but I did have some books on my bookshelf for it

message 13: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I’ve gone with Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues (White Trash Zombie, #2) by Diana Rowland for humour, can’t remember if there’s swords or not

message 14: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Oh I know the series! I read the first one for the Monster Roundup for the Zombie task xD i hope you'll like this one, I thought the first one was fun!

message 15: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I’ve read this one before but not for a long time

message 16: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Oh I'm blind sorry, you did write you can't remember 🙈

message 17: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Hahhaha no worries, wasn’t correcting, just conversing

message 18: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Completed the Oni, going Cyclops next

message 19: by ❡Risa (last edited Sep 05, 2024 06:59AM) (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Cassie Cruel wrote: "Completed the Oni, going Cyclops next"


I noticed that Claustrophilia and Gentlemen Prefer Villains are missing their Hunter though, don't forget to add that when you log monsters! :)

Is the way we are doing this okay for you two? We probably need to communicate the last few monsters at the end of the challenge more, but right now I find this spontaneous way really good if you don't mind it ^^

message 20: by Tori (new)

Tori Wilson (therealogchaosgoblin) | 89 comments ❡Risa wrote: "Cassie Cruel wrote: "Completed the Oni, going Cyclops next"


I noticed that Claustrophilia and Gentlemen Prefer Villains are missing their Hunter though, don't forget to add that when you l..."

Oop, my apologies. I went and fixed it :)

message 21: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Tori wrote: "❡Risa wrote: "Cassie Cruel wrote: "Completed the Oni, going Cyclops next"


I noticed that Claustrophilia and Gentlemen Prefer Villains are missing their Hunter though, don't forget to add t..."


message 22: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I found a sword in my book but prob won’t finish until next week

message 23: by Namita , Mistress of the Hunt (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 1753 comments Mod

A Boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it. Nobody knows what a Boggart looks like if nobody is there to see it, although it continues to exist, usually giving evidence of its presence by rattling, shaking or scratching the object in which it is hiding. Boggarts particularly like confined spaces, but may also be found lurking in woods and around shadowy corners.

The spell that defeats a Boggart can be tricky, because it involves making the creature into a figure of fun, so that fear can be dispelled in amusement.

1. Read a book that is MPG Humor
2. Read a book where the MC laughs
3. Read a book with Author's initials in HUMOR
4. Read a book where a character thinks they are funny but they really aren't!

Books must be read for this Bonus Monster and checked in before continuing with your regular monsters!
You have until Saturday, September 14th 11:59 pm (Your time zone)

message 24: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Will read Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter to fit:
3. Read a book with Author's initials in HUMOR

message 25: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments I’ll read Die Welle by Morton Rhue to also fit the Author’s initials in HUMOR.

message 26: by Tori (new)

Tori Wilson (therealogchaosgoblin) | 89 comments I'm reading Hopes and Dreams by Emily Alter to fit MC laughs. I should be done with it in about an hour

message 27: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Ok!
I finished my book, I'll update my stuff on the SS later when it's not 2:30 a.m. and I'm on my macbook lol I'm still missing a book I didn't add yet and finished the day before yesterday.

message 28: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments @Cassie
I saw you added Ninth House but finished it on the 10th, unfortunately you can't use it since we still have the bonus monster open 🥲 We need to finish that one before completing other tasks.
Only the bonus monsters we need to start when the bonus is announced, but the other tasks you can plan finishing them around the completed bonus 🤓
Sorry if I gave unwanted tips, I'm not offended if you don't want me to do that 🫡 Just tell me 😆

message 29: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Right, find another sword after 13th, got it

message 30: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments you can start it already, it's just the finish date that is relevant for non bonus monsters :) we also have until the 14th to finish the bonus monster tasks, so enough time to mood read in between xD

message 31: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Done with my boggart book

message 32: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments oh lol ok then we good to go xD

message 33: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Reading Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes, #0.1) by Travis Baldree

message 34: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Have we all completed our Boggart tasks?

message 35: by ❡Risa (last edited Sep 11, 2024 12:59PM) (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Cassie Cruel wrote: "Have we all completed our Boggart tasks?"
Yes ^^
I’ll probably finish Don Quijote either tomorrow or on friday and I’m probably finishing We Hunt the Flame on the weekend. Not sure if my other book I’m aiming to complete this weekend fulfills a task but if it does then that will be those 3 this week from me 🤔 I got stuck on We Hunt the Flame, I’m enjoying it so much and annotating it like crazy, it made me slower on actually reading it but it’s worth it xD

message 36: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I was like that on raven cursed, but mainly tabbing for challenges etc

We need to check in next, don’t we?

