The Black Swan Society 🖤🦢⋆୨୧ ₊˚ discussion

House Common Rooms > Swan House

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message 1: by Augusta (last edited Aug 18, 2024 07:54AM) (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments Swan House: The Leaders

Emblem/Insignia: The Black Swan


Characteristics: Swans uphold the mantle when others go astray. Members of Swan House use their knowledge to guide others. They share their ideas with the world and dedicate their life to learning so they can better lead those in need. Swans exemplify compassion, elegance, and grace. Individuals in Swan House handle challenges with poise and decorum; they are the people others confide in and count on. Swans possess a verdant love of literature, education, and teaching others through these concepts. Swans are the wise, the leaders, the teachers, and the mentors.

description description description

Activities: Swans spend their free time engaging in literary discussions, poetry readings, writing conferences, or any event that engages the mind. Browsing libraries is a favorite pastime, and a voracious love of reading and writing is essential for a member of Swan House. Swans are always looking for more information to enhance their learning and pass on to others, as teaching and enriching the minds of others is a Swan’s greatest desire in life.

description description description

Fashion: Swans love bold colors, namely golds, reds, and purples. Swans are practical, but they strive to make a statement through their manner of dress. Professional, yet expressive, Swan fashion is often the envy of the fashion world.

description description description description

Locations: Members of Swan House love nothing more than a place of learning, of books and scholars, mentors and mentees. Ancient libraries, modern libraries, academic halls . . . anywhere where individuals can spread the love of learning is a place where Swans love to be.

Swan Icons: Miss Stacy (Anne of Green Gables), Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Emma Watson, Professor McGonagall, Jedi Master Yoda, and Lady Galadriel (The Lord of the Rings)

Guardian of Swan House: Athena: Goddess of Wisdom.


message 2: by Ember (new)

Ember | 26 comments Did anyone get this house ?

message 3: by Lilie (new)

Lilie Hong | 3 comments @ember I did!

Kaitlyn 🌙 🦇 (kaitlynathena) Happy to be a part of the Swans 🦢 ❤️

message 5: by brianna♡ (new)

brianna♡ | 3 comments swan here <3

message 6: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 3 comments HI GUYS im here bc i couldnt work the link but im a gryffindor😭 BUT THIS WAS THE HOUSE I WANTED BC I I LOVE SWANS🦢🦢

message 7: by Mohi (new)

Mohi (Warner’s Version) | 1 comments Hello everyone =)

message 8: by kenn✨ (new)

kenn✨ | 1 comments Hey yall!

message 9: by Juniper (new)

Juniper Andromeda | 25 comments always and forever black swan!

message 10: by Diana (new)

Diana Jaques | 12 comments Hi everyone. :)

message 11: by Janay (new)

Janay Johnston (janayisreading) | 6 comments yayyy I'm a Black Swan !!! heyyy yallll

emma ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ | 3 comments hii, i'm new here <3

message 13: by Janay (new)

Janay Johnston (janayisreading) | 6 comments so do we read both books for July or do we as a Black Swan house decide if we are reading the Dark Academia choice or the light academia choice as a sub group?

message 14: by Tahira (new)

Tahira | 2 comments Hi... I signed up today and got swan house

message 15: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments Janay wrote: "so do we read both books for July or do we as a Black Swan house decide if we are reading the Dark Academia choice or the light academia choice as a sub group?"

Hi Janay, you can read any book you want. The BOTM picks are just a way to discuss the same books. Any books you read can contribute to your group's 2024 Reading Race challenge, if you choose to participate :)

message 16: by Kaitlyn &#x1f319; &#x1f987; (last edited Jul 28, 2024 11:02AM) (new)

Kaitlyn &#x1f319; &#x1f987; (kaitlynathena) Hi all,

Submitting some points so we don't have 0. Based on Augusta's update from today (10 points per 100 pages & 1 point per 10 pages): I've read 7869 pages so far from completed books in July so that's 786 points + 680 (10 points for every 100 pages from a single book I've read in July )=

1466 points

Edit: please let me know if we are only supposed to give points for every 10 pages if the book isn't at least 100 pages.

I will be sure to update once I finish more books before the end of July!

Kaitlyn &#x1f319; &#x1f987; (kaitlynathena) Adding more points. Previous balance 1466, new balance 1534.

message 18: by Juniper (last edited Jul 31, 2024 10:59PM) (new)

Juniper Andromeda | 25 comments The Stolen Heir - 49 points (496 pages)
The Prisoner's Throne - 36 points (368 pages)
Caraval - 41 points (416 pages)
House of Flame and Shadow - 84 points (848 pages)
Throne of Glass - 40 points (406 pages)
Heir of Fire - 57 points (576 pages)

For clarification, those are books I have read this month. Which is 876 points. Someone can check, I might be a little off

message 19: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice Moulin (beamou) | 3 comments Hi everyone :)
I did the quiz and it didn't work for me, but after reading through the descriptions of the houses, I think this is the one for me. With that being said, here's what I read for the month:

Faebound - 39 points (397 pgs)
Filthy Rich Fae - 36 points (364 pgs)
The Lightest Object in the Universe - 32 points (325 pgs)
Scarred - 44 points (447 pgs)
The Impossible Girl - 35 points (353 pgs)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - 38 points (389 pgs)
Echoes of Old Books - 43 points (431 pgs)
The Seventh Bride - 23 points (237 pgs)
Beauty and the Beast - 11 points (110 pgs)

Total points = 301 points

Previous house balance (including post above): 1,841

New house total: 2,142

message 20: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice Moulin (beamou) | 3 comments I think Nebula House might've beaten us by like 80 points T_T

message 21: by Jannelies (new)

Jannelies | 3 comments Hi everybody! I think I fit best in this house - I love bold colors and I've been a voracious reader ever since I was six years old.
I'm often too busy to spend lots of time on GR but since I'm retiring by the end of the year, I expect to spend more time here.

message 22: by Splendour (new)

Splendour | 6 comments I did the quiz and turns out i'm here, i actually wanted this house so Thank God i fell in here

message 23: by Elsa (new)

Elsa Daane | 1 comments I’m in the Swan House!!

✧ jasmine (draco’s version) ✧   | 2 comments Hiiiii! Just got sorted here<3

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