The Black Swan Society 🖤🦢⋆୨୧ ₊˚ discussion

BOTM Discussion > July 24's BOTM

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message 1: by Rim ˖⋆࿐໋, Founder (last edited Aug 01, 2024 03:33AM) (new)

Rim ˖⋆࿐໋ | 59 comments Mod
Hallo Black Swans!

I hope you're having a great night, or day wherever you are in the world!

This month's Light and Dark Academia themed books have finally been uncovered and added to our group bookshelf!
*(The picks have been results of your poll votes!)

For those of you who still haven't had the chance to check them out, the books are:
♡ Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (Light Academia themed)
♡ If We Were Villains by M.L Rio (Dark Academia themed)

Thank you so much for all of you who took the time to vote! For those of you who haven't, no worries! There will always be future monthly Polls (and daily fun ones).

Please comment what you think of this month's picks and what books you think should've won or what you think of the books if you've read them! I'll be happy to read your thoughts (lol).

I hope you all embark on this challenge and read these 2 books and stay tuned for more to come!

Sending you all the love and good vibes,

ζ͜͡ღ Mơơɲρıє | 31 comments Just grabbed them both from kindle unlimited
woot woot!

message 3: by Dev pjo (new)

Dev pjo | 8 comments Omg! So excited

message 4: by Bella (new)

Bella The Bookworm (exams) (bellabuchanan) | 16 comments I love If We Were Villains so much. Definitely one of my favorite books of this year and I highly recommend!

message 5: by MoonChild (last edited Aug 02, 2024 07:22PM) (new)

MoonChild (themoonchild) | 21 comments I already read If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio hopefully that's okay but I'm going to read Little Women

message 6: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 21 comments I haven’t read little women but I really want to!

message 7: by MoonChild (new)

MoonChild (themoonchild) | 21 comments Ellie wrote: "I haven’t read little women but I really want to!" Im exited too

message 8: by Anna (new)

Anna Qualls (annamarie98) | 2 comments Ohhh can’t wait to read If We Were Villains! It’s been on my tbr for a long time!

message 9: by Addison (new)

Addison Michlig | 52 comments Do you know where I can read If We Were Villains because I really want to read it (even voted for it). Is there a platform I can read an ebook of this for free or anything?

message 10: by Savannah (new)

Savannah Help I still can’t find the poll page to vote in these 😭 for some reason it’s not on my app

message 11: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 21 comments Savannah my too 😭😭😭

message 12: by Rim ˖⋆࿐໋, Founder (new)

Rim ˖⋆࿐໋ | 59 comments Mod
Addison wrote: "Do you know where I can read If We Were Villains because I really want to read it (even voted for it). Is there a platform I can read an ebook of this for free or anything?"

Yes! There's a website called 'Oceanofpdf' you can read any book for free. Please gatekeep it so it doesn't get taken down

message 13: by Gracie 💗 (new)

Gracie 💗 (3gracie3) | 14 comments Imma read both!!! 💗

message 14: by MoonChild (new)

MoonChild (themoonchild) | 21 comments Rim ˖⋆࿐໋ wrote: "Addison wrote: "Do you know where I can read If We Were Villains because I really want to read it (even voted for it). Is there a platform I can read an ebook of this for free or anything?"

Yes! T..."

well, I use Libby you can either get the ebook or audiobook version, my local library also has ebooks available.
you need a library card to use Libby so either way try those options.

message 15: by Addison (new)

Addison Michlig | 52 comments @Rim thank you so much for the help and don’t worry I am good at keeping secrets

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