I’ve got two books on the go (which has been happening consistently for over a month) one on the kindle app and a paperback

message 37: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Cassie Cruel wrote: "I was like that on raven cursed, but mainly tabbing for challenges etc

We need to check in next, don’t we?

I’ve got two books on the go (which has been happening consistently for over a month) ..."

It seems like Tori already checked us in?

Yeah I should use tabs for that too, I sometimes really have to go on a hunt for the actual spots in books xD

Yeah, I almost always have at least an audiobook going because I constantly have one running in the background when doing chores xD It has escalated this year a bit, since I’m reading even more in audiobook format than my physical tbr, but I’m also having a lot of fun just not having to focus for a while 🤷🏻‍♀️

message 38: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments Aww nice! I’ll just carry on with my reads until the next bonus

I haven’t listened to any audiobooks this year

message 39: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Cassie Cruel wrote: "Aww nice! I’ll just carry on with my reads until the next bonus

I haven’t listened to any audiobooks this year"


Oof I wouldn’t know how I’d have survived this year without audiobooks 🤣 Though my bank account is giving me a major side eye, I did accumulate enough to not have to worry about it for a while 😅

message 40: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I tend to hoard my audiobook credits then splurge all at once

message 41: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments That sounds fun too though! maybe I'll keep my subscription next year too just to try hoarding them for the end of the year xD

message 42: by Namita , Mistress of the Hunt (new)

Namita  (-namita) | 1753 comments Mod



message 43: by ❡Risa (last edited Sep 17, 2024 05:46AM) (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments I finished the Hellhound /knife task today, I'm not sure yet if my next book fulfills a task but I'm expecting it to be something like magic, a dagger, blood, or smth. The one I still have open and already put into the SS I need to delay since I need to finish a spellout task first for the Killer Clown Roundup and then I can read it for the next tasks ^^ I should finish at least one more book this week for the Hunt though ^^

message 44: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I’ve just picked up cyclops, I didn’t think my current read actually fit anything but went and double checked

Already struggling with my clown reads

Risa, Ninth House was so good!!

I put down for Oni, still working on it but couldn’t remove myself from that row on the SS

message 45: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Cassie Cruel wrote: "I’ve just picked up cyclops, I didn’t think my current read actually fit anything but went and double checked

Already struggling with my clown reads

Risa, Ninth House was so good!!

I put down..."

Yeah those clown tasks can be pretty tough, I'm scared of the rumored hardcore clown Donna warned us about xD

I loved Ninth House! I had trouble putting the book down once I really started reading it, and I'm happy that Ashley picked it for this buddy read or I wouldn't have picked it up until next year 🙈 I wanna read Hell Bent soon, but I didn't buy it in a printed edition so I'm putting it off for next year since I'm working on my physical TBR right now xD

Eh, I'm confused, didn't you finish Oni? Or did you mean Cyclops?

message 46: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments Oh i found a dagger and blood in my book so far, I'll check where to put it in a bit xD Found it like 20 pages in, so lucky ✨

message 47: by CassieCruel (new)

CassieCruel (faith_isola) | 211 comments I didn’t finished Oni yet, I think I’ve just found a book to cross over with my clowns though

I’ll finish cyclops tonight

I picked up hell bent for £3.59!!

message 48: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments whaaattt how lucky you found it for that cheap! I think its around 9 Euros here, maybe I can get it a little cheaper with some event code but that's about it xD but luckily my birthday is in January and i can nudge my friends in that direction xD

message 49: by ❡Risa (new)

❡Risa (risamareads) | 462 comments There's some rogue slain monsters in our SS again that are missing their Hunter's name 🤣

message 50: by Tori (new)

Tori Wilson (therealogchaosgoblin) | 89 comments Is it me again? It probably is lol I'll go double check that

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